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More news about Beady Eye second album.


From The Sun: Liam Gallagher is abandoning Britpop on the next Beady Eye album. The former Oasis man has been working with TV On The Radio and Yeah Yeah Yeahs producer DAVE Dave Sitek.


He said: “I hate the word ‘experimenting’, but we are definitely experimenting “In five words, it’s ‘majestic’, ‘imperial’, ‘out there’ and, er, what was the other one? Oh yeah, ‘heavy’. “It’s different to the first. It’s been heads down, none of that nonsense from the Nineties. We’ve got our s*** together.”


Liam’s in bullish mood about his band’s second release, which is due out next year. He added: “It feels like a really special album. You know when you normally go through a door and go, ‘Er, I’m not really sure about that’. “Well, we’ve f***ing booted the door off the hinges.”


From Q Magazine: Liam Gallagher has been speaking to Q Magazine about Beady Eye's debut album.


The singer said "It was done off the back of Oasis, it wasn't progressive enough, it hadn't moved on. There were good moments but it just didn't connect. This one, people might hate it too but its not stuck in a 60s rut. Obviously there's Lennon vibes in there but we've turned it on it's head. Not that the pressure's on or anything, but it's a really important record for me. If no one buys it, it's back to the drawing board. So we'll see. I'm prepared for whatever".


Talking about Oasis on Q Magazine: Liam Gallagher has rejected an offer to reform Oasis in 2015.


The year will mark the 20th anniversary of the band's iconic album (What's The Story) Morning Glory?


Liam was questioned about the rumours and told Q Magazine: "It was Noel who started that, I've never said a f*cking dicky bird". "Listen we're doing our album. Hopefully people are gonna dig it, which will allow us to go round the world and tour it. And if that goes over to 2015, whoops, sorry about that. I've got a new record, I'm buzzing off it, wouldn't be putting it out if I thought it was gonna get laughed out of town so f*ck Oasis as far as I'm concerned and f8ck Noel Gallagher."


Q then told Liam they had heard strong rumours from reliable sources that the reunion is on.


He said "What, because Noel Gallagher's finished touring?" he scoffs. "He'll be f*cking doing it on his own. Or with his f*cking High Flying Smurfs. The thought of going onstage with that f*cking idiot anyway and hanging out with his daft mates, the pretend drug addicts and all his snobs from Sloane Street, f*ck that, not interested, mate. We're Beady Eye all the f*cking way."

About Noel on Belfast Telegraph: Noel Gallagher hasn't "lit up the world" with his solo material, according to his brother Liam.


The two siblings have a famously fiery relationship which caused their band, Oasis, to split in 2009. While Liam has gone on to release music with his group Beady Eye, Noel has focused on his own material.


Noel has made disparaging remarks about Beady Eye's success in public, with Liam unsure why he feels able to point the finger.


"I tell you f**king what, we've all got a lot of graft to do, d'you know what I mean? Him too," Liam fumed to Q magazine. "He's sold a f**king few records, why wouldn't he sell records, he was the main songwriter of Oasis but he certainly hasn't f**king lit up the world."


Liam still harbours some animosity towards his brother for the way Oasis ended. The pair argued backstage at a concert in Paris, resulting in a broken guitar and Noel quitting.


Liam finds is hard to support his brother's new venture after what happened.


"Was I pleased for him [when he released his album]? What, for splitting up my f**king band? I'm not pleased for him, no," Liam said.


"I hope he's f**king happy but he doesn't look it. And he won't be happy when he hears we've done an out-there record that we're actually gonna f**king release before him. With our out-there record, you're gonna hear it next year, with his out-there record, you'll never hear it."


If I can give my opinion, he sounds like an a**hole. Let the music talk, don't start to say bullsh*t about Oasis and your brother. :rolleyes:

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Well, Noel refused to do it so they asked Liam.


It was ok. At first I think Liam was nervous and he was out of tune. But then it was fine. Not great, just fine. I know he can't sing anymore like in 1996, it's a shame.


But for me it was weird seeing the words Beady Eye on the drum kit and listening Wonderwall at the same time. I don't know why. With Rock 'n' Roll Star and Morning Glory it was fine for me. I think it was because Noel sang so many times this song. And it was so confused for the people on Twitter. I saw many people writing "Why Oasis is call Beady Eye now?". Or "Why a band called Beady Eye is covering an Oasis song?" :D


I thought it was absolutely dreadful, and for that man to still sing Rock and Roll Star, and then sing a song he hates by a man he hates just for publicity, was nothing more than hypocritical.


Sorry, just saw that I missed the discussion about their Olympics contribution and thought it needed to be said. The man was a channel for Noel's genius, and should not have been celebrated for being such.

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Here are more news about the album:

A few quotes about the new Beady Eye album, that I typed up from the current issue of Mojo.


Liam Gallagher: "It feels like a really special album, You know when you normally go through a door. Errr, I'm not really sure about that... Well, we've f*cking booted the door of the hinges. We've steamed in... I hate the word experimenting, but we are definitely experimenting."


Gem Archer: "We've had a few mates in, there's been the sound of jaws dropping."


Liam Gallagher "We tend to work 12 to 12. Maybe have a drink at the weekend. But theres a lot of sage being burnt. keep out them evil spirits. That's Dave - you know what Americans are like. Scaredy cats aren't they? it smells nice though.


Gem Archer: "It's broader, wider, deeper. It's not stripped-down rock 'n' roll, that's for sure. The constant is Liam's voice and he's truly on form. He sounding outrageous."


Producer Dave Sitek on Liam's voice: "It's unreal. When you can just turn on a microphone and do nothing to the vocals and you're like, that sounds like a goddam record! It's one of those. It's rock band instrumentation, but it's used in a different way. There's a lot of slowed-down and sped-up and outer space. It's trippy. The strength of the songs is so high that we got to be real playfull."


The album features some unusual instrumentation - including celeste, plus cymbals played with a violin bow.


Only what Dave Sitek said it's interesting for me. Liam and Gem always hype it up, the same with DGSS.

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^That "unusual instrumentation" (the celeste and all) along with the spacey stuff Dave's talking about actually back up Liam and Gem's claims. I mean, of course the band members will talk it up but it sounds to me like they actually are experimenting quite a bit....

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Liam Gallagher: 'Beady Eye's new album is the LP Oasis should have made after 'Morning Glory''


He also reckons the band have 'booted the door off the hinges' for album number two


Beady Eye frontman Liam Gallagher has told NME that the band's new album is the record Oasis should have made after '(What's The Story) Morning Glory?'.


Speaking in this week's issue, the frontman also declared that Beady Eye have shown no fear on album number two and admitted that his former group would never have been brave enough to make this record. He said: "This is the record Oasis should have made after '(What's The Story) Morning Glory?'."


He added: "I'm not saying it's better than 'Be Here Now' or it's going to be this or that - I love 'Be Here Now', I won't have a bad word said about it but when you're selling 20 million records, you've got people there going, 'Oh let's just chuck out that formula again'. So I'm a bit disappointed we didn't ever do it. But this fucking record: we've booted the door off the hinges and steamed right in there, into this other world."


The ex-Oasis frontman also admitted that he was disappointed by the reaction to Beady Eye's 2011 debut album 'Different Gear, Still Speeding'.


He said: "Maybe it was too quick after Oasis. But you can blame it on this, you can blame it on that... at the end of the day people just didn't fucking buy it, they didn't get it, it didn't connect, so back to the drawing board."


For more on Beady Eye, Liam's views on working with TV On The Radio's Dave Sitek and a look at this year's forthcoming album releases pick up a copy of this week's NME digitally or on newstands from today (January 8).



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Fun interview some kids made with Liam. Must be so great for them. He actually says they've mixed the new album and are going to start touring in the coming months:dance:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP6V17h-OkM&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Liam Gallagher:"The album is on the making"(Estamos grabando el album) www.kulbritania.com - YouTube[/ame]

Here's the article on stopcryingyourheartout


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Album name and tracklist confirmed by Liam:



1. Flick of the Finger

Liam: "we had to go first with it. I get a bit of an I wanna be adored vibe"

Andy: "to me, it's a Gimme Shelter moment"


2. Soul Love

Liam: "This started as a songbird-y thing, but I changed it the night before we recorded it"


3. Face The Crowd

Liam: "face the crowd is f*cking....."

Gem: "a banger"

4. A Second Bite of the Apple

Liam: "this is the one Sitek changed the most .... There's a lot more magic on this album"

5. Soon Come Tomorrow

Andy: "one of my tunes, a bit of a quieter, slower thing"

Liam: "great tune Hendrix-y"


6. Iz Rite

Liam: "The Beatles on E"

7. I'm Just Saying

Andy: "anyone longing for a bit of Morning Glory-era oasis, this is for them"


8. Don't Brother Me

Liam: "it's a beautiful f*cking song and I like the title. I didn't want to change it"


9. Shine a Light

Andy: "the intro to this we called 'the scarface bit": like an old black and white movie. Very Dramatic"


10. Ballroom Figured

Liam: "it's a bit marley to me. Redemption song. Beautiful."


11. Start Anew

Andy:"my favourite vocal on the album. It's an epic: starts off as an acoustic tune then ends up as like Neil young in boca juniors' stadium in 35C heat, with fireworks going off."



Very interesting interview here. http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/music/liams-firm


Some quotes (I'm not going to put the ones with Liam talking about Justin Bieber :veryangry2:).


About Flick of the Finger: "Deriving from an old Liam demo of a song called Velvet Building – “It was on cassette, that’s how long ago it was,” says Gem – it was briefly mooted for the aborted, Death In Vegas-produced Oasis album in 2004, but has now been completely reinvented and retitled, with new words by Andy and Gem, a bombastic brass section and… well, let’s hand over to its creators, shall we?

Andy: “We’re gonna have to start the gigs with it. Got to. It’s a calling card.”

Liam: “It’s stomping, in-yer-face. It’s just mental. To me, it’s like a tsunami just waiting to f*cking come at you, and then it gets you.”

Gem: “It’s like Bruce Lee, on a surfboard, in a tsunami…”

Chris: “…with brass. Burning sage.”


About Different Gear, Still Speeding: “At the end of the day, people just didn’t f*cking buy it,” Liam shrugged to me a while back – and having left their management (who also manage Noel), they found themselves playing a last few shows that, at times, Liam says, “Were absolutely f*cking painful.”

“At a lot of them, I was having a really bad time,” he says. “I mean, we were great, but it was just…

Gem: “Situation and circumstance, man. People were saying we’d never make the end of the tour. We were like, ‘We f*cking will!’”


About playing Oasis songs: “The way I see it, it’s about giving people value for money,” he says. “It’s hard times out there, and if people want to hear a couple of f*cking tunes, is it doing any c*nt any harm? We’re not doing it to get into arenas and we’re not doing it to get out of sh*tholes. And, y’know: if people don’t want to hear them then… we’ll still do them!”


About the song Don't Brother Me: So then, Liam: why would you go and call a song Don’t Brother Me?

Liam: “Well, it just sounds shi*t, Don’t Sister Me, doesn’t it? Especially when I haven’t got a sister.”

You must know that it makes it pretty clear who it’s about, and that people will pick up on it.

Liam: “Yeah, yeah, people will pick up on it, but I’m ready to go there. So yeah: it’s about Our Kid.“

You’re prepared for the fact you’re now going to continue to be asked about Noel for the next year and a bit of your life?

Liam: “But the tune is the tune, I love the tune more than I love having to go and speak about it. I could’ve tried to call it to something else, but that’s what it is. [sings] ‘Don’t brooo-ther meeee.’ And that is it. It’s a lovely f*cking song.

I love the song. I’m not gonna change the title to make my life easier.”

Some of the lines in it – ‘Come on now, give peace a chance’; ‘In the morning, I’ll be calling, hoping that you’ll understand’ – suggest it might be an olive branch?

Liam: “Well, as Andy said to me, it’s a bit contradictory. There’s a load of love in there, and a load of f*cking…”

One verse goes: “I’m sick of all your lying/Scheming and your crying.”

Liam: “Yeah, but the lying and the scheming and the crying might not be about him. It might be about someone around him. Or it might be about me. He might be sick of my scheming, lying and crying. But anyway, there’s a lot of love in there, but there’s also a couple of – humorous, I think – digs. There’s nothing malicious in there, ’cos it’s not in my nature. I wish I could write a malicious one – you’d f*cking know about it if I could – but I couldn’t.”

What do you mean you couldn’t?

Liam: “Ahh, I’m joking, man. But I couldn’t. And You, You C*nt sounds shit, doesn’t it? Plus he’s heard that one before. Everyone’s heard that before.”

Liam: “The best line for me is ‘Did you shoot your gun?’”


“I just think it’s cool. He’s always on about shooting guns, isn’t he? If I Had

A Gun... Well, did you f*cking shoot it?”

Liam: “And there’s ‘You’re always in the sun/With your Number One.’

The Sun newspaper… There’s loads of little things going down in there!”

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what about the world not set in stone ?!!!



don't brother me ! a song about the lord again!

come on Liam against Noel you're still a child!


This answer your question.



There are two versions of the album, standard and deluxe. This is the tracklist for the deluxe version:


1. Flick of The Finger

2. Soul Love

3. Face The Crowd

4. Second Bite of The Apple

5. Soon Come Tomorrow

6. Iz Rite

7. I'm Just Saying

8. Don't Brother Me

9. Shine A Light

10. Ballroom Figured

11. Start Anew

12. Dreaming of Some Space

13. The World’s Not Set in Stone

14. Back After The Break

15. Off at The Next Exit


I'm really pissed off because when I was sleeping, 1500 signed deluxe CDs where available to buy on the official page at the same price of the deluxe version. When I woke up they where sold out. :furious3: F*ck, why they didn't announced it yesterday!!!!????? It's not my fault that I live on the other side of the world. Now I'm not going to buy the album.

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I'm really pissed off because when I was sleeping, 1500 signed deluxe CDs where available to buy on the official page at the same price of the deluxe version. When I woke up they where sold out. :furious3: F*ck, why they didn't announced it yesterday!!!!????? It's not my fault that I live on the other side of the world. Now I'm not going to buy the album.


My wife got me one while I was at work :D. Gonna try and get tickets to go see em in Manchester on Tuesday.


EDIT: BOOM! 2 tickets to Manchester!!!!!!

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The new single has leaked!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7wvxzGmBQo]Beady Eye - Second Bite of the Apple - YouTube[/ame]


And b-side here. Really psychedelic.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRSl24I_cEU]Beady Eye - Dreaming of Some Space (Bside) - YouTube[/ame]

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I love Second Bite of the Apple. The drums and the bass create a sound I haven't heard any artist do in a long time. Very fresh sounding. Pretty cool b-side too, it's like we got two b-sides, a reverse one and a normal one. Awesome:D


I think Dreaming of Some Space it's a part of Start Anew reversed. Listen to the lyrics:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTSmGs7udUU]Beady Eye - Dreaming of some Space (reversed) - YouTube[/ame]


A bit like The Stone Roses did.

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:shocked2:You're right! That's really cool!


Does anyone know when the single will be available to the U.S market?


Do you mean digital or physical? On physical it's only vinyl. There was a problem with the webstore so the release has been delayed.

For digital, it's available on iTunes and Amazon but I don't know if it works for US. Try here:



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