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The cancer that is killing The Lounge


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Yes! Someone said it but I won´t say names.. other than I forgot who said it..


i like the juansonito thread because it was random but it was actually a topic other than PIE FOODS COWS STARS CATS LOL RANDOM!!! xD


You know :disappointed:

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i like the juansonito thread because it was random but it was actually a topic other than PIE FOODS COWS STARS CATS LOL RANDOM!!! xD


You know :disappointed:

let's bring it back to life

even if it's only us posting

at least it's a ~quality thread~


EDIT: oops there i go with the tildes


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You make it sound as if we´re some kind of species lol fine, I´ll find your butthurt feelings proof that someone who usually post in the coldplay section said something similair to "the lounge is a dangerous place"

I'm pissing my pants if people actually think people from the Lounge are intimidating

Especially how it is now

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hey dee! i guess you're kinda right. the lounge is getting a bit...um...is "blah" the word?


when i first joined, it was such a fun place where you always found something to do....now i kinda find myself just staring at the screen saying "ummm..now what?"

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You make it sound as if we´re some kind of species lol


I didn't mean that. If you take a look at the thread, the word was used at least once. And it's not me saying "them" (Coldplay section) vs. "us" (Lounge section).


fine, I´ll find your butthurt feelings proof that someone who usually post in the coldplay section said something similair to "the lounge is a dangerous place"


This is what I mean by gratuitous offending. And I said 'and shit' because I find it nonsensical to say such thing (don't be serious on the lounge). No offense intended. I didn't mean to say people who tend to post more in the lounge were some kind of species or anything, still you have to use this kind of terms.

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Dear Loungers,

I remember joining this forum, a timid, naïve 11-year-old with dreams of being Internet cool and engaging in 'teh secks' (cancer) with Chris Martin. This forum brought me many close friends, taught me not to care what others think, and I've learned lots of new vocabulary from douchebag intellectuals who don't like Coldplay anymore™.

The Lounge I remember was a very active place, that brought us laughs from well-loved Coldplayers and morons alike.

While this era had to die (via abuse, spam, racist comments, etc.), its legacy lived on. That you can walk into a messageboard about a no-longer-relevant band and walk out filled with experiences that make you a stronger and happier person.


wht the fk is gong on now


I was talking to Reilly and we both kinda agree that the Lounge has become an unfunny place. It might just be me being a delusional fuck but people barely post anymore, and it can't be because the MX era is over because the Lounge was very active two years after VLV was out, plus we have 30000 more members.


Brent's always like "why do you complain all the time Dee" and it's because everything's so lame! Not many serious, thoughtful threads, no funny threads, no competitions or events to engage in, not even people to make fun of to make yourself feel better, just


  • YOLO
  • ~~~
  • bewbs/secks
  • :huh:
  • Tammi's thread/random posting thread/all the other popular threads filled with
    "dee" "tammi" "rudy" "hi" "hi" "lol" "lolz" "lulzzz" "ur mom" "gtg bye!!!" "bye"
  • expired memes


Maybe it's the wrong thing to make a thread about this but I wanna see if anyone agrees that we need to do something to enhance The Lounge Experience™ or if it's only me and maybe I should leave if I'm not content with how it is.


We can do Tinychats or stop with the memes or send each other stuff or SOMETHING jhfjdhjd

~no one cares~

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I remember the lounge when I first joined but I found it kinda odd.


It was very odd! I forget who, but someone who posted a lot in there really pissed me off so I never went there. :P


And I still don't really. I dunno, I just find it boring.


So yaa, do something funner ppl.

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It was very odd! I forget who, but someone who posted a lot in there really pissed me off so I never went there. :P


And I still don't really. I dunno, I just find it boring.


So yaa, do something funner ppl.

I find all the other sections boring

They're really slow

I guess WoM is pretty active but for me it's not that interesting to talk about bands unless the lead singer is particularly handsome :uhoh2:

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I think people who talk about the lounge are loungers themselves, with all the 'no serious stuff allowed' and shit.


I've heard people mention how idiots are now saying the Lounge is 'No serious talk allowed' zone now or something, I've only ever seen Tash say that and she was clearly joking (Well if you weren't Tash, then wtf) if it's been said regularly in other places on here then it's news to me, it certainly isn't a widely accepted rule by most of the people who go on here. So don't let it put you off.


Away from that topic, the most consistent complaint seems to be of how we treat others with a lack of respect. Firstly, nobody gets persecuted for liking Coldplay on this forum, probably about half the regular Lounge posters have either totally gone off Coldplay or care about them a lot less then when they first signed up, but the other half aren't, and I couldn't care less. If someone wants to use this General Topic forum to consistently bring up/defend Coldplay, well there's the main Coldplay forum on here and a billion sub-forums related to it. So don't expect to get scrutinised if you try to morph every topic subject into something Coldplay related.


As far as people being ganged up on, I speak my mind about people if they are being annoying or arrogant, there's a line which people cross that they don't realise how much they look like a dick. But I don't ever intend to gang up on anyone, if other people agree then that's up to them.

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As far as people being ganged up on, I speak my mind about people if they are being annoying or arrogant, there's a line which people cross that they don't realise how much they look like a dick. But I don't ever intend to gang up on anyone, if other people agree then that's up to them.


about 'ganging up'

people on here do sometimes pick on others as a joke

I do as well but if it's genuinely hurting someone, I apologize and stop


the problem is is that some people genuinely enjoy the bad attention and continue to irritate people and act like clowns. For that, no one is being 'ganged up on'

, just getting the attention they get off from. (And frankly, we should stop that because they don't deserve it)

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I give up, I couldn´t find the exact post I saw earlier, but I did search and found something from 2 uhh I mean 4 years ago...


it is really :\:embarassed:


and Zeoir thanks for using the word "brave" I feel more confident now :P.. well not really !


Haha well i was posting mainly in the coldplay section and in the game threads.


And that's true too.. the lounge might be a bit scary place at first. It was for me for sure! And it might be hard to get to know to other coldplayers





No problem! I really think it's kind of a brave thing to do. It's like going into a room full of people you don't know but they all know each other and just start chatting with them.


While searching with keywords of The Lounge, is, noobie, harsh, mean, bullying, old, new, scary, dangerous, first. I found that there are a lot of threads just like this one, with titles of "the lounge is boring" and "the lounge isn´t the same as it used to be" so maybe in 2 years the noobs we find annoying now will make a thread like this. This post pretty much sums it up:


Everything goes mental. Noobs show up, oldies complain that it wasn't like it was in the old days, whatever new group the new sound/marketing campaign attracted take up residence, while a few regulars who either don't like the new sound or don't like the crowding on the board disappear. The Coldplay section gets really noisy for a few months, and the regulars hunker down in the lounge where business continues as usual. Eventually everything slows down and then peters off into next to nothing when the tour ends. The girly girls fade away or grow up and some of the refugees slowly come back. Regulars who were whining about the crowding and noobs start once again whining that nothing ever happens and there's nothing to talk about just like they always used to. Eventually new album details start to leak out and the whole thing starts over again. :dozey:


Wash, rinse, repeat.


I'm sort of looking forward to the craziness... last summer was so slow I didn't even post for weeks at a time. I like fun summers.

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about 'ganging up'

people on here do sometimes pick on others as a joke

I do as well but if it's genuinely hurting someone, I apologize and stop


the problem is is that some people genuinely enjoy the bad attention and continue to irritate people and act like clowns. For that, no one is being 'ganged up on'

, just getting the attention they get off of. (And frankly, we should stop that because they don't deserve it)


Exactly. One in particular (I don't know if we're talking about the same person) actually antagonises others, they are in my opinion naturally annoying anyway, but then they admit they're annoying, and even say things like how they're going to be even more annoying the more I complain about it.


You are right, I might not stop completely, but definitely give them less attention, as they may claim it upsets them, maybe it does a little, but for the most part they love the attention.

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Everything goes mental. Noobs show up, oldies complain that it wasn't like it was in the old days, whatever new group the new sound/marketing campaign attracted take up residence, while a few regulars who either don't like the new sound or don't like the crowding on the board disappear. The Coldplay section gets really noisy for a few months, and the regulars hunker down in the lounge where business continues as usual. Eventually everything slows down and then peters off into next to nothing when the tour ends. The girly girls fade away or grow up and some of the refugees slowly come back. Regulars who were whining about the crowding and noobs start once again whining that nothing ever happens and there's nothing to talk about just like they always used to. Eventually new album details start to leak out and the whole thing starts over again. :dozey:


Wash, rinse, repeat.


I'm sort of looking forward to the craziness... last summer was so slow I didn't even post for weeks at a time. I like fun summers.

This is a very good post Anette

I feel guilty for making this thread now

but its intentions were less of me bitching and more asking about what can be done

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I find all the other sections boring

They're really slow

I guess WoM is pretty active but for me it's not that interesting to talk about bands unless the lead singer is particularly handsome :uhoh2:


Yaa, this whole forum is boring me lately.


Haha, saame. I'm so shallow :P

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Exactly. One in particular (I don't know if we're talking about the same person) actually antagonises others, they are in my opinion naturally annoying anyway, but then they admit they're annoying, and even say things like how they're going to be even more annoying the more I complain about it.


You are right, I might not stop completely, but definitely give them less attention, as they may claim it upsets them, maybe it does a little, but for the most part they love the attention.

Dozens and dozens of members fit into that same mold. I understand being able to laugh at yourself, that's a healthy thing to do that will make you and others like yourself more.

But to nearly beg for others to insult you? Hmm.

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It's weird when I think about all the people who used to make up the lounge who have now left/ non regular/,distant posters/banned :sad:




Just gonna reel off some names to see how many people I can remember





That gallosal fragster guy




Ivet and Marie


I miss a lot of people Dx there's got to be more but I can't remember them right now.



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I didn't mean that. If you take a look at the thread, the word was used at least once. And it's not me saying "them" (Coldplay section) vs. "us" (Lounge section).




This is what I mean by gratuitous offending. And I said 'and shit' because I find it nonsensical to say such thing (don't be serious on the lounge). No offense intended. I didn't mean to say people who tend to post more in the lounge were some kind of species or anything, still you have to use this kind of terms.


If I fight with you it will make the lounge fun but I guess I did use those terms. But still, I think we should all just let go of these terms.


Also rules.. I think rules is what fucked this place up. If we wanted rules we´d go to real life. Thats why the lounge was so much fun, there were people who just came to annoy, assholes, swearing, alias and no warnings. Even I got a warning.. because I mentioned something wrong about



i guess some rules, ian is pretty cool when it comes to that.. but i think its


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I agree Dee. I haven't been here all that long but just in the last few weeks this place has had a serious drop in quality. It seems like most of the posts rely on in jokes, which leads everyone who isn't directly involved to start posting less because they can't relate to the context.





Have you ever seen someone close to you, friends or family, die of cancer? I guess not. If so, you would know better.


You're kidding, right? Dee uses a word you don't like, without any extra connotation, and you play the "I'm offended!" card, then go on to accuse Dee of simply not caring about the most common cause of death in the western world? I think if anyone has the right to be offended here, it's Dee, because you just seriously questioned what type of person she is for no reason whatsoever.


Being offended /=/ being right.


By the way, Dee's use of the word actually falls within the definition of the word cancer in most dictionaries:


2. any evil condition or thing that spreads destructively; blight.




3. something evil or malignant that spreads destructively




an evil or destructive practice or phenomenon that is hard to contain or eradicate - "racism is a cancer across Europe".



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