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What do you think about "the second parts" of the songs??

Tristan Ludlow

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I think that the songs like reign of love get the quality of the cd down. If the LP triumphs is not because of that kind of songs. From my point of view they should use that melodies to get together and make new songs and don't put everything they get on they album. All in all, I love Viva la Vida..is their best album..

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I really dig chinese sleep chant, but the other two I could do without, especially the escapist. I think reign of love has potential but there are just too many sonic sounds covering the piano and Chris's vocal.

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I really like CSC and the Escapist, but like most people here, Reign Of Love doesn't do much for me. It may be the most Parachutes-sounding song on the album, but really, most if not all of the songs on Parachutes are better than Reign Of Love. Its inoffensive... nothing more, nothing less.

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Chinese Sleep Chant and The Escapist could have been listed as unhidden IMO. They also could have been longer. The Same can be said for DAAHF. I think they missed out by combining DAAHF and The Escapist as each is clearly a different song but with albeit similar meanings. As a combo they are too short to stand on their own and thats a shame. As for Yes and CSC. Yes is perfect on its own. Choosing CSC as a hidden track to follow just seems strange. CSC is soooo different, a wonderful exploration of something new and unique for Coldplay. I would definately like to hear more songs like this and A Spell A Rebel Yell in the future.


Reign of Love is too "childrens lullaby" for me to get into. I know that there are some that like it so its fine that its there. As for me I split the track from LIJ and it is no longer on my MP3 player (a Creative Zen if anyone cares. Me no likey iPod or iTunes). After having listened to the album all the way through dozens of times I honestly can say that I dont like the song and I am not sure why they bothered letting it be on the final cut. I would have rather they fleshed out Postcards From Far Away and put it on the album in place of Reign Of Love as a piano solo...

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i like all of the seconds, but reign of love is definitely my least favorite.


csc is really a brilliant song. i do wish it could have been explored further like someone else said. that being said, its still great the way it is. its probably my favorite of the three.


the escapist has been an up and down affair with me. i love how death and all his friends could be the ending of the album, and then the escapist comes in...which sometimes bothers me, and other times is great. sometimes i like the symmetry of ending the album how it began. other times i just wish daahf could be the end game because it puts a quasi exclamation point on the album. it at least sums it all up. whereas the escapist kind of drifts off into space.


reign of love seems like it could have been a really good b-side, and i like the reference someone made to it being intermission. i think that would make more sense if the album was split that way, with life on one side and death on the other (like the title suggests), but it really all over the place - which works. the song is sweet and soft, but seems like it cant pull its weight next to the new sound. its good, but its not great.

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I'm not into Reign of Love, and it sucks because I always skip it and when I look at my iTunes library, it says that I've only played Lovers in Japan one full time, which isn't true.

I LOOOOOVE The Escapist though, CSC will take some getting used to though. But I agree that Reign of Love brings the album down a little bit.

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The escapist is AWFUL. it's just John Hopkins' piece of music with chris' lyrics over the top

there is nothing msically talented about it.


CSC is good, it reminds me of "one I love" alot.


and RoL is brilliant,

at first I hated it and I couldn't listen to it,

but it came on yesterday and I suddenly realised that it's so much like the pogues fairytale of new york and I just love it now.

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Reign of Love is never going to pull any trees up but it's necessary in the context of the album because Lovers into Yes is just a ridiculous change otherwise.


I think The Escapist rounds the album off perfectly. It brings the sound down and compliments DAAHF well.


CSC is not my favourite on the album but I still always play it.

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