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LOLdplay: I Can Haz Cake?

Strawberry Rain

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:lol: His bandmates might just agree with this one!


Wow, Row, your Dad and my Mom would get a long great,lol. Classical, Church music and a bit of Country for me. I had to sneak my music at my Grandparents' place on their turntable. And she also teaches piano and voice!


She still doesn't listen to MY stuff since it's got drums on it. *GASP*


Wow... yeah they would.. LOL.. well drums are the work of the devil, as you know.. LOL :laugh3:

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Yes, I stole it from you. Sue me. :P






Yes Jonny?






Impure thoughts. Impure thoughts. Impure thoughts. :wideeyed:


Forgive me Father for I have sinned... :sick:



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She used to like to remind me that there weren't drums in the Bible. Erm...nor was there electricity, women's rights, or PIPE ORGANS. :lol:


LOL... true.. My Dad isn't actually religious, unless it's to do with music...I remember my brother and I trying to watch Top Of The Pops, and being made to feel like we were watching something alien and dreadful.. (although to be fair, it was the 70's and he was possibly right on occasions! LOL).


Still moving on.. I'm open minded about all music.... and for the reasons outlined above, I do try VERY hard not to inflict my own opinions on my son.. fortunately he's already seen the light and loves Coldplay! LOL.. but I don't begrudge or judge him with his love of LMFAO either.. :dozey: :laugh3:

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Yes, I stole it from you. Sue me. :P






Yes Jonny?






Impure thoughts. Impure thoughts. Impure thoughts. :wideeyed:


Forgive me Father for I have sinned... :sick:





Row: If I had an LMFAO-loving kid, I'd leave them to it too. But I'd be playing other good music around them. You can't force-feed it, but sometimes they catch on!:D

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^^ Wish I had a family like that. My parents lived their adolescence when Pink Floyd rocked the world, they witnessed the entire Beatles phenomenon... But didn't care at all, they only listened to Italian music, which was (mostly) crap and still is. :blank:

So I grew up without knowing who all these people were, having to build my own music culture by myself, and I've still got a lot to listen to :nod: And it all started with Coldplay :heart:




:lol: :nod:


My parents have a big collection of Pink Floyd, Led zeppelin, Santana, Genesis, Blood Sweet and Tears'...etc...vinyls and now they are all mine :D It's true mostly of Italian music is crap but we also have true artists like De Andrè, Guccini, Vecchioni...and well...I just love Max Pezzali :laugh3: all the '90 born love 883!




U talkin 2 me? U talkin 2 me? :wacko:





Yeah, I'm talkin 2 u. :mellow:




~Schizophrenic Chrissy~





MUST ... STOP ... WATCHING ... THIS .... GIF :stunned::stunned::stunned:



Me too :lipsrsealed2:

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Man. I'm so glad my parents weren't all "secular music is bad"! Matter of fact, judging by some people's parents here, my dad would've been seen as falling prey to "devil influences", 'cause he listened to so much hard rock/metal stuff as a teen (Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Cream, etc., etc.).


He also had long hair, which bugged his mom to no end-she told him once to cut it for some church thing they were going to, and my dad responded with, "Yeah, 'cause I'm sure the church wouldn't want to associate with anyone who had long hair, right?" :lol:.


Hahaha! good answer!


I'm just sayin'. The man has other options :D.




U talkin 2 me? U talkin 2 me? :wacko:





Yeah, I'm talkin 2 u. :mellow:




~Schizophrenic Chrissy~


Well, this is just beyond cute :laugh3:.


And yes, that gif is hypnotizing...:stunned:.

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Man. I'm so glad my parents weren't all "secular music is bad"! Matter of fact, judging by some people's parents here, my dad would've been seen as falling prey to "devil influences", 'cause he listened to so much hard rock/metal stuff as a teen (Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Cream, etc., etc.).


He also had long hair, which bugged his mom to no end-she told him once to cut it for some church thing they were going to, and my dad responded with, "Yeah, 'cause I'm sure the church wouldn't want to associate with anyone who had long hair, right?" :lol:.



I'm just sayin'. The man has other options :D



Well, this is just beyond cute :laugh3:.


And yes, that gif is hypnotizing...:stunned:.


Yes hypnotising... that's the word.. .. yeah.. sure...:thinking::laugh3:


My hubby had long hair when I met him, Angela, and he wrote me a list of all the bands he'd seen live once...and most of them are on your list.. LOL.. Music brought us together.. I still remember his reaction when I told him about when I'd seen Jimmy Page live, it was probably my best chat up line.. haha.. :laugh3: I think we'd probably have had lots to talk to your Dad about too..

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Yes hypnotising... that's the word.. .. yeah.. sure...:thinking::laugh3:


That's about the most innocent comment I could make about it :angel: :lol:.


My hubby had long hair when I met him, Angela, and he wrote me a list of all the bands he'd seen live once...and most of them are on your list.. LOL.. Music brought us together.. I still remember his reaction when I told him about when I'd seen Jimmy Page live, it was probably my best chat up line.. haha.. :laugh3: I think we'd probably have had lots to talk to your Dad about too..


Nice! Yeah, that would certainly turn many a guy's head to start chatting about an artist like that (heck, I think it's incredibly cool you saw him live). Your husband has good taste, as do you-you guys definitely would've gotten along famously with my dad :).

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:jonny:: Ergh...Guy? Is it safe to breathe yet?

:guy:: No, not really, Jon. Not really. :uhoh:

:chris:: What?? What? All you heard was me playing...uh...my invisible harmonica. Yeah, that's it. Harmonica!

:will:: Didn't someone say something a while back about no more beans backstage? :cry:

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Schizophrenia is not funny kids. :no: Saw a schizophrenic patient today. The "give us the Precious" type.

Also a doomsday predicting, talks to the TV, talking about the God particle, Sheldonian type of guy. :nod:

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:jonny:: Ergh...Guy? Is it safe to breathe yet?

:guy:: No, not really, Jon. Not really. :uhoh:

:chris:: What?? What? All you heard was me playing...uh...my invisible harmonica. Yeah, that's it. Harmonica!

:will:: Didn't someone say something a while back about no more beans backstage? :cry:


:lol: does look as someone dropped a bomb. :laugh4:

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^ :laugh3:


Well, hey, that's just as impressive, that you search that stuff out on your own! Good for you :). And your favorite bands can be an excellent means of educating you-that's why I always love it when I hear Coldplay, or any other band I like, talk about their musical influences, or what they're listening to now, or whatever, because I'm interested to hear that music they list as a result-if it influences my favorite bands logic follows that the chances are good I'll like it, then :D. And usually that turns out to be the case.


My dad worked as a radio DJ for a good portion of his life. So he kinda HAD to be up on what's what out there for his job :lol:. But even before then, he just always loved music and collected albums like mad when he was a kid/teenager. And my mom did that as well, plus I have memories of being a little kid and sitting with her on nights my dad worked and watching MTV together (this was back in the '80s, when they still played music), and my dad made mix tapes that we used to play on trips and stuff, and there was all sorts of oldies music on there, and my dad would play records around the house on Saturday nights...I have good musical memories from my childhood :).


You're right, I also like it when they talk about what music they're interested in... Anyway, there are so many bands and singers I may try to listen to that I'd need another entire life for it! :P

Wow you really have an awesome dad :awesome:


:lol: His bandmates might just agree with this one!


Wow, Row, your Dad and my Mom would get a long great,lol. Classical, Church music and a bit of Country for me. I had to sneak my music at my Grandparents' place on their turntable. And she also teaches piano and voice!


She still doesn't listen to MY stuff since it's got drums on it. *GASP*



My parents have a big collection of Pink Floyd, Led zeppelin, Santana, Genesis, Blood Sweet and Tears'...etc...vinyls and now they are all mine :D It's true mostly of Italian music is crap but we also have true artists like De Andrè, Guccini, Vecchioni...and well...I just love Max Pezzali :laugh3: all the '90 born love 883!


Sure! I remember when I listened to them with my brother in the car :awesome:

I prefered 883 to him alone, though... Sometimes it seems to me he gets a bit... How can I say... Predictable :P Because I think his latest songs would fitted the 90s better, I mean in terms of music, the lyrics are good :nice:

And of course there are De Andrè, Guccini and Vecchioni luckily, but if we look at the present time... I can't see anyone :no: Maybe a bit Negramaro or Jovanotti, but... They all lack something :confused:

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:will:: (with Italian accent) I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse: Make with the cake or my boys are gonna start break heads. Capiche?

:guy:: Let me at 'em! Badda bing, badda boom!

:chris:: (menacing) When Jonny-boy gets hungry, he also gets REAL mean... ;)

:jonny: : It's always us quiet ones that you'd never suspect. Now GIVE US THE CAKE!

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