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The Muse Thread - Hate This & I'll Hate You


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I won't be surprised if they throw Best Rock Album to Tom Petty, Neil Young or Pearl Jam solely because of their expansive careers and legacies. The Grammys have a history of rewarding those artists, even if their nominated stuff isn't the greatest. I think that category's the biggest uphill battle.


I think Best Rock Song is their best bet thanks to weaker competition. Then again, The Black Keys' song is also good and Neil Young has the legacy thing going for him. So hopefully we'll get a good performance from Muse even if they end up going home empty-handed.

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Funny. showbiz and hysteria :p where is starlight and blackholes :lol:


Starlight is here and Blackholes is a Godawful username. :lol: :P


I won't be surprised if they throw Best Rock Album to Tom Petty, Neil Young or Pearl Jam solely because of their expansive careers and legacies. The Grammys have a history of rewarding those artists, even if their nominated stuff isn't the greatest. I think that category's the biggest uphill battle.


I think Best Rock Song is their best bet thanks to weaker competition. Then again, The Black Keys' song is also good and Neil Young has the legacy thing going for him. So hopefully we'll get a good performance from Muse even if they end up going home empty-handed.


I was reading these two guys opinions (apparently they usually predict these correctly? :shrug:) and they said that Petty, Young, and Pearl Jam would split a lot of the Grammy votes, leading to Muse coming in and sweeping the award away. :awesome:

Same thing about Rock song, but they said it'd be close between the Black Keys and Muse. :shrug:


I'll see if I can find the link. :ninja:

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Ahaha, that video :heart: Only Matteh.


And also RE: Grammys... As much as it pains me to say, I'm thinking they'll go home empty handed. And it's weird, but I sort of want the Black Keys to get a Grammy. Just because they're sharp.

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Ahaha, that video :heart: Only Matteh.


And also RE: Grammys... As much as it pains me to say, I'm thinking they'll go home empty handed. And it's weird, but I sort of want the Black Keys to get a Grammy. Just because they're sharp.







GTFO. :phu:

Nah, only kidding. :P

I just want them to get one. :bigcry: Because they really do deserve some recognition in the States, I mean srsly.

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Fine. If you want to play it that way I will up and leave *pouts*




Nah, I'd love Muse to get one, don't get me wrong... But I'm also rooting for the Black Keys to get one and all. 'Tighten Up' is a tune and a half and they're killer live. Therefore:


Muse = Rock Album

The Black Keys = Rock Song


Then I will go home happy :lol:

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I'm willing to compromise. :P


As long as Muse gets "Best Rock Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals" as well. :phu:




It's a deal. :D


G AB[/color]O[/u]UT[/size]


Whoa. Hey Crests, way to make an entrance. :dozey:


Y'know we're just chilling and talking Grammys.

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They haven't happened yet? :surprised:


Last year they were on while me and two people were "studying for exams" and it's already second semester. GEEZ GRAMMYS GET IT RIGHT.


We got sent home after one friend's mother got enraged because she slapped the TV because Sugarland was performing with Bon Jovi. :|


/cool story

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I forgot to tell y'all about my Muse related dream last night. :lol:

It was weird. :dizzy:


Okay, so I dreamt that I was at a Coldplay concert, and Chris goes "And now we'll play one of our favorite songs from our first album, Parachutes" and I was all OMG OMG :freak: :awesome:


And then he broke out in Hyper Music. :wtf: And it was kind of funny because in my dream it didn't register that it was a Muse song. :lol: And then my alarm woke me up, so I hit snooze and fell asleep again and dreamt that I was at a Muse gig in my backyard and all the Coldplaying people were starring as guest musicians and we were beastly awesome. :awesome:

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They haven't happened yet? :surprised:


Last year they were on while me and two people were "studying for exams" and it's already second semester. GEEZ GRAMMYS GET IT RIGHT.


We got sent home after one friend's mother got enraged because she slapped the TV because Sugarland was performing with Bon Jovi. :|


/cool story


Nope, this Sunday.


Nice Crests, nice. :|


I :heart: Bon Jovi. :wacky:

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I forgot to tell y'all about my Muse related dream last night. :lol:

It was weird. :dizzy:


Okay, so I dreamt that I was at a Coldplay concert, and Chris goes "And now we'll play one of our favorite songs from our first album, Parachutes" and I was all OMG OMG :freak: :awesome:


And then he broke out in Hyper Music. :wtf: And it was kind of funny because in my dream it didn't register that it was a Muse song. :lol: And then my alarm woke me up, so I hit snooze and fell asleep again and dreamt that I was at a Muse gig in my backyard and all the Coldplaying people were starring as guest musicians and we were beastly awesome. :awesome:



That reminds me of when I dreamed got to sing with Mew but I would only sing if Jonas was also singing and then Jonas forgot the words to everything and there were Coldplayers in the crowd. :|


Nope, this Sunday.


Nice Crests, nice. :|


I :heart: Bon Jovi. :wacky:




Not as much as my friend xD


My presence makes threads so on-topic :heart:

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If Coldplay broke out into a song that's similar to Hyper Music, I'd be so confused. And then I would proceed to rock out.


My friends and I did a dance routine to Bon Jovi's "It's My Life" in elementary school. :awesome: The moves were so dorky, but we thought we were the coolest thing ever.

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My friends and I did a dance routine to Bon Jovi's "It's My Life" in elementary school. The moves were so dorky, but we thought we were the coolest thing ever.


In elementary school for a talent show me and someone did some pretending to be clowns thing where we hit people in the face with foam balls because we weren't allowed to use pies. We thought we the coolest things ever too. :|

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My friends and I did a dance routine to Bon Jovi's "It's My Life" in elementary school. The moves were so dorky, but we thought we were the coolest thing ever.


In elementary school for a talent show me and someone did some pretending to be clowns thing where we hit people in the face with foam balls because we weren't allowed to use pies. We thought we the coolest things ever too. :|

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We're discussing what awards we think Muse will win on Sunday. :wacky:




I'm being a realist. Generally America is a bit of a fail when it comes to Muse... (No offence) So I'm expecting nothing to change this year. It's sad :cry:


They haven't happened yet? :surprised:


Last year they were on while me and two people were "studying for exams" and it's already second semester. GEEZ GRAMMYS GET IT RIGHT.


We got sent home after one friend's mother got enraged because she slapped the TV because Sugarland was performing with Bon Jovi. :|


/cool story


:laugh3::laugh3: Whut.


I forgot to tell y'all about my Muse related dream last night. :lol:

It was weird. :dizzy:


Okay, so I dreamt that I was at a Coldplay concert, and Chris goes "And now we'll play one of our favorite songs from our first album, Parachutes" and I was all OMG OMG :freak: :awesome:


And then he broke out in Hyper Music. :wtf: And it was kind of funny because in my dream it didn't register that it was a Muse song. :lol: And then my alarm woke me up, so I hit snooze and fell asleep again and dreamt that I was at a Muse gig in my backyard and all the Coldplaying people were starring as guest musicians and we were beastly awesome. :awesome:


Amazen. If only Coldplay and Muse were to merge and do a tour together. I was contemplating this happening considering they are/were BFF's. :lol:


I bet we were like proper musical geniuses. (Irony = I can't play an instrument. Although I have started to learn the piano).

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