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The Big Brother 5 Thread


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That's what he keeps saying!


He was gutted he didn't go yesterday, he thought he would (when in fact he got the least votes of all of them). He said there's no-way he'll let himself win! :/


Looks like it'll be Nadia then :confused:

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Gotta dislike Victor :lol:

But he did amuse me sometimes :rolleyes:


"iiiiii'lll maaaaaakkkeeee love to you, *screech*, like you want me to, *screech*, and i'll hold youuuu tiiight... baaaaaby all through the night,,...." :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Its no longer worth watchig. I will watch it on the 4th August when Victor comes back to help evict one of the final 4 In some pub quiz. I did not even get to see Victors Interview with Divna. I never expected him to go in a 1million years so I went out for a drink instead.


I thought it would have been repeated on channel 4 yesterday but they put the cricket on instead. Its got so boring without Mr Slick and the producers know it as well. Victor was the best BB contestant ever.


We know have left


Dan -A ass kisser who doesnt want to win.

Shell - She has not relaised what the BB house is about

Staurt - A man without any backbone whatsover.

Nadia Out of all of them deserves to win as she stands up to people even though I can not stand her.

Michelle - If she was after me I would be quite scared of her.

Jason - Should have not went in there in the first place if he walks in fact BB should put a clause in their contract to say if you walk you should not be allowed to make any monies whatsover out of the place. !

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I don't understand the big fuss now that Victor has left :stunned:

Sure, it was entertaining viewing at the time, but it will be like "Victor who?" in a few weeks :inquisitive:

All Big Brother contestants are eventually forgotten.


Mimixx - Dig V + Dermot's funky dinner jackets :wink3: :lol:

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I don't understand the big fuss now that Victor has left :stunned:

Sure, it was entertaining viewing at the time, but it will be like "Victor who?" in a few weeks :inquisitive:

All Big Brother contestants are eventually forgotten.


Mimixx - Dig V + Dermot's funky dinner jackets :wink3: :lol:


Victor really made a massive difference to this years Big Brother. Without him there would have been 'Day 19'. Most likely the biggest thing ever to happen at a Big Borther house in the UK. There are people out there like him, I know one or two people just like him

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