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How was your year?

The Final Track

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Really really good year for the second half, it started off with me a school dropout, nobody had any expectations of me but I'm lucky enough to have this burning passion to succeed and explore the world, not sit on my arse all day doing fuck all & hating my life, and so started college in September after the most amazing summer holiday ever where I met up with some amazing friends I don't get to see often. College is going really well & I'm content with my life, I'm on track to go on to uni after finishing the course I'm on now :) Bring on 2012!

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8th grade was a lot of fun but my mom told me to not talk to my best friend then everybody started hating him, a lot of people started hating me and bullied me, my ipod broke, I dont like Coldplays new album and there wasn´t even a nice christmas to end things right. Oh and Shane.. :blank:


The only good thing was that I´m not afraid to sing infront of people anymore. Not such bad year, but jeez.

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Last year was alright. I was able to get a 2nd job which related to my degree which was good. I was let go and then rehired from there which was strange. I also met some cool new people which was good and felt I was more social, but I hope this year I will make more friends.


Overall the year to me was mostly just work, being that a good portion I was working 5-6 days a week and more recently like 50 hour weeks. At least I had a lot of amazing concerts (Radiohead, Paul McCartney, Other Lives, The National, and many others) to keep me sane.


I'm hoping 2012 will be a lot better and different.

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It was good overall, too fast though.


Nothing significantly bad happened. Never got to go anywhere / do anything amazing either, but oh well.


Got in the program I was trying to get into. Met my boyfriend's family who seem to love me, I dunno why.


Looking at it this way, I should stop complaining.


Gonna try to do new things this year.

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worst year of my life, started off having flu over christmas 2010/new year 2011, my cat got sick, then she had to be put to sleep a few months later after being diagnosed with a serious heart condition, finding out I would have to find somewhere else to live and I LOVED where I lived, my job stank (boss was a right bitch to me for most of the year), dad nearly died in september and was very ill for a while so I had to look after him, find somewhere for him and me to live, and work, the most stressful 4 months of my life, having to move to a horrible town, because of the towns reputation my insurance for my car went sky high, I walked out of my job after one to many abusive rants off my boss the last one reduced me to tears, there was a few more stuff but little stuff which pisses you off at the time but you don't remember it weeks later if you know what I mean?! what more would you like to know? One right stinking crappy year.

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2011 was an awesome year! I had a lot of good times and i've made great new friends. I also went to an amazing family trip and finished my last year of high school. I met Liam Gallagher and the rest of Beady Eye (ex Oasis members). There were big news in my family also. I hope 2012 is as good as 2011 or even better! :D

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2011 was probably the greatest year of my life. I graduated with my bachelor's degree, got into Graduate school, met some amazing new friends, traveled a lot and saw some amazing concerts(including seeing Coldplay 5 times) I begin 2012 by moving to San Francisco in 2 weeks to attend Graduate school. I am not sure if this year will compare to last year but I am sure in for a new adventure :)

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2011 was okay for me, but not great.

I completed my first year of university, then transferred to another university this fall and am currently in my second year. I've met some new friends living in residence, but I still feel pretty alone and am really homesick.

A bunch of other crap happened in 2011, but I guess there were high(ish) points.


My first four days of 2012 have been pretty crappy. Hopefully it will get better (though unfortunately I don't think it will...)

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2011 was amazing gghghhbj



met + saw my musical hero play in an empty pool at an abandoned college :blank: (Four Tet)

played a show with my other musical hero and have pretty much become kind of friends with him (Liam Finn)



lows? uh, our house got broken into. not very much was stolen but they messed everything up. I was the first one to come home to it so :(

also I was in around 60 earthquakes just last week...


nah it was great

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