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Oooh goodie!

I was waiting to see if the entire thing would leak; I wouldn't have wanted to hear just a couple of songs. I'm excited to get home and download it. Have you listened yet? What do you think of it?


Haven't got it, I only heard it leaked :\



Well it did take a lot of time to leak, I think it was released today in Japan and will be in some EU countries tomorrow.


Got my light blue signed 7" of Bigger Than Us today, the colour is beautiful :heart:


Oh, so it didn't actually leak :blank:

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what did you think?


because i think as a whole album it isnt too shabby.

'Street Lights' is my favorite song so far I'd say, but I like 'Strangers' as well!

I have yet to listen. I just got home from school a little bit ago, and I'm downloading it now. I'll tell you what I think asap :)


EDIT: I can't seem to find a working download :\

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thanks for the link im just downloading it:hug:




Thanks! I'll listen as soon as I get home :D


No worries.


I just listened to it through for the first time. It sounds a lot like To Lose My Life. It's like they haven't made a progress in their sounds at all, and I'm pretty sure most critics are going to view it this way as well. In saying that, it is an enjoyable listen, as good as their first.

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I downoaded the link and it said that archive was somethingthatidontremember and I didn't bother to re-download it, I think I am just gonna wait until it's out here :D

I've pre-ordered it too and am greatly looking forward to getting :wacko:

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I've seen many reviews in magazines gave them high votes, or at least no bad :uhoh:


I'm really liking it, and to me if a band doesn't completely change from album to album doesn't mean they suck.


You know what, I like it, to me it's different from To Lose My Life but still in White Lies' style, and it's all that matters to me :nice:

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It's been totally hammered in the reviews, and most people I've spoken to haven't had many kind things to say about this album at all.


Which makes me feel bad I guess because I view this is a massive improvement over their debut.


I hate how it's been ripped apart by reviewers.


they say it lacks dept, the songs are simple and the lyrics are stupid (more or less)


I feel each track is solid, has great lyrics and the sound is an extension of the dark feeling White Lies evokes in their music.


It's a good album. Is Love is a steady opener and everything else flows perfectly. I was getting sick of Bigger Than Us by itself, but it fits in and the album flows.


It's good. People have to see them not as Joy Division, Interpol or Editors wannabe's, but their own entity or post-punk revival

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I've seen many reviews in magazines gave them high votes, or at least no bad :uhoh:

must depend on the magazine. Under the Radar gave it 3/10. No doubt Pitchfork will tear it to shreds if they bother to review it. (coming from someone who hasn't heard it yet [wasn't crazy about the first album, though I like Death])

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I'm listening to it right now. It doesn't sound at all different from To Lose My Life, which is disappointing. I like TLML a lot, but I would think that they wouldn't just make a second album like it with more of the same. It sounds good, it just doesn't blow me away. See, when their debut album came out I was impressed by their sound because it was new. But it's no longer impressive when they continue the same sound. Basically what I'm trying to say in too many words is that it's just average to me.

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It's been totally hammered in the reviews, and most people I've spoken to haven't had many kind things to say about this album at all.

Like I said earlier in the thread, they are the sort of band that opens them up for this sort of criticism because of the way they base their sound as a band. It doesn't sound like they have tried to outstep their boundaries at all.

I'm really liking it, and to me if a band doesn't completely change from album to album doesn't mean they suck.

True, it doesn't mean it sucks, it just means it's not a critical success, and that's what fans need to realise. Critics don't think like fans, they think about innovation, improvement in sound, how it compares to previous releases and other releases at the time. On this basis, Ritual doesn't have a lot going for it.

This years Cogratulations?

Not quite. I like to allot these albums into certain categories:


Firstly you have an album that does really well on its debut, and then improves, widens and/or changes their sound to create another critically successful and good album. Examples would be Funeral to Neon Bible, or more recently, Vampire Weekend to Contra.


Secondly you have an album that does really well on its debut, and then completely changes their sound to something that was quite unlike what they started with, overwelming critics and is usually cast off as a terrible album. Example would be Oracular Spectacular to Congratulations.


Thirdly you have an album that does well, or average on its debut and then fails to make a noticeable change or improvement in sound, themes, etc and is classed as *debut album* 2.0. In this category you would find To Lose My Life to Ritual and How to Save A Life to The Fray.


There is also a fourth category where a well known artist or one that has been creating average quality music releases a breakthrough that reaches critical acclaim. These are the albums that usually top the end of year lists but music critcs, recent example including My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and Teen Dream.

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Not quite. I like to allot these albums into certain categories:


Firstly you have an album that does really well on its debut, and then improves, widens and/or changes their sound to create another critically successful and good album. Examples would be Funeral to Neon Bible, or more recently, Vampire Weekend to Contra.


Secondly you have an album that does really well on its debut, and then completely changes their sound to something that was quite unlike what they started with, overwelming critics and is usually cast off as a terrible album. Example would be Oracular Spectacular to Congratulations.


Thirdly you have an album that does well, or average on its debut and then fails to make a noticeable change or improvement in sound, themes, etc and is classed as *debut album* 2.0. In this category you would find To Lose My Life to Ritual and How to Save A Life to The Fray.


There is also a fourth category where a well known artist or one that has been creating average quality music releases a breakthrough that reaches critical acclaim. These are the albums that usually top the end of year lists but music critcs, recent example including My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and Teen Dream.


I totally agree with this, How to Save a Life sounds just like The Fray, but I don't know If I like this...I like all the songs on both albums, but I guess I would like some sort of change. I haven't yet heard Ritual- I am downloading it now.

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