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[16-Sept-2011] Coldplay @ Austin City Limits Festival, Zilker Park, Austin, Texas


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Hey everyone...getting ready to head to breakfast then over to the festival. While I haven't been outside yet, looking out our hotel window, there is a nice cloud cover, so hopefull the temperature will drop a little.


I still can't believe we got into the taping last night. Jenflor - Jen, low02 - Lauren and her friend Jessica, my husband and I got to the theater about 6:30 and just started hanging around. To claim will call tickets, you needed to go up the stairs. We watched people for awhile, waiting before going upstairs to see if there were any no-shows. Finally, we went up the stairs, and asked the will-people if there were any extras. Nope. So we were just standing by the door, and more and more people came walking in. There was an ACL guy scannining tickets, and a girl walked up to him and asked if he had her tickets. He pulled some out of his pocket and handed them to her. Then I smiled at him and asked if he had any extra tickets in his pocket. He just laughed and said he was holding on to them for her. Then we started chatting, I told him we were from CA, and he talked about his trip to CA, and we just chatted about cars and Austin, and Coldplay, etc. He was very very nice. After a bit, a woman with a stack of tickets in her hand came up to him and he said it was his wife and did she have any extra tickets for his new CA friends. She went to talk to someone, and then came back, handing us 5 tickets!!! I about died right there. The show was about 5 minutes from starting so we thanked him over and over and went inside. It was just surreal. We were so excited. :) So massive thanks to you, ACL guy.


We were in the balcony - the stage was really small. The people around us mostly sat, pretty much until Viva, but Lauren, Jen and I stood most of the show. The boys were in good form, but there were a few tech difficulties, but tv editing came make up for that. Seeing the glowing tshirts during CB was very cool. I took some pictures, but it's really hard when you're taking photos looking down, through lasers and changing lights. Paradise was amazing live - I didn't record it. I did record Up in Flames and it's on youtube, LFDianne. I'll link it, too, but it's with my iPhone, so I don't know if the quality is any different than the other upload, just from the other side of the theater.


I'll post a little from the show - as long as my battery holds out :)

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im having some trouble in trying to get to Austin. haha i know this may be a long shot but I'm still going to ask! Is anybody willing to drive north for about 45 minutes to Belton, Tx(small town) and pick me up! ahhh!!! I'll pay for gas and what not! and we'll still make it on time for the 11am entrance time!

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Yep! :thumbsup:

Looks like it had symbols and stuff from the album and is the black light florescent paint...


It was really cool. They also put colored tape all around the venue on the steps and railings. That plus all the t shirts they gave out made the whole place a living jumping black light poster. :awesome:

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Is all that stuff hanging down part of Coldplay's set cos it's awesome :wacky:


They gave out brightly colored shirts with the song icons on them and had us put them on for the "new years eve" party count down. I got the mixx wand on mine :wacko: and Mike got the eye on his.


Ooh, that's great! And you got to keep them?! Piccie please!! :thumbsup:

By the way, did you get to meet the band?

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