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19-Sep-2009: Wembley Stadium, London - Tickets, Previews, Meetups, Reviews/Photos


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i think we could make the waiting list idea work somehow, but we'd have to make it fair to all the other, non-coldplayers waiting in line. as much as i wish we could, we can't just let every coldplayer cut everyone else in the line :\. all the other people in line would riot and kill us if we just let 70 people cut to the front :P


You're totally right... but it was an utopic good idea :rolleyes:

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Hum good idea! Like in school, we could have a coldplayer appeal (I don't know if it's the right word XD) every hour...

As I was saying elsewhere, I couldn't be there on friday because work+travel at night but I hope, If I find an hotel nearby AND manage to convince my sister's friend who's coming with me, to be there around 8 AM.


Yep! :smug2: When I was Coldplay gig in Stockholm, there was waitinglist and it worked REALLY good.


I'm going there on friday so early as possible, if someone else is going quite same time as me. I don't want to line up alone.

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i think we could make the waiting list idea work somehow, but we'd have to make it fair to all the other, non-coldplayers waiting in line. as much as i wish we could, we can't just let every coldplayer cut everyone else in the line :\. all the other people in line would riot and kill us if we just let 70 people cut to the front :P


You're right, and of course we do that. :nice: When I was in Stockholm, I wasn't coldplayer yet, but the list was fair to all. And that's how it should be. :)


When we have waitinglist, coldplayers from farther line can come to the front hang out with other coldplayers. Because everyone have a number, there wouldn't be any mess-ups. :nice:


(sorry bad english, try to understand :laugh3:)

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Yes, everyone have an equal opportunity to sign up for the waitinglist. You write your name to the list as you came to line. But of course coldplayers in the line write also coldplayers name, who we are promised to keep place to.


It would be so awesome, if we coldplayers could fill up the first row. But I don't know if it'll happen. :\ then we could make these glow bracelets and yellow shirts things happen. :P


We have to plan this before the gig, so it'll work. But we have plenty of time. :D

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Guys, I've got a big problem here..

It looks like we'll have to be at home come saturday 19th - in my case that means flying home on that saturday and not being able to see them..

Do you think I could exchange tickets for friday's event? What do you think my chances are? I would love to go friday, but I won't have enough money for a second event as well, so an 'exchange' is my only option. Ahh, hope this ends well..:stunned::)

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Yes, everyone have an equal opportunity to sign up for the waitinglist. You write your name to the list as you came to line. But of course coldplayers in the line write also coldplayers name, who we are promised to keep place to.


It would be so awesome, if we coldplayers could fill up the first row. But I don't know if it'll happen. :\ then we could make these glow bracelets and yellow shirts things happen. :P


We have to plan this before the gig, so it'll work. But we have plenty of time. :D


Pu my name down! I'm up for the waiting list idea, if I still go on Saturday, I'm thinking of buying tickets for Friday instead now & perhaps selling my Saturday tickets. Better still - I might go to both!!! :laugh3: That would be awesome!

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To all the people who bought the ticket through ticketline and live outside of the UK.


We wrote to their customers service to be sure they were really sending the tickets to Italy and they said they do, the only problem is that any shipment outside the UK is uninsured, therefore if the envelope with the tickets is lost they are not giving refunds and they are not substituting the tickets..the only way to be sure to have your ticket would be to change the delivery address to someone living in the UK.


I don't know if you want to write to their customer service (must say they're really quick with the answer), but keep this in mind, and the tickets will be sent one week before the show at the latest

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To all the people who bought the ticket through ticketline and live outside of the UK.


We wrote to their customers service to be sure they were really sending the tickets to Italy and they said they do, the only problem is that any shipment outside the UK is uninsured, therefore if the envelope with the tickets is lost they are not giving refunds and they are not substituting the tickets..the only way to be sure to have your ticket would be to change the delivery address to someone living in the UK.


I don't know if you want to write to their customer service (must say they're really quick with the answer), but keep this in mind, and the tickets will be sent one week before the show at the latest



I have ordered tickets from them several times by now and everything went well.


Don´t panic.

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To all the people who bought the ticket through ticketline and live outside of the UK.

...the only problem is that any shipment outside the UK is uninsured, therefore if the envelope with the tickets is lost they are not giving refunds and they are not substituting the tickets..the only way to be sure to have your ticket would be to change the delivery address to someone living in the UK.


The person who ordered my tickets said that he got my tickets ordered insured (which costs a little extra) so I should be fine. :)

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Tikcketlist don't do insured deliveries outside the UK, I asked them, otherwise it wouldn't have cost only 4.95£, maybe the person who bought the ticket for you didn't buy it through them :)


I have ordered tickets from them several times by now and everything went well.


Don´t panic.

I don't want to panic people but I just wanted to let them know how things are working with ticketlist, if people are unsured what to do I suggest to write the customer service, they seem to be pretty quick and nice with their answers :)

I opted to change the delivery address because I don't trust either the royal mail or the italian mail too much..since these tickets are so important I want to be sure to have them :P

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To all the people who bought the ticket through ticketline and live outside of the UK.


We wrote to their customers service to be sure they were really sending the tickets to Italy and they said they do, the only problem is that any shipment outside the UK is uninsured, therefore if the envelope with the tickets is lost they are not giving refunds and they are not substituting the tickets..the only way to be sure to have your ticket would be to change the delivery address to someone living in the UK.


I don't know if you want to write to their customer service (must say they're really quick with the answer), but keep this in mind, and the tickets will be sent one week before the show at the latest


if i didn't have a UK buddy, this would really worry me :sweatdrop:.


i kinda worry for everyone else though, that the tickets are delivered in time. i can't believe they wait so long to print tickets...at least on the US version of ticketmaster, you get mailed the tickets a few weeks after you order them, regardless of when the show is, so if you lose them, ticketmaster's not reliale :lol:. i would think it would be much easier for them to just set a computer to print them now and mail them now rather than create all that trouble for themselves in august and september when people call and email in :thinking:

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To all the people who bought the ticket through ticketline and live outside of the UK.


We wrote to their customers service to be sure they were really sending the tickets to Italy and they said they do, the only problem is that any shipment outside the UK is uninsured, therefore if the envelope with the tickets is lost they are not giving refunds and they are not substituting the tickets..the only way to be sure to have your ticket would be to change the delivery address to someone living in the UK.


I don't know if you want to write to their customer service (must say they're really quick with the answer), but keep this in mind, and the tickets will be sent one week before the show at the latest


This REALLY worries me... :uhoh2: I don't have anyone in UK, whose address I could give. That would be the end of the world, if my ticket disappeared!! :bigcry:

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i can't believe they wait so long to print tickets...at least on the US version of ticketmaster, you get mailed the tickets a few weeks after you order them, regardless of when the show is

Uk system is weird...Oo In France, they send the ticket when they get the money! For exemple: I bought in june my tickets for Coldplay for Bercy (which was on september) at ticketnet.fr and I received it 4 days after booking...

UK is strange... :inquisitive:

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Anyone else outside of UK order from ticketline before?? when did you receive your tickets??? I'm not so nervous about getting lost (but that IS a possibility :uhoh:), I'm more worried about them being shipped so close to the date of the show, that I'd already have left for London by the time they get to my house!!!!:stunned::wreck:

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several coldplayers are selling or will be selling in the next few months, almost definitely at face value, so if you really want to go, i bet you'll be able to make it :D



and if you guys knew how much most big-act concert tickets cost in america on average, i think you'd think 45 pounds (in that general area) was a pretty good price :lol:

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