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Hello All,


I was wondering what everyone thought the setlist/stage/show might consist of for the upcoming outdoor USA tour.


Do you think it will be exactly the same as the 2008 tour? It is still technically the VIVA LA VIDA tour. I REALLY hope they change the setlist and the show up. They have almost 2 months off before starting on march 15th, so hopefully they have some tricks up thier sleeves...


what does everyone think?

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I hope they get rid of the GPASUYF and Talk remix. I mean it was cool and all but, I'd rather see the original performances. Theyre so much better than the remix.



But yeah, I'm not sure. Thats a good question, I was wondering the same thing. There are a lot of concerts this time around that are outside so I'm not sure how they would be able to do the confetti for Lovers In Japan, maybe they'll mix some things up..

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I hope they get rid of the GPASUYF and Talk remix. I mean it was cool and all but, I'd rather see the original performances. Theyre so much better than the remix.



But yeah, I'm not sure. Thats a good question, I was wondering the same thing. There are a lot of concerts this time around that are outside so I'm not sure how they would be able to do the confetti for Lovers In Japan, maybe they'll mix some things up..


Me too bring back the old school versions of Talk and GPASUYF.

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i saw them in novemeber in atlanta and will be back in may. if they play the same setlist i might swear off seeing them again. i mean, mix it up! i saw they played 4 nights in syndney and didn't change anything. how fun is that for the fans that see you all nights? do something different! especially with 8 months in between. it's no fun to know what they are going to play before they even do it.

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Most likely they'll play (Not a specific order, but grouped by album):





In My Place

GPASUYF (non-remix)

The Scientist


Square One

Fix You (maybe)

Viva La Vida

Life in Technicolor ii




Lovers in Japan

Violet Hill

Death and All his Friends

Strawberry Swing

Glass of Water (maybe)

Rainy Day (maybe)

Prospekt's March (maybe no)

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Most likely they'll play:





In My Place

GPASUYF (non-remix)

The Scientist


Square One

Fix You (maybe)

Viva La Vida

Life in Technicolor ii




Lovers in Japan

Violet Hill

Death and All his Friends

Strawberry Swing

Glass of Water (maybe)

Rainy Day (maybe)

Prospekt's March (maybe no)


that's very different from my last show, yeah! fix you better be played. i only wish more x&y would be played, white shadows or swallowed in the sea...

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Honestly, it's still too far off to predict, and we can probably predict a few changes within the tour leg itself, but they'll probably keep a lot of the same stuff. I do agree that I'd like the techno mixes ditched. Granted, they'd have to come up with something else cool for the B-stage. :\


And with all due respect, I seriously hope Speed of Sound is moved back to the standard part of the show. Green Eyes works great on the acoustic set, but I feel Speed of Sound is meant to be played in its original sexy form. Even if it means dumping something like Cemeteries (which I feel is a great song, but unremarkable live).

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Most likely they'll play:





In My Place

GPASUYF (non-remix)

The Scientist


Square One

Fix You (maybe)

Viva La Vida

Life in Technicolor ii




Lovers in Japan

Violet Hill

Death and All his Friends

Strawberry Swing

Glass of Water (maybe)

Rainy Day (maybe)

Prospekt's March (maybe no)


In that specific order? :thinking:


Hooray for Shiver, Glass of Water, and the non-remixes of Talk and GPASUYF! :D

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that's very different from my last show, yeah! fix you better be played. i only wish more x&y would be played, white shadows or swallowed in the sea...


Well so far on the Tour they haven't been playing much X&Y but Talk has become more frequent.


Honestly, it's still too far off to predict, and we can probably predict a few changes within the tour leg itself, but they'll probably keep a lot of the same stuff. I do agree that I'd like the techno mixes ditched. Granted, they'd have to come up with something else cool for the B-stage. :\


And with all due respect, I seriously hope Speed of Sound is moved back to the standard part of the show. Green Eyes works great on the acoustic set, but I feel Speed of Sound is meant to be played in its original sexy form. Even if it means dumping something like Cemeteries (which I feel is a great song, but unremarkable live).


Well this IS my BEST prediction, I doubt any lesser songs being played, but i hope that they play Speed of Sound in the US. We've not heard it in concert for about 3 years NOW!! :angry::angry:


awww i loved the remixes of talk and GPASUYF! but i also adore the original Talk...its just epic......but i think it was cool that they were keeping things fresh and mixing things up a bit for the Viva tour.....:D:D:D


Sometimes remixes are a drag. But Epic songs are Epic.

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Most likely THIS They might be playing because they have been playing this set list a lot recently:

Life In Technicolor

Violet Hill


In My Place


Cemeteries Of London

Glass Of Water


Fix You

Strawberry Swing

God Put A Smile Upon Your Face (Partial Techno Remix)

Talk (Partial Techno Remix)

The Hardest Part (Chris Solo Piano)

Postcards From Far Away (Chris Solo Piano)

Viva La Vida


Green Eyes (Acoustic)

I'm A Believer (Neil Diamond Cover - Acoustic)

Death Will Never Conquer (Acoustic, sung by Will)

Viva La Vida (remix interlude)


Lovers In Japan

Death And All His Friends


The Scientist

Life In Technicolor ii

The Escapist (Outro)



This set list they've been playing recently A LOT looks like it might be incorporated into the US Tour. Some things might be taken out and replaced. We'll have to wait and see.

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i actually really like the talk remix too


I love it!


I thought it was great! I love the original too, but this was cool and a nice mix up


am i the only one here who REALLY likes the remix of gpasuyf?


i LOVE the drumbeat at the chorus, it's awesome!! :D



I mean I love the Remix too, but you can watch them perform those songs remix style 4 days in a row, and I don't think that much can change, I mean what can change?


If they played Talk the original way, chris will dance and do different dances, add some lyrics and shout certain things. More exciting, not to mention the amazing lights and solo...



We'll have to see once we get our tickets. When I got my tickets in October they said "VIVA LA VIDA TOUR" on them... But I think if they didn't do the remixes its still possible it would be called the Viva la Vida tour?


Blah blah blah blah. Ok i'm done guys.

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it would be great if they mixed it up a bit, of course would love to hear amsterdam, see you soon, warning sign, moses, one i love, shiver, but i know they stick to the plan and takes alot to change the props, lighting, etc. etc

but i will love whatever they play , we are truly lucky to get to see them.

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