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what was your worst teenager phase?


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I remember I couldn't decide if I was emo or goth or punk :shame:


what was yours?

teen years i was normal kid, listened normal music, wore normal clothes, behaved well, focused on studying.

i was seeing as an unsocial quiet and boring nerd i guess, with interest in writing and many dreams to fullfil which i kept to myself most of the times. thought after people knew me they said i was a box of surprises and quite funny.


Can that be considered a phase?


i feel i'm living my teens now, in some ways. :uhoh: which feels a bit weird.

mainly listening weird music as Placebo, HIM, Rammstein, Indochine obsessively at times, and reading some stuff which have weird and 'wise' content.

and going from up to down emotionally quite easily, and yet having lot of brainstorming ideas which i don't end achieving due to any doub/fear, or something random distracts me.


funny thing is when i was teenager i was told, "you are so mature, have so clear ideas".. i feel that is vanishing as much as my rage grows lately.

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Can that be considered a phase?




and going from up to down emotionally quite easily, and yet having lot of brainstorming ideas which i don't end achieving due to any doub/fear

I don't think that ever goes away :/ not for me anyways.


for examples, when I go to places like hobby lobby I find some many cute things to decorate & unleash my creative side :awesome:

I get all kinds of arts & craft ideas but then being afraid of sucking at it/getting bored/distracted & not finishing it etc..

so I end up not buying anything :disappointed:


I only buy things like frames for pictures, stickers ( my addition ) & random things with giraffes :thinking:


I was really a grown up and didn't allow myself to have fun. I didn't allow mistakes of anyone and I blamed myself for my parents divorce and such.... I was like the nerdiest most conceited girl ever. I was like 13. and of course the time I liked stupid boy bands that sang sex songs for teenagers like Backstreet boys :shifty:


it wasn't your fault! it's never the kids fault.



I never liked girly things, so I was always really dark.

Then around the 4th grade I was gothic, with the hair, makeup clothing and everything.

But I acted nice and stupid to fit in, and I listened to Avril Lavigne and Hilary Duff.

And let's not forget my last one, Miley Cyrus :awesome:




:blank: I wish I could have a time machine and slap myself in the face, that when I come back I still have a scar :mean:

haha I was obsessed with avril.


btw :wacky: best avatar ever.


sometimes I think my boyfriend as eric forman :blush:



what :uhoh: I just said that out loud.. :shame:

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Oh, wait! I forgot about me "trying to fit in with everyone else musically" phase!


When I was younger, I only listened to oldies like The Beatles, Styx, Frankie Valli, The Eagles, etc.

And Phantom of the Opera. :heart:


I had excellent taste, to summarize. :smug2:


But then a lot of my classmates teased me for the lack of Flo Rida and Katy Perry on my iPod, and I gave in to peer pressure and bought crappy pop and rap songs. :disappointed:


But after a while, I decided that I was a retard for listening to music that I didn't like, and then I found Coldplay and thus began my obsession. :thinking:


Which has, of course, gone from Coldplay -> Mew -> The Killers -> Mew -> Muse!!!!

Not that any of that is regrettable. :lol:

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  • 11 months later...

I used to tell myself negative things all the time. I don't even know why. I started believing them. I wouldn't talk to anybody or leave my house except to go to school. I don't really know. The whole thing was just very weird and sad.


Basically, I'd left a place where people made me feel like that and act like that, and once they were gone, I kept doing it to myself for some reason.


But I did learn that self-injury does not just mean cutting or burning or scratching or whatever else people do.


It was a weird time. Then I made friends my sophomore year of high school and things got a lot better.


Edit: Wow, I keep making my life sound so awful, but really it's not that bad. >___>;;

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Then there was that time that I was obsessed with Coldplay. :/


I still am obsessed with Coldplay, and it's been nine years :uhoh:

Probably won't ever grow out of it.



In high school, I went through a Green Day phase. It was annoying to say the least. I still like Green Day, but I was basically OBSESSED. Now they're meh.


Other than that, I was a debate/band nerd. Still am, though, only now it's science.

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my phase stupid teenager probably when I spent years in the dark of my room, depressed and when I had a social life, I spent my time with people who listened to heavy metal. in bars. stupid people of drunk beers or so in the discos to dance then get bored like Madonna .

and all that to find a boyfriend in these places and I have never found :dozey:


I listen the 80s, new wave, pop like Pet Shop Boys depeche mode Or punk: Sex Pistols, the Police. the Doors


I have loved U2 and A-ha made me discovered Coldplay and keane


and I was obsessed with A-ha my old room of teenager ( have 13 years old) not exist more




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When I was 13, I wore waaaay oversized flannel shirts ,unbuttoned, with these itty-bitty white tank tops underneath, and these hidious chunky boots too. I also had glasses and braces. I was a fashion disaster/nerd all rolled into one. What was I thinking?! lol :laugh3:

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I had some pretty bad ones that I can't be bothered elaborating right now. Mostly short and sharp as I was still wearing what my sister described as "kids clothes" at 13 and what I now describe as "whatever-I-feel-like-wearing-clothes". Regardless that it was often trackies and some sorta warm jacket or top.

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or black clothes, punk clothes or so normal to be strange .

but I think I have not changed my rebellious phase and destructive.

I have no boyfriend, no husband no children and I listen not more music. and it was the music that gave life.


A-ha in my head was too the period where they did not sell many albums. in 90s is obscure .


and I start listening to Sex Pistols, first when I was a teenager. I needed to fill the empty of identity depressed yes teen looking to get a place in society. and often not possible.

it's funny the first appearance of TV of Sex pistols the day I was born a coinsidance. but hey people said I would die at birth. the heart stopped beating and born 1.4kg




So Sex Pistols is anarchy in the uk in the world really not changed the monarchy still exists and stupid politicians who destroy everything.



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQkActP-isE]Sex Pistols - Anarchy in the UK Studio Version - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLnrZTe_5BM&feature=related]Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen (High Quality) - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVr0ibEGqgE&feature=related]LWT - Punk Special from 1976 - YouTube[/ame]



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