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My open facebook status to Coldplay ** thread evolved into Lounge material **


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Baw8cc , .


Yeah, he made good music, and was undoubtedly the king of pop.


However, you KNOW that it's going to haunt his legacy forever. Whether or not he did it, there is proof that he was at least inappropriate with children to some extent. And there's no denying that. Even the biggest Michael Jackson fans should admit it.


Just because you make great music doesn't mean you don't do anything bad. And you shouldn't be excused from it.


R. Kelley peed on people and molested children.


John Wayne Gacy raped and murdered teenage boys and hid them beneath his floorboards.


Michael Jackson was undisputedly inappropriate with children, having them over to his estate for "sleepovers." Whatever that means. So he made my list for it. No matter what the reason was (he defends himself saying he didn't have much of a childhood), or how many great songs he did, it still happened.



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^ Fan vs fan of another artist fights can be ridiculously funneh. :lol:

However, this one sucks so make it stop.

MJ was acquitted twice, and anyone who's had the decency to dig just a little bit deeper into the cases could see

that both of them were blatant attempts of extortion.

(And maybe an attempt to destroy him, but I won't go into conspiracy theories.)

All in all, his love for kids was normal, (maybe exaggarated), but I definitely agree that it has tainted his legacy.

And I don't mind people kidding about him, as long as they don't hate him. :wink2:

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^ Fan vs fan of another artist fights can be ridiculously funneh. :lol:

However, this one sucks so make it stop.

MJ was acquitted twice, and anyone who's had the decency to dig just a little bit deeper into the cases could see

that both of them were blatant attempts of extortion.

(And maybe an attempt to destroy him, but I won't go into conspiracy theories.)

All in all, his love for kids was normal, (maybe exaggarated), but I definitely agree that it has tainted his legacy.

An I don't mind people kidding about him, as long as they don't hate him. ;)


No, I don't hate the guy. And I don't necessarily think he engaged in the stuff people said he did to that extent. And I like his music, and I'm glad he was around to share it with us.


I just put him on my list because he was involved with a high-profile molestation case, and while he was acquitted, it will forever stain his image. That's all I was saying, and I think it's reasonable. Because it's fact.

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^ Fan vs fan of another artist fights can be ridiculously funneh. :lol:

However, this one sucks so make it stop.

MJ was acquitted twice, and anyone who's had the decency to dig just a little bit deeper into the cases could see

that both of them were blatant attempts of extortion.

(And maybe an attempt to destroy him, but I won't go into conspiracy theories.)

All in all, his love for kids was normal, (maybe exaggarated), but I definitely agree that it has tainted his legacy.

And I don't mind people kidding about him, as long as they don't hate him. :wink2:


Don't you know that in the US celebrities don't go to jail or they'll go for only few days.

MJ and R. Kelly did what they did. Ben Rothshitburger (a famous football player) raped a young woman and nothing happened to him. Chris Brown beat the shit out of Rihanna (I'm sure you've seen the pictures) and he gets probation. Any other citizen would have been put in jail! Bruno Mars was caught with cocaine and all he gets is a warning and 200 hours of community service. Lindsay Lohan is caught driving drunk while she was on probation for drunk driving and without a driver's license and she is still around.

Celebs just don't go to jail which is unfair. People should stop treating them differently and stop thinking that they are perfect blah blah blah. They often (more often than you think) do horrible crimes but they always seem to get away with it.

I'm sure if a regular citizen was accused of pedophilia or rape you would never defend him. When someone does a crime, people egg his house but when a celebrity does a crime, people say it's a conspiracy.

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Don't you know that in the US celebrities don't go to jail or they'll go for only few days.

MJ and R. Kelly did what they did. Ben Rothshitburger (a famous football player) raped a young woman and nothing happened to him. Chris Brown beat the shit out of Rihanna (I'm sure you've seen the pictures) and he gets probation. Any other citizen would have been put in jail! Bruno Mars was caught with cocaine and all he gets is a warning and 200 hours of community service. Lindsay Lohan is caught driving drunk while she was on probation for drunk driving and without a driver's license and she is still around.

Celebs just don't go to jail which is unfair. People should stop treating them differently and stop thinking that they are perfect blah blah blah. They often (more often than you think) do horrible crimes but they always seem to get away with it.

I'm sure if a regular citizen was accused of pedophilia or rape you would never defend him. When someone does a crime, people egg his house but when a celebrity does a crime, people say it's a conspiracy.



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Don't you know that in the US celebrities don't go to jail or they'll go for only few days.

MJ and R. Kelly did what they did. Ben Rothshitburger (a famous football player) raped a young woman and nothing happened to him. Chris Brown beat the shit out of Rihanna (I'm sure you've seen the pictures) and he gets probation. Any other citizen would have been put in jail! Bruno Mars was caught with cocaine and all he gets is a warning and 200 hours of community service. Lindsay Lohan is caught driving drunk while she was on probation for drunk driving and without a driver's license and she is still around.

Celebs just don't go to jail which is unfair. People should stop treating them differently and stop thinking that they are perfect blah blah blah. They often (more often than you think) do horrible crimes but they always seem to get away with it.

I'm sure if a regular citizen was accused of pedophilia or rape you would never defend him. When someone does a crime, people egg his house but when a celebrity does a crime, people say it's a conspiracy.

well still you are luckily a step behind Spain yet.

our justice at times gives more rights to the criminal than to the victim being both regular people, (there's many cases of those, as a robber break into your house to steal you, hits you, but if you, the owner, hit the robber and hurt him/her, the robber can charge you and you'll lose the case) so imagine how it is when there's some celeb involved. :dozey:

biggest proof, is a yet not resolved case involving the disappearing, rape and killing of a girl, yet not proved cause there's no clue where her body is even when a big river has been drained to search there, the accused criminals have been mocking the justice for over 3 years and still do, and being allowed by our system to lie and give different versions of the events every time they open their mouth.

justice should be fair, and clearly is not, no surprise society is going downhill.

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Don't you know that in the US celebrities don't go to jail or they'll go for only few days.

MJ and R. Kelly did what they did. Ben Rothshitburger (a famous football player) raped a young woman and nothing happened to him. Chris Brown beat the shit out of Rihanna (I'm sure you've seen the pictures) and he gets probation. Any other citizen would have been put in jail! Bruno Mars was caught with cocaine and all he gets is a warning and 200 hours of community service. Lindsay Lohan is caught driving drunk while she was on probation for drunk driving and without a driver's license and she is still around.

Celebs just don't go to jail which is unfair. People should stop treating them differently and stop thinking that they are perfect blah blah blah. They often (more often than you think) do horrible crimes but they always seem to get away with it.

I'm sure if a regular citizen was accused of pedophilia or rape you would never defend him. When someone does a crime, people egg his house but when a celebrity does a crime, people say it's a conspiracy.






Why don't we have a clapping smilie?

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Michael Jackson's overrated. Stevie Wonder's music accomplished so much more, and he did it all with his eyes closed.


I like Stevie too. MJ was a performer, Stevie is a musician.


Uhhh...it was about how Coldplay is made of talentless pedophiles. Which clearly is logical.


Wow, so we indeed are on topic. :sneaky:


Are they sellouts?

Personaly, I love MX. I feel that they're happy with their lives and they wanted to make a happy album.

So I don't consider them sellouts, I think they were just being honest to themselves.

Besides, they'll change again with the next album, so if someone doesn't like this one, why don't they just ignore it?

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Exactly. Can someone please lock or delete this thread?




I don't know why I'm even trying...

First of all, he slept in the same room with terminally ill kids because they wanted to sleep in the same room with him, and they only sat on a bed together while they were watching movies or cartoons. Those terminally ill kids were only invited to have some joy in their life before they die (cos MJ had a roller coaster and stuff to cheer them up, and he had the Heal The World foundation for which he donated tens of millions of dollars) and the parents themselves brought their kids to Neverland a million times after the first molestation/extortion case, cos they knew MJ was innocent and there was proof supporting that. The kid's dad was taped having a conversation in which he said it's all about the money. He even KILLED himself latter when he saw how the trial affected MJ, cos they were friends before they decided to destroy him. MJ even helped cure the kid's cancer because the family didn't have the money for his treatment (the same white trash family was accused of fraud and extortion before MJ). And I'm not just a blind fan, I know the facts.


Did you know that MJ owned all the Beatles' songs? That catalogue was worth a billion dollars. Think about that...


Is this thread about the Beatles now??

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