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Coldplay End of Decade Clearout Sale (catalogue discussion pg43 onwards, winning item pics pg151 onw


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He doesn't write on this board but there's a guy who wrote on coldplayzone's board saying he won Guy's Lovers in Japan bass :D


And there might be a chance that also Shiver's bass was won by an Italian fan, at least looking at the question in the item's page :)

Since I couldn't afford any of them I'm happy they're the closest I can get to them :P

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Congratulations to the many super-lucky Coldplayers who managed to bag items! It's a shame that no Coldplayers bagged the BIN items, but I'm glad that many of the items actually went to actual fans instead of sleazebags planning on hoarding it for resale.

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Wow nice, thanks for the update Denise ! :nice:


Sorry - typing from my phone earlier, hands shaking & about to explode -- totally forgot to tell you which jacket I won.


I purchased a smokin' hot jacket from a Guy today. Err, I mean a nice looking jacket from a smoking Guy who also happens to be handsome. Really trying not to objectify at the moment...


Must remind myself the real reasons I had to have this particular jacket:


* A chance to donate to charity


* Legally touch/put on a piece of clothing worn by one of the members of Coldplay without being thrown in jail for stalking


* Unmistakable provenance. No confusing who wore this jacket because it resembles nothing like those worn by Chris, Jonny & Will


* Fashion forward with the lined bib piece and beading at the neckline yet authentic (in a retro way) to revolutionary military fashion (Major art history dork that studied the fashion and other textiles through paintings)


* Nice use of lavendar throughout (my favorite color) and one that looks good on brunettes; a trait that I just so happen to share in common with the jacket's current owner


* The other "military" jackets I own do not resemble this particular one so it wouldn't be like I was buying something I already had in my closet...


Yeah, I'm stretching it a bit here.


Who am I kidding -- it's a one of a kind designed by a not so bad looking Guy.



PS: Heard back from the Ebay seller today & was directed to the following site to make a donation in the amount of the items: http://www.justgiving.com/EVENINGSTANDARDAUCTION

Really glad you got it, can't wait to see it after the LA tour! Congrats :nice:


Hello everyone,


I've been a lurker here for some time and thought I would finally contribute a post... I published an update about the sale on my blog last night, which includes a list of the auction results (in case anyone was still looking - can also send in Excel format if anyone wants it):


I'm absolutely thrilled to have won something yesterday - I can't believe it.


One of my dreams has always been to someday find an instrument owned and used by one of my favorite bands (Coldplay is at the top of my list). So the fact that all of this has come directly from Coldplay and that the proceeds go to a very worthy charity is awesome. There were so many great things in this auction it was really unbelievable. I can't tell you how many times I went through the catalog, and continue to do so.


The really funny thing is, when I was watching their 60 Minutes interview earlier this year, I was thinking to myself that they could put together a stellar charity auction - and then it came out of left field (for me anyway) just a few weeks ago. But even still, I didn't imagine that they'd be willing to donate such important pieces. They are such a great group of individuals.


What an incredible way to end the decade and kick off the new one.


I was lucky enough to win Jonny's "Viva" guitar. I still can't believe it. When I first saw the catalog, I was shocked that it was being made available at all. I'm such a huge fan of the band and particularly Jonny's work and live performances.


I am going to be putting together a website with whatever historical photos and video of the guitar that I can find as a tribute to what is, to me, a very important and iconic piece of Coldplay history. So I'll be sure to let everyone know once I've put that together. I'd also like to include a section about the pieces that other fans have won from the auction.


In any event, I could not be more pleased and thrilled. I've enjoyed keeping tabs on this topic and reading about so many other fans having been able to participate in the auction.


If anyone has any information, photos, or video about the guitar that might be useful for the website I'm planning to put together, please e-mail me at [email protected].


Happy New Year's!


Jason DeBord

Wow congrats on getting this beautiful guitar! Looking forward to seeing your site :nice:


I didn't imagine that fans will get that much items! Congrats everyone !

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Afeather - I still haven't heard anything from them today. Did they mention what to do if the total is over the PayPal limit?




My initial email to the seller said that even my first purchase was flagged and that was for less than $10k so I knew that when I won my 2nd item (I was feeling confident at that point) that it would around the same amount, so either sent alone or combined, it would 99.9% not go through.


This is the exact email I got back (excuse any formatting issues, I'm doing this all from my phone)



Dear afeather,


Apologies you are having trouble with PayPal. An alternative method of transfer is to donate the value of your winning bid on the Kids Company charity justgiving page as per the link below




- coldplaykidscoauction


I wrote NumbersGirl a message about this last night-- I explored this alternate further and your two options are to pay by Credit Card or by... PayPal. As I wrote to NumbersGirl, I checked out Kid & Co website and they do have the ability to accept bank drafts online via a secure connection; but, this page doesn't allow you to type notes (e.g. This is a gift, payment for lot 26, etc) which without proper organization, could royally screw with their accounting. I got an away MSG from the person I contacted (Dr of Development), returning Monday, so I'll wait until then. If and when I get a reply back from her, I'll copy & paste here.

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Hello everyone,


I've been a lurker here for some time and thought I would finally contribute a post... I published an update about the sale on my blog last night, which includes a list of the auction results (in case anyone was still looking - can also send in Excel format if anyone wants it):


I'm absolutely thrilled to have won something yesterday - I can't believe it.


One of my dreams has always been to someday find an instrument owned and used by one of my favorite bands (Coldplay is at the top of my list). So the fact that all of this has come directly from Coldplay and that the proceeds go to a very worthy charity is awesome. There were so many great things in this auction it was really unbelievable. I can't tell you how many times I went through the catalog, and continue to do so.


The really funny thing is, when I was watching their 60 Minutes interview earlier this year, I was thinking to myself that they could put together a stellar charity auction - and then it came out of left field (for me anyway) just a few weeks ago. But even still, I didn't imagine that they'd be willing to donate such important pieces. They are such a great group of individuals.


What an incredible way to end the decade and kick off the new one.


I was lucky enough to win Jonny's "Viva" guitar. I still can't believe it. When I first saw the catalog, I was shocked that it was being made available at all. I'm such a huge fan of the band and particularly Jonny's work and live performances.


I am going to be putting together a website with whatever historical photos and video of the guitar that I can find as a tribute to what is, to me, a very important and iconic piece of Coldplay history. So I'll be sure to let everyone know once I've put that together. I'd also like to include a section about the pieces that other fans have won from the auction.


In any event, I could not be more pleased and thrilled. I've enjoyed keeping tabs on this topic and reading about so many other fans having been able to participate in the auction.


If anyone has any information, photos, or video about the guitar that might be useful for the website I'm planning to put together, please e-mail me at [email protected].


Happy New Year's!


Jason DeBord

Congratulations! :D I'm looking forward to see your website about the guitar :)

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I was lucky enough to win Guy's Blue Rickenbacker Bass Guitar. Have since become a member here. Just hoping that if anyone has any photo's of Guy playing it (other than in the Shiver video) would they be kind enough to email me a copy @ [email protected]

It would mean a lot to me. Many thanks

So the italian guy/girl didn't win it in the end :disappointed:

Oh well, happy for you, I don't seem to remember him using it anywhere else apart from the Shiver video but if I stumble on any pic I will e-mail it to you :nice:

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Let me do a little survey here. Obviously, people have had issues with trying to pay, getting contacted, etc.


Has ANYONE here actually been able to pay yet?

I paid using paypal but haven't been contacted by the seller. My paypal went straight through without any problems as far as I can tell.
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lo&loud[/color] - £5,800

Lot 6 - Parachutes Globe - NumbersGirl - £8,100

Lot 8 - Chris' Yamaha CP70 - christopher Martin - £4,000

Lot 9 - Fender Rhodes piano - lo&loud - £2,505

Lot 13 - Shiver Lith - DriftedFar^ - £670

Lot 15 - Don't Panic Lith #1 - Pallavi - £650

Lot 17 - Jonny's Fender Thinline Telecaster - Texasluvsjonny - £3,500

Lot 23 - Jonny's AROBTTH poster - Sirhc - £820

Lot 27 - Yellow Lith #1 - DriftedFar^ - £1,021.83

Lot 31 - Chris' Gibson J200 KC1 "Til Kingdom Come" - Afeather - £5,100

Lot 32 - Chris' Gibson J200 M1 "A Message" - bonedaddy - £5,650

Lot 38 - Will's Drum from "Talk" video - lo&loud - £1,850

Lot 39 - Jonny's Viva Guitar - Jason-DeBord - £15,000

Lot 45 - Autoharp - silver.lining42 - £3,600

Lot 46 - Guy's Viva Jacket - Afeather - £4,800

Lot 52 - Strawberry Swing Outfit - lo&loud - £6,100


So... , the total bids for Coldplayers (at least for those who have mentioned their wins on this thread) is over £65,000. That's over 25% of the total amount raised in the auction! Way to go, Coldplayers!


And that's not to say we were the only fans who won... I'm sure there were plenty of other fans that won, but they just aren't "official" members on coldplaying.com.


If any of the information here is incorrect (or if I just plain missed anything), let me know and I can edit the post.


Happy New Year everyone!


Congratulations to the Coldplayers who are now owners of original Coldplay items :dance: Plus you helped an association with the money you spend, so there are two good things for you :dance:


And, yes, the non-Coldplayers who are Coldplay fans and who won something, congratulations to them too :dance:

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Let me do a little survey here. Obviously, people have had issues with trying to pay, getting contacted, etc.


Has ANYONE here actually been able to pay yet?


Well, when I arrived at work this morning there was an e-mail from the seller with bank transfer info. I will delve into it further later on today when I get the chance.

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Remember KT... you'll have to wait a few months for any pics since those jackets won't be sent until after the Latin America VIVA tour... :freak:


But yeah, Afeather, when you do post pics you need to make sure you post one of you licking it that way MrsBerryman1 (and any other Guy lovers out there) can live vicariously through you. :wink3:


Which reminds me... I need to figure out who got Will's jacket...:drummer:


Those few months will feel like years for Afeather! :(

Oh yes please with the licking pic! :sneaky: :laugh3:

Oh, and if I were you I would email them and politely ask that they DO NOT have it dry cleaned prior to shipping! :bomb: :sneaky: :whip:


Any luck on finding out who you need to stalk Carrie? ;)



I have to tell you, I have a bunch of frequent flyer miles saved up (I hardly travel but have one of those rewards-style credit cards) and am so, so tempted to fly out to see one of their last gigs. It would be surreal now to see him playing it live.


WOW!!! :dance: CONGRATULATIONS!!! :clap:

What a relief that a true fan got Jonny's beloved guitar :heart:

Oh you should def go see them now. What an awesome feeling to be in the crowd watching Jonny play what is now YOUR guitar :)



Oh yes I forgot, someone here won one of the BIN, the Don't Panic one :smiley:


That's great! At least ONE of them went to a Coldplayer :dance:


I was lucky enough to win Guy's Blue Rickenbacker Bass Guitar. Have since become a member here. Just hoping that if anyone has any photo's of Guy playing it (other than in the Shiver video) would they be kind enough to email me a copy @ [email protected]

It would mean a lot to me. Many thanks


Hey there rickenbacker :)

Congratulations on winning Guy's bass :dance: Lucky, lucky you :sneaky:

Maybe you could try asking the 'Berrygirls' in the Guy thread: Post piccies of the sexy Mr Berryman

Those lovely girls have millions of pics of Guy, so they would probably be your best bet :nice:

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