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New Coldplay eh?


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- Starting the download. Wasn't even remotely difficult to find a leak (if you can't find it, you aren't trying).

- MX opener...whatever...doesn't last long enough to make any positive or negative impression like Life in Technicolor.

- So...I was right about Hurts Like Heaven studio autotune? FUCK. Oh well, at least I can now shove it in the face of every single user who told me "STFU moron, Coldplay is too talented to use autotune!"

- Everyone who compares this to "Keep the Car Running" is dumb. KTCR is infinitely better.

- Paradise comes this early in the album? At least I can get it out of the way...

- Oh fuck, I forgot how much I hated this song.

- "We're just a pair o', pair o', pair o' guys...me and Jonny Buckland...oh wait, you can't hear anything by Jonny in this song because the synths are so overbearing!"

- Good to know Coldplay writes club anthems now. Yet another reason never to go to clubs (I'm serious, I HATE clubs).

- Studio Charlie Brown! I liked the live versions I heard but it wasn't the second coming of Clocks like everyone insists.

- I might legitimately like Charlie Brown if it weren't for that dumb "All the boys, all the girls" sequence. Oh well, least painful song so far. It's pure pop but done in a more positive manner.

- Us Against the World...first one I have positive expectations for...let's see...

- Chris's deep voice is a mixed bag, but I will say it works better here than on "Yes" on VLV (one of my least favorite Coldplay songs ever)

- Oh good, they kept Will's part on studio. I'm liking this one so far.

- Okay, UATW is the first good track on the album. I'm not a fan of a few of the vocal moments, but they're minor complaints compared to my other complaints on the album.

- MMIX...okay? Huh?


- I turn the music up, I put my records on, I punch some babies listening to this horrid song

- I don't know about you, but I'd rather be a full stop than a comma. I don't know what that means but it sounds way cooler.

- Major Minus FUCK THIS SONG. This is not a good song, people. Stop convincing yourselves it is.

- Without the vocal distortion, this one would be bearable but not great. With it, it's just another "experiment" gone awry. (and it's not much of an "experiement" either)

- The "ooh, ooh" moments are officially Chris's most irritating vocals of all time.

- UFO. First track I know nothing about yet.

- Feels like an early B-side, which is actually a welcome thing by this point. Short and sweet.

- It segues into Princess of China? Frick.

- Bold statement time - PoC is the second worst song Coldplay has ever done (ETIAW being the first worst).

- As I said last night, I'd hate this less if it were on a Rihanna album and were labeled "Rihanna (feat. Chris Martin)".

- And as also said last night, Rihanna isn't even the #1 reason this song is horrible. She might not even be in the Top 5 reasons this song is horrible.

- I have a shred of hope for Up in Flames. Please don't disappoint me.

- Weird echo effect on Chris's voice, but it's not as bad of an effect as on HLH or MM.

- That was...okay. Just because it's stripped down doesn't automatically make it good, so I think UATW achieved this a bit better. Not awful, though.

- Not much to say about these intermission pieces like AHT.

- 2 seconds into "Don't Let It Break Your Heart Because We Couldn't Possibly Come Up With a Worse Track Name Than This" and I can tell this is going to be divisive.

- Certainly less of an atrocity than Paradise or ETIAW but isn't anywhere near as convincing of a catchy pop song as Charlie Brown.

- Ending things with Up With the Birds

- Not a bad closer. Not too bombastic. It may not be Amsterdam, but Coldplay is now 5-for-5 with album closers. Shame I'm so down about the rest of the album.


I'll let this one settle in, along with a final score and more solid thoughts about songs in the latter half. But I'm comfortable saying this is my least favorite effort yet. Gonna go re-listen to the new My Brightest Diamond album now.

ha, this was entertaining.


were there any songs you actually liked?


Hurts Like Heaven, Charlie Brown, and Us Against The World are still fine songs. The interludes are actually great, and I don't completely hate Paradise.


The whole album struggles with serious production issues, and unforgivably bad lyrics. On the whole the songs are so disconnected and oddly put together that it's just impossible for me to take it seriously as an album in a way anything close to the other four. There's just no essence to it. At least all of the other albums had a solid identity to them. At least there was a cohesiveness and fullness to X&Y, while here they've just eschewed all that for the radio friendliness of ridiculous two-bit melodic gimmicks.

UFO is pleasant enough, but lyrically its just stale. None of the emotion is earned on the album, there's no narrative. It's a mixtape of trying-too-hard pop anthems. They're just tunes which I may enjoy, but will always be completely indifferent to. There's nothing to relate to, it's one-dimensional accessibility has made it completely inaccessible to people who are used to actually attaching themselves emotionally to albums. It's like they've taken strides to make themselves appealing to the dead of our generation. On the whole really pathetic and disappointing. I hope pitchfork tears them to shreds in the most snobbish, condescending way possible.

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I think I need to go listen to this album as soon as possible.




I like Noel. It's Liam that's just...I don't even have a word for it.


Liam is a asshole, but he sings like few.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhjbvJiq1Aw]Oasis-Cigarettes & Alcohol-live maine road 96 - YouTube[/ame]

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If that "Empire State of Mind"-like drum beat did not exist in "Up In Flames" I would love that song. It pretty much ruins it for me.


Anyway, writing a really big review right now.. I'll post some of it here when I'm done.


So true :(

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a lot of people say that, i used to say that... but somehow i start enjoying it...but sometimes i prefer noel...but there are some songs that sucks with noel.


I think in some cases, it takes a certain song for it to click. I didn't like Julian Casablancas' voice until I heard "Machu Picchu" on a mixtape someone here made for me. After that, I got into The Strokes really hardcore.


I can't say if I feel like that could happen with Oasis, though. I'm a person who doesn't even like "Wonderwall," which a lot of Oasis fans say is a great song (at least, as far as I know, which isn't a whole lot).

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I think in some cases, it takes a certain song for it to click. I didn't like Julian Casablancas' voice until I heard "Machu Picchu" on a mixtape someone here made for me. After that, I got into The Strokes really hardcore.


I can't say if I feel like that could happen with Oasis, though. I'm a person who doesn't even like "Wonderwall," which a lot of Oasis fans say is a great song (at least, as far as I know, which isn't a whole lot).


I cant stand wonderwall...And i love Strokes too *-* But mainly the first album and "You Only live Once" (i love this song).


I dont know which song made me like Liam, but it took a while actually...

One of the songs was this Neil Young cover:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMT23BUapWQ]Oasis - My Generation (Live) - YouTube[/ame]



I don't know...i just love his voice, is unique to me.

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Dude....My Generation was The Who.


Sorry i confused with Hey Hey My My.

Anyway, ill stop trying to make people like Liam haha

Oasis is over anyway _o_

And Beady Eye is...i dont know. Kinda boring.





Oh God, please no. That one's worse than the other one you shared. :sick:


Last try!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KlVaCOiV8Q]Oasis - Cast No Shadow (live) 1996 [HD] - YouTube[/ame]

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Guest howyousawtheworld
I think in some cases, it takes a certain song for it to click. I didn't like Julian Casablancas' voice until I heard "Machu Picchu" on a mixtape someone here made for me. After that, I got into The Strokes really hardcore.


I can't say if I feel like that could happen with Oasis, though. I'm a person who doesn't even like "Wonderwall," which a lot of Oasis fans say is a great song (at least, as far as I know, which isn't a whole lot).


Not a fan of Wonderwall. Yes it's iconic but even Liam got tired of singing it. The hardcore Oasis fans don't think too much of it but casual Oasis fans love it. Noel only kept it in the setlists at Oasis gigs to please the one in the crowd who loved it. I'm a much bigger fan of Noel's voice but I do admit Liam had some fine moments particularly Supersonic and Cast No Shadow. But it's great Noel is on his own now. No longer does he have to write loutish, pub rock crap like Lyla to satisfy those yobbish Oasis fans who make tits of themselves at concerts. Bet you'll find many of them at Beady Eye concerts nowadays.

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I see Noel in your future violetsparks. Start listening to his songs...

Here are my favorites from him:









I doubt anyone to listen to these videos and not fall in love with noel songs.

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