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Sherlock Holmes - 9/10

Finally got to see it, I really wanted to see it so badly. :)

I liked the story, although I must say that it was a wee bit complicated at times. Luckily I had my best friend with me who'd already seen it and could explain everything to me. :lol:

Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law were brilliant but I love the latter anyway. :D

It was the first movie by Guy Ritchie I've watched and I think he did quite a decent job. :nice:

Oh, and I also loved the whole atmosphere and of course the beautiful "picture" of the city of London. :cheesy:

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The Wolfman



(Yes, I know that poster is in French.)


It's not going to win any awards, but I thought it was quite entertaining. :lol: Anthony Hopkins is a genius (as usual) and Benicio del Toro is quite good. The cinematography is gorgeous; very beautiful and haunting. The only thing that bugged me was how the monster actually looks. Just look it up if you don't know what I mean.


In truth, however, the movie that I watched most recently (although I already saw it a few years back) is...





Heartbreaking, intense, and my favorite Paul Newman film.

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17 Again - 5/10


I was actually expecting worse, given how it's the fifteen gazillionth movie to use such a plot device. But there was some quality humor in parts, mainly from the brother character. Doesn't change the fact that the movie tried nothing new (not a single thing), though.


Gonna see Shutter Island next week for a class report. Looking forward to it.

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Gattaca 9/10

One of my favorite movies. :heart:


The House Bunny - 7/10


Second time seeing this, mainly because my friend and I turned off "Year One" after 20 minutes because we thought it was beyond stupid.

It's more of a chick flick, but it's one the male audience can at least somewhat enjoy. It's nice to see a little role reversal with the female filling the typically male role, and there are some good laugh-out-loud moments. It's not a deep comedy and it's kinda slapstick at times, but I've seen far worse.

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The Queen



Very fascinating glimpse into the life of the royal family after the death of Princess Di. Michael Sheen and Helen Mirren are perfect for their roles.

(Yeah, I watch too many movies.)


I really liked that movie! :)


(I watch too many movies too :shame: )

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