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The Muse Thread - Hate This & I'll Hate You


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I think Hoodoo might grow on me actually... I like the piano part in it :)


Yeah, I'm still kinda undecided about The Resistance, I like Uprising, USOE and I'm surprised that I actually like IBTY (its probably the clarinet solo that does it for me :lol:). The rest of the songs are sort of meh :\ As for the symphony, I like the idea but it will probably take a few more listens to get into it.


Hoodoo was my least favorite Muse song for a while lol, now it's one of my favorites. It's certainly a grower.


The symphony sounds better the sadder/lonelier you are haha. Did you like MK Ultra? That's one of my favorites from The Resistance. :nice:

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Interesting to see the varied opinions on "Hoodoo". I agree with dry_pretzels, there's something in particular about hearing that song on piano that really makes it that much cooler (sorta like how I absolutely adore the piano version of "Cave" I've heard, and may actually prefer it a bit more to the original version).


Yeah. I've always liked that song, I like how dark and dramatic it is. But hey, to each their own :).


Heh, I ran into him myself a couple times last year, so I'm gonna pass on tonight's Vicky Cryer show just because I don't really like their sound and I already chatted Dom's head off last time. Plus I'm sure he will be mobbed by creepy fangirls since this is a much larger show.


Wow. Lucky you. I don't doubt you'd be right about the mob, too :lol:.


I've not heard anything by Vicky Cryer, you have me intrigued to hear them just to see if they're as crap as you claim they are! But fair enough reasoning-when they tour again you'll have another chance to see them, so...


"I Belong to You" is my ultimate guilty pleasure song. It totally un-Muse-like and the clarinet feels like it's in there just to be wacky and bizarre, but it's also fun.


Yeah. I just love that song, it's my favorite off The Resistance, and I'm glad to see I'm not alone for once in this opinion! I don't know why I love that bass clarinet at the end so much. I just do, though. Go figure.


First time I heard the song I actually cracked up laughing. But you know, like you said, it's so bizarre and wacky, and isn't that one of the reasons we all like this band to begin with? Because they're willing to try weird stuff like that? I will always admire a band who gives something strange a shot-whether it works for me personally or not, it's always cool to see bands not be afraid to genuinely have fun (which I sometimes think is sorely lacking in rock music nowadays, everyone's trying to be so hip and cool and oh-so-serious) and try new things.


Plus, Matt sings in another language halfway through. Come on, how can a girl object to that :p?


Megalomania, yeah, if you can work out a cover of that song, share it, I'd be happy to listen to it!


ticking_clocks, glad I'm not the only one who noticed the similiarity! This isn't a bad thing, either, mind, 'cause I love that Elvis Presley song, so hey.


"TAB kicks ass. I admit to belting out that last verse really loudly in my car frequently.


Haha, nice. Yeah, that can be your song for anyone you hate. I used to think of President Bush every time I heard that song :D.



Yeah, I'm still kinda undecided about The Resistance, I like Uprising, USOE and I'm surprised that I actually like IBTY (its probably the clarinet solo that does it for me :lol:). The rest of the songs are sort of meh :\ As for the symphony, I like the idea but it will probably take a few more listens to get into it.


It does. It took a few listens for me, too, it is definitely a "grow on you" type of album. It may also wind up being one that you have to be in a "mood" for, too, there's a few albums like that for me as well. But I do like the album, there's some great stuff on there, and given how odd some of the music on there is, I'm dying to know where the hell they'll go next.


The symphony is fantastic. The third part, the "Redemption", that's my favorite section. That piano is utterly beautiful. And I'm kind of a sucker for piano-heavy music.


And yay for finding fellow October babies! Quite a few of us here!

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Hoodoo was my least favorite Muse song for a while lol, now it's one of my favorites. It's certainly a grower.


The symphony sounds better the sadder/lonelier you are haha. Did you like MK Ultra? That's one of my favorites from The Resistance. :nice:


MK Ultra :thinking: I like how the chorus is all urgent and I kind of like the main riff, but it doesn't really stand out to me at the moment, I think it's one of those songs that I'll like but its not a favourite if that makes sense.

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Interesting to see the varied opinions on "Hoodoo". I agree with dry_pretzels, there's something in particular about hearing that song on piano that really makes it that much cooler (sorta like how I absolutely adore the piano version of "Cave" I've heard, and may actually prefer it a bit more to the original version).


Ooh, same here! I like the piano version of Cave more, and it was quite a nice surprise the first time I heard it. Maybe I'm just a sucker for piano. :lol:

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MK Ultra :thinking: I like how the chorus is all urgent and I kind of like the main riff, but it doesn't really stand out to me at the moment, I think it's one of those songs that I'll like but its not a favourite if that makes sense.


yup! makes sense. :P


btw I really can't wait until we start getting official news about progress, if not releases of singles and whatnot. :bomb:


Ooh, same here! I like the piano version of Cave more, and it was quite a nice surprise the first time I heard it. Maybe I'm just a sucker for piano. :lol:


I don't know, I think I prefer the original Cave but I do like both. Also, I much prefer piano Sunburn over guitar Sunburn. :P Guess I'm just the opposite haha

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Hey Muse fans! I've listened to Absolution a couple of weeks ago and had alredy heard The Resistance, really love the later. So I was wondering if you could suggest me an album to listen next.


Black Holes and Revelations.

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Hey Muse fans! I've listened to Absolution a couple of weeks ago and had alredy heard The Resistance, really love the later. So I was wondering if you could suggest me an album to listen next.


It depends on what you like, if you want more serious rock I'd suggest Origin of Symmetry but if you want more of a different style (kind of like The Resistance in the way that it experiments with styles) I'd second the suggestion for Black Holes and Revelations.


Muse New Song 2012 Backing track - YouTube[/url]


Fake or real? I think it's fake :/


I'm going to say fake because if it was Muse there would be a lot more guitar. . . also that sounds like something that didn't take a lot of skillz to write.



if that turns out to be real you'll find me crying in a corner


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It depends on what you like, if you want more serious rock I'd suggest Origin of Symmetry but if you want more of a different style (kind of like The Resistance in the way that it experiments with styles) I'd second the suggestion for Black Holes and Revelations.


Black Holes and Revelations.


Thanks, I like experiments, I'll listen to Blackholes and Revelations then ;)

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In case anyone didn't know, Muse are nominated for Best British Band and Worst Band at the NME Awards lolol


Also: Best Live Band, Musers for Best Fans, Matt for Hero of the Year and Matt & Dom for Hottest Man


yay! :awesome:


love your avatar <3


...well, that's...odd :p.


Good luck to them with the awards. Except for the "Worst Band" one. That's one they should definitely lose :lol:.


i think it would be hilarious if they won best band and worst band. :lol:

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I was just about not to vote at all, as a sign of protest towards nominating Muse and Coldplay the for worst band award, but it just didn't feel alright and it was pointless, too, so I voted... ;) and I guess I'll just cross fingers and abuse my keyboard voting, as always, hoping Muse win...

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I believe a lot of Musers are trolling and voting them for both just to make a mockery of the awards. :lol:


I know I am. :P


I want another drunk interview this year.




I have a question. What's up with the song Exo-Politics? I think it's awesome but I don't get the chorus. What does he mean by "When the Zetas fill the skies..."? :confused:


Zetas are aliens. :P So he's saying that aliens are coming to Earth and the government leaders aren't telling any of the people anything, and the aliens are conquering and whatnot. At least that's what I get from it haha

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Zetas are aliens. :P So he's saying that aliens are coming to Earth and the government leaders aren't telling any of the people anything, and the aliens are conquering and whatnot. At least that's what I get from it haha


Yeah, I thought it was something like that, I just didn't know what he meant by Zetas :laugh3: At first I thought it was 'deceit has filled the skies' which made sense to me but then I looked it up and got all confused :confused:

Hmmm, I get the feeling Matt Bellamy has a huge obsession with aliens and science fiction and all that stuff, what with all the references to space. I love that sort of thing :)

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Yeah, I always thought it was about aliens, too-one of Matt's favorite topics :p. Great song, though, I love the beat throughout.


Put in my votes. Not that my American opinion will matter much :lol:.


I hate it when two things/people I like are up for something-I love both Matt and Dom, how can they make me choose like that? I went for Matt, though.


What's this about "another drunk interview", by the way? Sounds fun.

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