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Tired Pony

Black Rose

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@V and Kimi: do you recognize this blue shirt?! :p


awww...the blue shirt! :wacky:

(i think from this day forward, that shirt's just going to be known as "the blue shirt" whenever it appears... *lol*)


wow! & he thinks the new SP album can be done in 6wks! he's working fast...Go Gary Go!!! :P


@Anna: interesting questions...looking forward to watching it! especially with all the effort you put into it...much appreciated! :)

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Just watch the ITV (again Anna :kiss: :hug: ) Favorite quote: "Peter the cheerleader" :lol: Love how that man works, he brings such a good energy in this band and on stage :cool:

As for G, the return of the 'itching ear'...He always scratch his ear whenever he's nervous or doesn't know what to say :D He seemed sleepy but it was good to have both of them their impression on that have been going on before/after TP.


I REALLY hope they'll do more shows (pray for WE gigs so I can go...) and a 2nd record. January guys, GO, GOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (please, record 'I'll carry you' :bomb:)


wow! & he thinks the new SP album can be done in 6wks! he's working fast...Go Gary Go!!! :P

Yeah, it feels good to hear him say that the next SP record will be more loose and that they will allow themselves more space and freedom, and not letting them being 'stuck'. Gary certainly won't overthink it as he said and it's good that the TP experience gave him more confidence! GO GUYS!



and a big long german ITV of G & P. Here the google translation


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How many sales are they losing for not releasing the album in America til next month?

I guess that if people really want the album, they would order it via the UK sites (TP official or amazon-likes). But I don't get why albums have different release date in US and Europe.. :thinking:

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The band himself must be a bit confused about it all, if I remember well, Peter Buck looked a bit surprised to see Aurélie's booklet and mine when we asked him to sign it... (@A: I'm talking about the moment when you told him we'd bought it in France)

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That's what I had to do. It's so stupid that it's so much later. I don't get it at all.

Me neither! And the same goes for us for movies, in here (depends on big or small movies), we have sometimes about a YEAR between a US release and a french in theater...and after that, french autorities are surprised that people DL illegally...seriously?! :dozey:


As for the record, even in Europe, there are differences...Ireland got it on friday and the rest of us on monday :thinking:


The band himself must be a bit confused about it all, if I remember well, Peter Buck looked a bit surprised to see Aurélie's booklet and mine when we asked him to sign it... (@A: I'm talking about the moment when you told him we'd bought it in France)

Yeah, I remember! He saw our booklets and said 'oh, you bought the album' and we said yes, so he asked us where we were from so I reply France and then he said jokingly 'they're still selling record there?!!' :lol:




A nice P & G ITV (translated by our dear GoOgle from german) : http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.weser-kurier.de%2FArtikel%2FNews%2FKultur%2FMusik%2FRock-Pop%2F203230%2FTired%2BPony%2Bsind%2Beine%2BAllstarband%2Bmit%2Bleisen%2BToenen.html&sl=de&tl=en


G speaking about Thierry Henry's hand... :lol: we're on Ireland's side on that one babe!! But what made me laugh (looks @V for the polarbear ref):


Polarbear. Now comes Tired Pony. You probably in a few years from a private zoo bands.


Lightbody (grinning): That is my mission. I’m working my own Fantasiezoo. But actually, the expression Tired Pony mean nothing, I have a bit herumgekritzelt in my notebook, written down the name and do not know why.



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Yeah, I remember! He saw our booklets and said 'oh, you bought the album' and we said yes, so he asked us where we were from so I reply France and then he said jokingly 'they're still selling record there?!!' :lol:

I knew he was acting surprised, but I couldn't remember what answered :lol: (was so impressed to have him in front of me!)



But what made me laugh (looks @V for the polarbear ref):



Ha.Ha.Ha! The interviewer is totally right on this one! :laugh3:

(now singing SP's "I'm An Astronaut": I am a polar bear, I am a polar bear, I am anything I want to be when nobody else is there, like a gorilla, he’s a real killer, yeah :smug:)

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I guess that if people really want the album, they would order it via the UK sites (TP official or amazon-likes). But I don't get why albums have different release date in US and Europe.. :thinking:


it all comes down to potential sales figures...or what record labels think is going to sell based on the region. & i think for TP, since it's being pushed 1st & foremost as a "Gary Lightbody of Snow Patrol side project", they expect sales to be Ireland > UK > Europe > US >>>>>>>>>>>>> Rest of the World


& the reality is they're probably 1/2 right in anticipating that. cos let's face it, especially outside of the UK/US markets, & as far as Asia is concerned, most ppl don't know who Snow Patrol are & associate REM with Michael Stipes + his band, i.e. "Peter who?". i had to give a (fellow) Malaysian an almost complete run down of who's who in TP & how they are related to SP or REM...& then she admitted that the only REM song she knows is 'Everybody Hurts' + she actually thought 'Run' was a Leona Lewis song + the only SP song she knows is "that one that was on 'Grey's Anatomy'"! :dozey:

...by which point i'm ready to forgive her for telling me she didn't know SP struggled for like 10yrs before making it big (she thought they were already big when they "started out" with 'Run', thanks to Leona Lewis).


& then there's my Indian classmate who has spent the last 23yrs of his life under the blissful assumption that to d/l songs & movies online via BT or filesharing (i.e. not via iTunes, etc) is completely LEGAL!!! & even after the revelation on the illegalness of what he's doing, he asks me repeatedly why i even bother to spend money buying an album... :facepalm:

(i do hope for the sake of my fellow Asians that he's an exceptional case of supreme blissful ignorance/naive thinking)

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Me neither! And the same goes for us for movies, in here (depends on big or small movies), we have sometimes about a YEAR between a US release and a french in theater...and after that, french autorities are surprised that people DL illegally...seriously?! :dozey:


As for the record, even in Europe, there are differences...Ireland got it on friday and the rest of us on monday :thinking:


I hope someday they'll realize that we talk to people in Europe and we know about these albums that come out earlier there than here, (and movies for you guys), and they'll realize that they can't keep this up much longer. :P

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How many sales are they losing for not releasing the album in America til next month?

The US release date is actually not until SEPTEMBER. :angry:

I think the fans who know about this album (before any type of promotion for it has begun here) are the hardcore fans of SP and R.E.M. - these fans are probably the type who will import it...


I guess that if people really want the album, they would order it via the UK sites (TP official or amazon-likes). But I don't get why albums have different release date in US and Europe.. :thinking:


... like I did... I love amazon.co.uk!! Just got mine on Thursday and have been listening non-stop.


it all comes down to potential sales figures...or what record labels think is going to sell based on the region. & i think for TP, since it's being pushed 1st & foremost as a "Gary Lightbody of Snow Patrol side project", they expect sales to be Ireland > UK > Europe > US >>>>>>>>>>>>> Rest of the World


& the reality is they're probably 1/2 right in anticipating that. cos let's face it, especially outside of the UK/US markets, & as far as Asia is concerned, most ppl don't know who Snow Patrol are & associate REM with Michael Stipes + his band, i.e. "Peter who?".


I think this is exactly right, Kimmi. And, the truth is, SP doesn't have near the following here that it does in Europe. In fact, now that I stop and think about it, I feel kind of bad that my purchase of the album won't count toward US sales, since I did an import. :( Maybe I'll buy it again when it's released here, just to help their numbers! :P


But anyway, just wanted to say I am loving this album. My top three songs, as of right now, are probably

1. Point Me at Lost Islands

2. Held in the Arms of Your Words

3. That Silver Necklace


Northwestern Skies is slowly growing on me. It's not my favorite; the melody and lyrics of the verses feel a little awkward, though I do really like the chorus. Overall, though, it's really excellent.

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I hope someday they'll realize that we talk to people in Europe and we know about these albums that come out earlier there than here, (and movies for you guys), and they'll realize that they can't keep this up much longer. :P

Well, you could always hope, but sadly, I know my country, and on that matter, we SUCK BIG TIME :angry:


... like I did... I love amazon.co.uk!! Just got mine on Thursday and have been listening non-stop.

Jen, you should forget amazon and try PLAY.COM! It works exactly the same (you can order new or already used items) BUT THE SHIPPING IS FREE :awesome:




This site is eating my money badly I must say... :facepalm:



I think this is exactly right, Kimmi. And, the truth is, SP doesn't have near the following here that it does in Europe. In fact, now that I stop and think about it, I feel kind of bad that my purchase of the album won't count toward US sales, since I did an import. :( Maybe I'll buy it again when it's released here, just to help their numbers! :P

I thought Snow Patrol was pretty know in the US with Grey's Anatomy and all... :thinking: it's not the case?....I've always had a hard time figuring out what's popular out there and what's not...as a european, to me it's obvious...but I've always been surprised that bands like Oasis, that are MASSIV here and really are part of the 'cultural' background, are totally ignored in the US...And same goes for US music...I read sometimes Perez Hilton blog (yeah, yeah, bad I know :P ) and 60% of the artists he's speaking of, I don't have a clue of who they are... :inquisitive: the world works strangely.


But anyway, just wanted to say I am loving this album. My top three songs, as of right now, are probably

1. Point Me at Lost Islands

2. Held in the Arms of Your Words

3. That Silver Necklace

Good top 3!


Mine would be:

1- *suspens*...lol The good book

2-I'll carry you :bigcry: I think I'll never recover from that live version....

2-that silver necklace

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2-I'll carry you :bigcry: I think I'll never recover from that live version....

oo i havent heard this yet, need to catch up on all the videos!

my top 3

1.the good book (damn it just gets better every time)

2 the deepest ocean...

3 held in the arms...

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oo i havent heard this yet, need to catch up on all the videos!


Here (you even have the little banter that goes with it :D)!

Cry my dear! (so powerful near the end when he's screaming at a distance from the micro... :bigcry: He putted all his heart, it was very moving... I was totally in awe looking at him....*teary again* )


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shBhzQeZ28U]YouTube- Tired Pony - I'll Carry You - HMV Forum, London 14/07/2010[/ame]


and thinking they wrote this masterpiece just the day before :stunned: :bomb:

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I cannot believe they wrote "I'll Carry You" the day before. It's just, unbelievable.

I think the pizzas from Pizza Express have inspired them :P More seriously, it shouldn't surprise us since they wrote an entire album in 8 days and just took 1 or 2 take for each songs. Plus, Gary is a maniac when it comes to writting. He said a few times that between Eyes Open and 1000 million suns, he had wrote about 200 songs :stunned: ...impressed, is the least we can be!

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"Your way is the way home."


Excellent line from "I'll Carry You".


Every time I watch the performance of that song I feel like Gary's going to break out into tears. He's so unbelievably passionate. :stunned:


EDIT: And I just found a great cover of "Into the Mystic"!


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWY4ftt-avw&feature=related]YouTube- Tired Pony - Into The Mystic (Van Morrison cover) @ Great British Songbook[/ame]



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:facepalm: I never look at the rules in details, I thought america was in the lot...sorry.. :\


"Your way is the way home."


Excellent line from "I'll Carry You".

I carry the thought of you, so gently in my both hands... :heart: (or at least that what I understand?)


Every time I watch the performance of that song I feel like Gary's going to break out into tears. He's so unbelievably passionate. :stunned:

Yeah right?!! The way is screaming the 'hooooome' is just heartbreaking! :bomb: :bigcry:



EDIT: And I just found a great cover of "Into the Mystic"!




It's part of the session they did the day of gig at the BBC, Gary said his voice was hoarse so he let Iain sing.



For those who hasn't the courage to DL Anna's rip of MTV Germany, someone put it on YT in his totality


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e36T74bmWa8]YouTube- Interview With Tired Pony Part 1[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEWHSGJE0Bg]YouTube- Interview With Tired Pony Part 2[/ame]


Gary seems so sleepy :lol: *cute*

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Found this! Netx Q issue :dance::

The issue promises to be good! :smug:


EDIT: And I just found a great cover of "Into the Mystic"!




Just wow! :heart:



And here's ten minutes from the rest of the session:




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The issue promises to be good! :smug:

Yep! But Q are big fans of Gary so he's always in there :D He even had a chronicle on their website 'Gary Lightbody's band of the week' ;)




Anyway, I love this magazine, they are pretty 'impartial' and fair (contrary to NME) and talk a lot of my fav artists...Maybe I should suscribe since I almost end up buy it each month :lol:


D'aww, he did seem really tired in that interview. Probably because he practically kills himself on stage. :heart:

The radio session was before the show, in the afternoon ;)






New ITV on radio. Gary speaks about his fangirlness for Peter XD *cute*




:stunned: So he wrote 25 fuckin TP songs before recording and they just record 5 of them and wrote 5 others new during the week!!!!! :o Seriously, are they robots?!!!


So it means we still have 20 songs + the 3 new from the show.... :bomb: NEW ALBUM PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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