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LP5 lyrically...


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and Twisted Logic is just as good as Politik... but people always seem to forget about it. :sad:



Twisted Logic FTW! :dance:



I think Major Minus has some great lyrics--even though the lyrics may seem simple at first. The song (as I hear it) seems like it's sung by someone who is extremely paranoid and nervous: they can't shake the feeling that someone is watching them, possibly going to hurt them or a loved one. It's a refreshing change from Coldplay's norm.



And Chris may not be a lyrical 'genius' per say, but he's still better than 95% of the artists out there, imo. :rolleyes:

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You could say the same thing about Life is for Living and now they're playing it.


You never know with these boys.



Fair enough, but they changed the ending to make it more susceptible to live audiences. I think part of the charm of Prospekt's March is that it's so quiet and subdued--adding a loud electric guitar and massive drumbeat would ruin it :\

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I actually like coldplay lyrics. Not necessarily as just lyrics, without the music. But I tend to not read lyrics when I don't have/know the music, just seems kind of pointless, it's a song not a poem, and poems and songs work quite different.

I don't see why simple lyrics (which some Cpsongs have) are bad or lazy. I myself am a big fan of repetition in music because it can be really strong, and work very well.

I also don't see why abstract lyrics is a problem, I like that as well, because you can find your own meaning in the songs.


And lyrics have to work well with a song, and I think coldplay has great songs.


I just don't really see the major problem, or the major disappointment.


But can people please, please, please not call someone, who works as much as Chris does, lazy, because that's just plain not true. And if you don't like the lyrics that doesn't mean he didn't work hard on it and it doesn't even mean they're not good, it's just an opinion.

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^ This. A Rush Of Blood To The Head is undoubtedly one of their best songs, but the lyrics aren't all that complex. Fix You is another good example. The beauty of that song isn't its lyrics, but the raw emotion and straightforward message it brings.


This is why I never concentrate too much on the lyrics with Coldplay. Their music brings me to tears or causes me to smile and to jump up and down, no matter what the lyrics are...

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and Twisted Logic is just as good as Politik... but people always seem to forget about it. :sad:


Twisted Logic has one of the best endings to an album - of any band - I've heard in a while. So much emotion was put into that song, it's surreal.

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Coldplay lyrics work the way they should... in a Coldplay song. They're not poetry, but that's not what they're supposed to be. A good lyric is a lyric that works in a song. Looking at lyrics separately from the songs they're in and commenting on them doesn't make a lot of sense I think. Chris Martin clearly writes them with the songs in mind and not the other way around. And yes, most Coldplay songs have abstract (or even vague) lyrics, but could you imagine a song like Sparks with lyrics about Topshop princesses, girls with fake tan and kids with pool queues in their hands? :P

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Is CM losing his touch?


Honestly, I never thought he had much of a "touch" to begin with. Lyrics are DEFINITELY not why I listen to Coldplay. :shrug:


That said, Charlie Brown has some of the best lyrics he's written in quite awhile.


Edit: The lyrics to A Rush of Blood to the Head are brilliant. Coldplay's best by far.

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I actually like the lyrics to the new songs. I agree they can be rather simplistic, but we're used to that right?

Anyways, the lyrics include a bunch of references to stories, which I don't think we have seen in the past (Peter pan x2, The Wizard of Oz)... I think that's really interesting, and I can't wait to see what the other songs have to offer...

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Prospekt's March IMO has some great albeit weird lyrics...and that song is their most underrated ever :( by THEM!


Can't agree more. I always find myself singing the words to that song. Especially the beginning.


Smoke is rising from the houses

people burying their dead

*I ask somebody what the time is

but time doesn't matter to them yet*


*People talking without speaking

Trying to take what they can get*

I ask you if you remember

Prospekt, how could I forget?


**= bestttt!



Honestly, I never thought he had much of a "touch" to begin with. Lyrics are DEFINITELY not why I listen to Coldplay. :shrug:


That said, Charlie Brown has some of the best lyrics he's written in quite awhile.


Seriously! That one and Us Against the World! :] Both really good. If anyone is anywhere near thinking these are bad Coldplay lyrics, you cannot be for real. May I remind you of "The Disaster at Sea":


You cut me down a tree

and brought it back to me

and that's what made me see

where I was going wrong




I could write a song

a hundred miles long

well that's where i belong

and you belong with me


Honestly. When you remember this, you can't say much about the new lyrics. Even Every Teardrop. Sidenote: even despite the dreadful lyrics, I think Swallowed in the Sea is pretty good. It's the music that really counts as is evident. :P As well as how the lyrics are sung and how they're used in the song. So, yeah.

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May I remind you of the "Disaster at Sea":


You cut me down a tree

and brought it back to me

and that's what made me see

where I was going wrong




I could write a song

a hundred miles long

well that's where i belong

and you belong with me


Honestly. When you remember this, you can't say much about the new lyrics. Even Every Teardrop. Sidenote: even despite the dreadful lyrics, I think Swallowed in the Sea is pretty good. It's the music that really counts as is evident. :P As well as how the lyrics are sung and how they're used in the song. So, yeah.


That and

"Don't you wanna see it come soon

Floating in a big white balloon

Or flying in your own silver spoon"

but I also agree with the sidenote. Low is my favorite song on X&Y and definitely in my top 10 from the band. Songs are layered together with different instruments, one of which is the voice, and lyrics are but an aspect of that. They are important, because they communicate far more meaning than the other instruments, or even the tune to which they are sung, but they're far from everything in a song, and you can't judge the whole by the part.

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Guest howyousawtheworld
Honestly, I never thought he had much of a "touch" to begin with. Lyrics are DEFINITELY not why I listen to Coldplay. :shrug:


That said, Charlie Brown has some of the best lyrics he's written in quite awhile.


Edit: The lyrics to A Rush of Blood to the Head are brilliant. Coldplay's best by far.


Completely agree. They are fantastic lyrics.

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