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Is HLH still alive on you?

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  • 1 month later...

The live version is definitely better since the guitar lines are more defined and the drums are more lively (though the electronic drums really aren't bad or detracting). If there's one thing about the studio version I don't like it's the guitar solo where Jonny does the big descent..some of the notes are kind of muddy.


Anyhow, HLH is an excellent song. A great energetic starter. MX is very pretty and he way they use that motif in the whole album is very clever. Moreover, there's something about each instrument that's great - Jonny's best guitar solos in ANY Coldplay song (you really don't know where it's going to go but it's so pretty and has so much motion - the solo after the first chorus is NOT repetitive the way Charlie Brown and In My Place are), a great bassline especially at the end, VERY involved drumming from Will, a nice moment of group vocals at the last chorus... when you count it up and include Mylo Xyloto, this is a song with FOUR guitar solos. The lyrics are very picturesque and have a great story. Sets the stage of the song and album perfectly. The piano at the end is nice too. I actually like the electronic vocals - it's kind of like what Midnight SHOULD have sounded like with some vocoder/autotuney things. Will has a good backup vocal in the 2nd verse with the "streets are ours" and "don't let em take control" lines. Overall, this song is the best possible intersection between old and new Coldplay.


My only other complaint is that the music video did not live up to my expectations..it was too static, and it made the song too short by cutting various chunks out.


I wish they would switch Charlie Brown out for HLH sometimes. Even though CB is "fun", I'd argue HLH is just as fun and catchy and energetic. But it's a musically and lyrically superior song I'd say.


Oh and how about Will's glockenspiel part in MX?!

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Can you imagine it when they go back to their stadium tours again?


They start open up with their album opener and they continue to play the setlist when suddenly it all goes quiet...

(*Wills Glockenshpeil part as lights shine on) DUM DUM DUM-DUM-DUM...


it would be soo magical!

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Guest howyousawtheworld

It doesn't do it for me on the album so I barely listen to it in that form.


The live version, however, is absolutely ASTOUNDING. Jonny just drives that song at a thousand mph with his guitar from the very beginning. It's a shame the record version does not have the same intensity due to the obvious lack of JB's guitar in the verses. Barring the obvious live classics of Yellow and In My Place, it is my favourite ever Coldplay song live.

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^Indeed!! I think HLH would be a good post-B-stage song or encore opener. :)


It doesn't do it for me on the album so I barely listen to it in that form.


The live version, however, is absolutely ASTOUNDING. Jonny just drives that song at a thousand mph with his guitar from the very beginning. It's a shame the record version does not have the same intensity due to the obvious lack of JB's guitar in the verses. Barring the obvious live classics of Yellow and In My Place, it is my favourite ever Coldplay song live.


I agree..there's a weird amount of "space" during the verses because Jonny doesn't do that simple 1-note line.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone noticed the Hurts Like Heaven AWESOME remix during the introduction of David Letterman hosting Coldplay way back in 2011?

I'm looking for that awesome remix, it has an EXTENDED JONNY'S SOLO of Hurts like Heaven.-

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