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This bitch cray


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Joel speaks from experience.


Actually, yes. I've had some interesting people follow me before.


Are you his stalker? :huh:






Oh my God Joel is my stalker


He's just dressed up as a gross chick from Texas









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Last night I went to a wedding, and when I got home (about 12:30am) I uploaded some pictures. Not a minute later I received this text message (the bottom one):




While I'm at it, here are the most recent text messages between us on my phone (she's in white). Looks like she's toning down the frequency of messages, but they are just as nonsensical and awkward:




She messaged me today on Facebook and we had the loveliest awkward conversation implying she gave "me" up for lent:





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my cousin had a stalker, so i made a fake facebook and stalked him by sending him naked ladies and saying it was all me and he stopped stalking my cousin :thinking:


i can make a buisness out of this :cheesy: send me this bitch

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maybe just completely ignore her and she'll get the point?!


Nah, that would cause a ton of drama nd she'd just become more annoying. Believe me, I've tried.


When I do that she just shows up to random things that she knows I'm at (but she shouldn't know). Once she was outside my quantum chem class waiting for me during a period I was blatantly ignoring her. It's easier just to talk to her a little bit. But I always ignore her text messages because they're usually batshit crazy.


If you'll notice above, for example, she texted me "Where are we eating at" and shortly afterwards, "I don't see you." I don't know what she was talking about, but I'm pretty sure that she convinced herself that she was meeting me somewhere, WENT TO that location, and WAITED. When I said NOTHING of the sort. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that might be how her mind works. It's really fucked up.


Obviously, after graduation in like 2 months, I won't be speaking to her anymore. She thinks I'm going to school in California, when actually I'm going to be in St. Louis.


not if she really really wants HIS point, if you get my point.



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Ah, a diligent memory serves you well.


Yes, I had to re-add her because she blew up my phone and a mutual friend's phone about how she's sorry for arguing so much. It happened so often that my phone was running out of battery early evening because it was vibrating so much. On top of that, I tried blocking her number (apparently my cell provider won't do it without a $15 fee, which is really fucking cool of them) and I tried rerouting my walk between classes (a method which worked for about two days). I actually plan on changing the number once I move, which is a $20 fee but it will be totally worth it. For her, and a couple other annoyances (I get a LOT of telemarketers).


As far as the Facebook thing is concerned, after a week I figured it wasn't worth it anymore. It's really fucking annoying how she deals with her disappointments. Basically she cries and annoys the piss out of everyone around her until she gets what she wants. I hate it.


Call me crazy but this is my current theory. I think that she has been telling people we're dating or something and she has her sorority sisters basically watching out for me on campus. There's no fucking way a person can know so much about me, my schedule, and my habits, while still having even remnants of a life. I know, I'm probably being super paranoid but I've exhausted the remainder of ways I can deal with it. I'm really just trying to run out the clock on this one. I don't really feel threatened or anything so I'm kind of just dealing with it with facetious humor.

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earlier in the thread






But you can send messages to people if you are not friends.


Still, Cobalt's got a point; Brent, why don't you block her? Because if you block her, you'd be done with her (on Facebook), plus there's still a chance that you can get away with "I deleted my account" if you were too afraid to say.

But if you de-friend her, it's 100% certain to her that you did it, and you still receive the messages.

Doesn't add up...


EDIT: my bad

I'm sorry you have to go through that then :hug:

I really think you are being threatened, is there anything else the police can do?

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