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Post pictures of the gorgeous Chris


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Jesus H. Christ. Still trying to unscramble my brain. Holy Christmas. I am so going to hell just for the thoughts alone that I'm having.


Now Atlas!!!!


What a day!!!!!!!



:dazzled: :heart: :dazzled: :heart: :dazzled: :heart: :dazzled: :heart:

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Last night, Hamptons, couple getting off two red mopeds. Turned to wife, snidely: 'oh, they're cool.' Wife, 'that's Chris Martin & Gwyneth.'


And it was Chris Martin and Gwyneth. And they were cool. And nice to everyone in the restaurant. And I was happy to be right and wrong.



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I don't have earrings either, but that's because the whole piercing process scares the crap out of me.


So, I was actually a little proud of/jealous of him, 'cause he actually went through with it.


People don't have to do much to earn my respect. :D


Then again, it's Chris. He only had to make a corny joke to earn my respect.

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East Hampton Library’s annual Authors Night fundraiser


I didn’t get a chance to talk to the Oscar-winning actress, cookbook author and fellow blogger but I did have a very nice exchange with her husband, Chris Martin of Coldplay, who was much cuter and taller than I expected. He was close by, though completely unnoticed (strangely), with daughter, Apple, on his shoulders and son, Moses, at his hand. I asked if he would mind my taking a photo and he said, “if you’re really asking, I’d rather not.” I replied that I wasn’t a paparazzi, rather an Arts editor, and that I wouldn’t do that to him and his kids, to which he thanked me and asked my name. We talked, I gave him my card and then directed him to Clive Davis and Nile Rodgers, who were also there to sign books. Nice man. And, seriously, I couldn’t believe how handsome he was, which I had never really thought about previously.



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You know what the comedienne Rita Rudner said about men who have earrings. Her claim is that they understand women better because "They've experienced pain and bought jewelry."


And loved the comment above from the Hamptons fundraiser. When I met him in 2010 I was stunned at how much better looking he is in person. Photos and videos don't give him credit. He is SO handsome.


Bring Atlas on!

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God that was the only thing I disliked and he took them off :awesome:


Thank you for sharing, he is gorgeous :dazzled:


I think he could wear a tutu and a duck on his head and it wouldn't bother me. :D (We'll see if that's true if he ever decides on the duck.)



East Hampton Library’s annual Authors Night fundraiser


I didn’t get a chance to talk to the Oscar-winning actress, cookbook author and fellow blogger but I did have a very nice exchange with her husband, Chris Martin of Coldplay, who was much cuter and taller than I expected. He was close by, though completely unnoticed (strangely), with daughter, Apple, on his shoulders and son, Moses, at his hand. I asked if he would mind my taking a photo and he said, “if you’re really asking, I’d rather not.” I replied that I wasn’t a paparazzi, rather an Arts editor, and that I wouldn’t do that to him and his kids, to which he thanked me and asked my name. We talked, I gave him my card and then directed him to Clive Davis and Nile Rodgers, who were also there to sign books. Nice man. And, seriously, I couldn’t believe how handsome he was, which I had never really thought about previously.




You've got to love a woman with taste. There have been quite a few ladies turned on lately by the Martin charm that maybe hadn't noticed him quite as much in the past. Example: the lady that tweeted that she had developed a 'dangerous crush' and another that admitted a sudden crush, all after the latest series of appearances. Smart, smart people.


Row has gone home. :cry: We had such joy hosting her and her family here in the U.S. and are sad that they are gone. Great, great family and great, great friends. Here's to Coldplay and Coldplaying.com for bringing true friendships to people all around the world. :heart:

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I know that what I'll say has nothing to do with this thread whatsoever, but that last sentence you said, is just sadfjlkasdf.

Here's to Coldplay and Coldplaying.com for bringing true friendships to people all around the world. :heart:

Thanks for saying this. +1

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