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I'm bleeding from my face because I don't think this album title is very good.

The Mad Hatter

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Let me say a thing, please, I am not directing this to anyone.

I am really sorry of how we (I include myself on this) fans are treating each other here in this forum.


I am going to say a thing, and now I am talking as a fan. Have you ever imagined how would the members of Coldplay feel if they ever read somethings are discussed here on this forum?

I have in my life even listened to things such "see that girl, Amy Winehouse, so rich, so famous, and suicide". But people don't even know that poor girl had a website on where people should guess the date of her death. People don't even know that each magazine was waiting for a shit of hers to publish and sell more and more and more.

Do you know what? If I was Chris and read people saying they don't like my album name when they don't even know what it means, I would stop now. Is that what you want in the end? That they stop? Ask it yourself.

Some people say: "It's not that just because I am a fan that I have to accept everything they do". Then please, please, just wait and listen what they have to say. You really really think they don't mean anything with this title? You really do?


Some people will say: "I don't think they would ever stop because of the things we say". But I think.


You don't have to read this, nor to accept, nor to answer. I am just talking as a fan.

And please don't troll me. I really really really hate it.

Sorry. I needed to say that...



Man, not putting in a offensive way, but you really look like a CHILD arguing with stuff like this.


They're earning millions, in euro, they' doing what they love to do, they are PUBLIC FIGURES, they don't really GIVE A FUCK to what we write here. They might even get to know some of the whole discussed here, but it do NOT hurt their poor hearts and this is defenitely NOT gonna make them retire thanks to the DEEP DEPRESSION they go trought.


CHILL, LET PEOPLE DISCUSS, let people LIKE OR DISLIKE, LOVE OR HATE, we are FANS, we are NOT pious benevolent servants. Live with that and rest assured they're not suiciding 'cuz someone reproved their 5th LP choosen name or cogitated they could be leaving the business. Really!


In my opinion, they've just become a completely different band than the one I first fell in love with. While I love both, I love them both for very different reasons, and I prefer the older manifestation. I understand they will never and should never come out with another Parachutes or AROBTTH and that bands grow and change, I preferred everything about the first half of their career--especially their business and promo decisions, which seemed much more music-oriented than "let's get bigger and make more money"-oriented (which I think is mostly fueled by people that aren't in the band itself, but still).




Are there people from their camp that check this board and maybe report the occasional highlights/lowlights back to them? Definitely, we know that to be true. Does that mean we should only say nice things? That's insane. Fairly-minded debate and criticism is what places like this should be for, no matter who's watching. And if anyone for a second thinks positivity or negativity about TITLES or ALBUM ART from a fanboard is really going to completely change their tact in any direction...I think you should refer back to what Chris said recently about simply wanting to create something that people can ENJOY. They have their own ideas about how to best go about that these days and I have mine, but as long as they still create music I enjoy in some form and continue to be the people I believe them to be, I'm still going to consider myself a big fan of theirs even if I have my gripes about how they do what they do.




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If anyone buys music based on what the album is called, well. That's there loss for being musically-superficial.[/color] :phu:

a few pages back:

and just to reiterate since it seems as though it needs to be posted on every page... this discussion should be about the title; we're not judging the music here


title only

only about the title

rate the title not the music






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Stop making long posts, please! My mind has always been opened to changes in Coldplay's music. In fact, i like ETIAW, MM studio version and hate Parachutes and AROBTTH... Really booooooring albums. I fell in love with this band because of VLVODAAHF and XandY.


Talking about the title... I think it gives a touch of fresh and new experiences for Coldplay and I think everything will make sense when we listen to the whole album and CLDPLY explanations....

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I don't know if what I have to say has any relevance to any people who feel the same way, but I'll say it anyway. Maybe the reason that people hate the direction that Coldplay are going is not because of what they're specifically doing to change, but just the fact that they're changing. People hate change because after the end of every era it feels like not only the era is ending, but also the memories and emotions associated with them. Maybe AROBTTH and Viva would be equally as good as each other to you if you were hearing them for the first time side by side, but you all heard the first three albums and grew emotionally attached to them and associated memories with specific songs and now you feel like that's gone.


When I started liking Coldplay I didn't listen to any specific album, I listened to the songs in a very random order just listening as I found them, so to me every era is just as meaningful, and I don't feel the same way you guys do about the "change" because, to me, it's always been this way. Maybe in a few years I'll look back on the Viva days and say "Why can't the boys be like that anymore...?"


I definitely think humans, or a lot of them, are resistant to change in general, so I think you're definitely right in that respect. I think everyone would like their favorite artists to stay in their favorite era...at least for awhile. But I don't think that's the biggest part of a lot of the comments I've seen about Coldplay from longtime fans in the past years. They've certainly changed, and that's inevitable, but to me, core things that they (and by "they," I mean more than just the 4 members) used to prioritise and operate under have completely turned on their heads, for whatever reason. Of course Coldplay is going to change, especially in light of their massive success from 2005ish onwards, so my point isn't that they shouldn't have...my point is just that they HAVE, in ways I never expected them to looking at their 2004-selves. I don't want to open a debate on promotion strategies and live performance styles and clothing choices in this thread, but my point is that if you look at other artists who maybe aren't as internationally huge but who have had successful careers in the spotlight for the past decade just like Coldplay, the differences between their debut-selves and their current selves often feel less glaring to me. This is all just my opinion, though--I'm sure with the right artists I could be proved wrong.

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I definitely think humans, or a lot of them, are resistant to change in general, so I think you're definitely right in that respect. I think everyone would like their favorite artists to stay in their favorite era...at least for awhile. But I don't think that's the biggest part of a lot of the comments I've seen about Coldplay from longtime fans in the past years. They've certainly changed, and that's inevitable, but to me, core things that they (and by "they," I mean more than just the 4 members) used to prioritise and operate under have completely turned on their heads, for whatever reason. Of course Coldplay is going to change, especially in light of their massive success from 2005ish onwards, so my point isn't that they shouldn't have...my point is just that they HAVE, in ways I never expected them to looking at their 2004-selves. I don't want to open a debate on promotion strategies and live performance styles and clothing choices in this thread, but my point is that if you look at other artists who maybe aren't as internationally huge but who have had successful careers in the spotlight for the past decade just like Coldplay, the differences between their debut-selves and their current selves often feel less glaring to me. This is all just my opinion, though--I'm sure with the right artists I could be proved wrong.



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I mean more than just the 4 members


Ah, I see. I'd agree completely there. But I don't care about those people (besides Phil). All I care about is that the 5 of them still care about making music that their fans will enjoy. The rest of their "guys" aren't musicians, they're businessmen and they just want money. I hate what they're doing but it's their job.

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I don't think that's the bandmembers' goal at all, I want to make that clear. I think the four of them are completely dedicated to making music to the best of their abilities, like Chris said recently, for people to ENJOY. I doubt they think of sales etc that much, honestly.


But I think their business half most certainly think that way, which is their job. They just seem to have more influence over the way the band does things than they used to, at least to me, and between the lines (or even not-so-between-the-lines) it says MONEY MONEY MONEY more obviously, and more than it used to.

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Ah, I see. I'd agree completely there. But I don't care about those people (besides Phil). All I care about is that the 5 of them still care about making music that their fans will enjoy. The rest of their "guys" aren't musicians, they're businessmen and they just want money. I hate what they're doing but it's their job.


Definitely their job, it's just that they're being less discreet about their point these days, and I think that's what's making a lot of fans more uncomfortable than before, for better or for worse. It makes sense when you think about the future of the music industry as well--EMI's in bad shape, physical-format music is in bad shape, bands make much less money from sales than they used to so they have to get what they can from touring and appearances...it all makes complete logical sense, I just think a lot of us aren't happy with it.

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You guys are all great omg.


I was like maybe 10 or 11 when I heard that iTunes Ad, as cheesy and dumb as it sounds Coldplay has been a big chunk of my life as it has to many people here. And some of us just.. sort of grew out of it and don't see them as a band that makes music that you dig, but this BAANDD that you just know everything about and every song and their personalities and you've learned every side of them. You can't see them the same as you would with another artist you may like, in which you would only listen to their music.


But, (atleast for me) I'm still craving for the same feeling I had of something being so amazing like Coldplay when I was 12, it made me excited and really happy for a while.


And I'm not feeling the lightning strike, the vibe in their new music. But as I said before, I should listen to it as i would do with any new album of an artist I also like. But maybe the only reason that I kept waiting for LP5 was for nostalgic reasons, and not for the music at all :(


This, this is me completely. :heart:

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my husband (not a fan of Coldplay) feels that many of their lyrics are kinda cheesy/overblown. He cites the new single's title "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall" as a perfect example. I suspect many people may find Mylo Xyloto difficult to appreciate (hard to pronounce or understand). It may appear to some that the band is trying too hard to be clever.


Myself (a huge Coldplay fan), on the other hand, likes the title for its originality. Rather than just being named for a song title (like so many other artists) it is making me consider what Mylo Xyloto means and where the idea comes from. I suspect it will spark other similar conversions prior to album release. An ordinary album title wouldn't have done that.

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I definitely think humans, or a lot of them, are resistant to change in general, so I think you're definitely right in that respect. I think everyone would like their favorite artists to stay in their favorite era...at least for awhile. But I don't think that's the biggest part of a lot of the comments I've seen about Coldplay from longtime fans in the past years. They've certainly changed, and that's inevitable, but to me, core things that they (and by "they," I mean more than just the 4 members) used to prioritise and operate under have completely turned on their heads, for whatever reason. I don't want to open a debate on promotion strategies and live performance styles and clothing choices in this thread, but my point is that if you look at other artists who maybe aren't as internationally huge but who have had successful careers in the spotlight for the past decade just like Coldplay, the differences between their debut-selves and their current selves often feel less glaring to me. This is all just my opinion, though--I'm sure with the right artists I could be proved wrong.



im just curious why you think the promotion strategies and live performances are problematic..Also can you give me an example of a band that you think havent changed all that much in a decade??:)

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Problematic isn't the word--I think they'll be successful in gaining them new fans and lots of money. It's just that I've noticed a lot of discomfort with some of the ideas and plans expressed about the upcoming era from a lot of "veteran" fans, myself included, so I feel like there's something to be explored there, if a significant part of the fanbase is feeling "less excited" about this album for various reasons (music-based, promo-based, image-based, what have you) and if what sounds like a good portion of people aren't thrilled or completely comfortable with some of the promo ideas expressed. My overall point is that the Coldplay machine as a whole is no longer shy about being wholly commercial and making it seem like they're out to get bigger and bigger. Of course, that's always been a goal in the mix, but right now (admittedly before anything really happens), it seems like they're going to be more commercial than ever, and some people are growing skeptical that their music and...integrity? (totally wrong word, I can't come up with a good one) will grow to match. That might spell problems for retaining old fans, even if they are gaining new ones, which could have interesting business results at the end of the day.


There are whole other threads for this subject, so I really need to stop raising my points in this one about the TITLE.

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Well in which thread can I ask you what your thoughts on the rest of the new songs besides ETIAW?


Haha, well for direct opinions, you can always write on my user profile :P. I just feel bad that I've basically hijacked this thread away from it's original purpose, even though I guess most people have gotten their feelings out about that.


For the record: I certainly enjoy the new songs (INCLUDING ETIAW, which is actually one of my favorites), but to me they largely sound and feel like they come from a completely different band. Which, while not my preference, I can totally live with. It's just that I feel I've encountered so many people on this board and elsewhere that seem to feel a similar way, and that felt that way in 2008 as well, that I find interesting and worth exploring. I also hope to have a career doing these sorts of things for bands and have been trained in cultural/media analysis, so I can go on about topics like this for about 12 pages without breaking a sweat :lol:.

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Haha, don't worry about it. For a while this became the best thread ever. You think the new songs are good, but you're unhappy because they aren't what you expected? What exactly did you expect? I had no idea what to expect so I really don't think these songs soung unlike Coldplay at all. When I think about these songs musically, all gimmicks aside, I feel like this is just classic Coldplay (besides ETIAW, which I think is good and have been liking a LOT more since seeing live).

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(Anyone else can feel free to break my complete ruling of this thread at any time and bring it back on point :lol: :uhoh:)


This is purely opinion based to answer your question, but the board is dead, so I might as well.




I expected this (to some extent), I hoped for something else unrealistically :P. That's the reason I wasn't disappointed or surprised by any of it, I just ideally would see something different. Same exact thing happened in 2008. I hope for the sound of four guys in a room with two guitars, a bass, a piano, drums, and voice and really not much else, with less "wall of sound" and more "back to basics." I think that's different than wanting another Parachutes or AROBTTH. I'd just like more simplicity, musically, production-wise, promo-wise, image-wise. I think the first half of their career was built on it, and while they've certainly needed to change to fit their insane popularity that they didn't have in the first half of their career, I think they might have been able to still build off a more no-frills base and still be wildly popular and lucrative. I'd also like better lyrics than what we've seen since...really like 2004, but who knows if we'll ever see a return to form there.


To me, classic Coldplay is everything pre-Viva. Musically, I can see similarities between certain songs from the start of their career and certain songs from the last few months, but others...if you played me "Viva la Vida" or "ETIAW" in 2003, I wouldn't have believed it was the same band besides the voice. People tend to think I'm nuts when I talk about what sounds like or doesn't sound like what, though, so I'm not really the best person to ask. But what I like best in music is when the album sounds like it could have been recorded live in a room with no more than the musicians and their 4-5 instruments. I think their first two albums really sounded like that, the third did on some songs, and the fourth and probably the fifth will sound like there are lots of other instruments and tracks and people all over the place with a big, grand sound. Still cool? Yes! Just not as much my preference, and certainly not the reasons I was initially drawn to Coldplay. I'm confident enough in them that I think I'll quite like the bulk of what they put out for the majority of their career, unless they just become some sort of huge general embarrassment. I just don't think the reasons of why I like the newer stuff have much to do with the reasons I like the older stuff. I know a lot of other fans who haven't been as willing to embrace the "new direction" from around 2005-2008, some of whom left the board and probably even the wider fandom completely, and that interests me because I do feel in my gut that some things have fundamentally changed for them, for better or for worse. And I like to study things like this.



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I can completely understand that. But Jonny said something in the Billboard article recently that made me really excited. He talked about having those moments on the album when you can hear the guitar strings being plucked and the piano pedal being pressed and that they were making an album half based on an electric feel and half on an acoustic feel which really excites me. It sounds like a mixture of Viva and, well pre-viva. The problem with Viva was that there was no sad songs. Just a mix of happy and angry. I'm hoping that Us Against The World was the song that tells us the most about the allbum even though most of the songs we've heard seem to be more on the electric side.

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