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New Coldplay Christmas Song 2010! Christmas Lights // behind-the-scenes footage in first post (parts


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It does :wink:.


All of this stuff needs to stop happening when I need to sit down and do nothing but uni work.


Once again, I might have to blame Coldplay for less-than-stellar marks :lol:

Seriously! This is soooo exciting and I can see myself spending way too much time on here again with all this new album news.

But, um, Coldplay? I'm supposed to be applying for grad school right now! Why do you have to distract me?!?!?! :bigcry:

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It does :wink:.


All of this stuff needs to stop happening when I need to sit down and do nothing but uni work.


Once again, I might have to blame Coldplay for less-than-stellar marks :lol:


:lol: Same. I should be revising, but I just can't with all this hive of activity.


Plus I cannot wait for the marks of my exam I had pre-boat trip. I literallly sat in there twitching until I'd finished the paper and left in a very excited blur. I know for a fact I didn't concentrate. :inquisitive:


Maybe there needs to be an official Coldplay Mitigating Evidence request? :laugh3:

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I oddly feel pretty on top of my work despite everything: I have a presentation to prepare for Friday and two essays due in on Dec. 17 (OK, and a lot of reading, but that's easier to get away with only half-doing). It's just that my academic dedication has been rapidly going downhill ever since I left high school...and I think a good part of that is because of Coldplay and Coldplaying and submerging myself into the music world to never be seen again :lol:.


O/T, sorry...can you tell I'm procrastinating?

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I oddly feel pretty on top of my work despite everything: I have a presentation to prepare for Friday and two essays due in on Dec. 17 (OK, and a lot of reading, but that's easier to get away with only half-doing). It's just that my academic dedication has been rapidly going downhill ever since I left high school...and I think a good part of that is because of Coldplay and Coldplaying and submerging myself into the music world to never be seen again :lol:.


O/T, sorry...can you tell I'm procrastinating?


But it's a good world to submerge yourself in to! And sometimes uni just demands your full attention or none at all... Which is why I'm opting for none at all at the moment (I am so going to fail)


Hmm, a little bit, but it's not too obvious :P

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I was thinking that too...it seems it'll definitely be in the video version, but I wonder if it'll be on the actual audio track too :stunned:. Maybe not, because we might drown out Chris in that part, but it is kind of a emptier-sounding instrumental break that we might be able to fill...


Because to be in a Coldplay video AND to sing on a Coldplay track might be too much for me to handle.


Lol is won't be on the song itself because we've HEARD the finished song :P

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Lol is won't be on the song itself because we've HEARD the finished song :P


That actually didn't sound like the finished version... And apparently, they changed the lyrics of the last line by the end of the night filming.... So it could happen :P (Not likely, but we can dream)

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That actually didn't sound like the finished version... And apparently, they changed the lyrics of the last line by the end of the night filming.... So it could happen :P (Not likely, but we can dream)


What's this about the lyrics changing by the end of the night? They were the same as they were in the version we heard twice on the boat, I'm pretty sure.


And I think it was just the crappy PA system that made the song sound demo-ish on the boat, not the fact that it wasn't the final version, perhaps plus our vocals, though. That's just what I think, though. It sounded much better quality-wise at the shoot to me, but I'm no audiophile.

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Oh, I'll rate it if you'd like, I don't think that breaks contract :lol:


I'd give it...7 out of 10, maybe? I think it's fantastic, and I teared up the first time I heard it. But it's very "them," very Viva-era sounding to me. It's good stock Coldplay, no question about that, but I don't think anyone should get their hopes up about clues to a new direction or anything. It's predictable, but not in a bad way.


I also like that the lyrics are pretty personal and concrete, the way I think Chris writes best. Some of the lyrics on VLV were a bit too abstract and impersonal for me, and I like his lyric style of AROBTTH and Parachutes best. This was kind of a little love story, or maybe not story, but rumination on the current state of a relationship, and it sounded heartfelt to me.


The next part I'm going to say because these lyrics already exist in the 60 Minutes demo we've all heard before...but I find it interesting that Oxford Street, the most commercial street in London, features prominently in the song :lol:. Maybe that'll make more sense when everyone hears the final version, but like...it just makes me laugh that he's talking about a street of shopping the way he is in the song :P

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nice!!! thanks...


so I guess that is not a secret anymore that the lyrics we all heard on 60 Minutes remain on the full version of the song...right?


They're slightly changed, and there are many, many more lines that aren't in that version. But the general ideas are still in there, and some of the same/slightly altered lines :wink:


I'm bursting to share them, I really am...8:01 PM GMT Wednesday, I promise :D

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