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Bea's poetry

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A bad day


What if when you wake up

life makes no sense

What if you don't feel

as good as you used to be


what if air don't seems

to help you keep breathing

why if you can't hide it

your worst nightmares chase you now


where to hide

what to do?

what if your believing are weak now

how to deal with a new day smiling?


what if you've discovered a truth

that nobody sees but you?

what if everything seems to be

against you, as your worst enemy


who to trust if you know for sure

that the worst enemies on the light

are best friends each night

who to talk with, who to trust?


what if your life makes no sense

what if your believes are broken

what it you know today

all that was hidden for centuries


that life is a fairy tale

there are bad and good souls

ones against the other

and you are in the middle


you have noone to talk to

and them are chasing you

there's nowhere to hide now

there's nothing to change it


what if you feel that

everything is a big fake

that all you trusted in

is just a child's tale


there's nothing we can do

just to help each other

and wish every night

that there will be another day tomorrow


'cause there's nothing we can do

we are not powerful enough

to make it change

just keep smiling and breathing


(Ariadna Squire Damique



It just came out :smug: i wish it were not that depressing but...


You should've named it "What if" lol.


I love it :nice:

And I don't think it's depressive.

Becuase smiling and breathing helps us to survive.


Good job, Ari :thumbsup:

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thanks miro :blush:


yes i thought to change the name but anyways is about a bad day so... :)

i wrote directly on the post, i mean i use to handwrite it on a paper firstly to check the mistakes but not this time. :nice:




And it went so ... naturally?

Wow, cool!


The name's good as it is :D

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yes when i finished it i was so happy and surprised that i wrote it as it is so easily..


creativity comes like this :) i love it when it comes like that time. :)


i was watching the news, listening to placebo and remember some things told me my dad that he found on internet about politics and economy. :)

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yes when i finished it i was so happy and surprised that i wrote it as it is so easily..


creativity comes like this :) i love it when it comes like that time. :)


i was watching the news, listening to placebo and remember some things told me my dad that he found on internet about politics and economy. :)




Very nice.

I like those moments too. Who doesn't?


Anyways - I think it's a day over for me.

Going to bed. Need to find a present for my cousin's birthday tomorrow morning. Though I have no idea what to buy. :confused:


Good night, everyone! :kiss:

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Flower Flow


Come on here my friend

You've reach the top

You are on the higher hill

You feel the king of your town


Take a deep breath

Fill your lungs with air

Fresh ozone air

Feel yourself renew


How nice are those days

When you came to your countryside

Once you called it your garden

You keep coming when you feel lonely


Come on friend don't be afraid

You'll reach the hill again

A rock seems to be broken

And water cames out from it

Like blood on an open hurt


Look how the water flows

it goes down the mountain

Look down the hill

Look how it stop to form a lake


People used to said that

the lake was formed

from the tears of a sad princess

and now is yours


you feel as a kid

with his favourite tresure

lie down on the grass

looking all the flowers


flowers form a rainbow

round the lake, son of hill

see the daisies, poppies and sunflowers

take a deep breath, feel it


you are dreaming on the grass

feel an ant that walks on your hand

look up to the sky

look how the clouds walk in it


a drop touch your head

clouds get dark, storm has began

you hide on the cave near the lake

don't be afraid, it'll be over soon


you feel renew as a child

so you take some flowers

you throw them on the river


them flow and flow on the river

sometimes fast sometimes slow

making a coloured line on the water

till they end on the sea


(Ariadna Squire Damique


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lol i used a wrong verb... i often confuse to lie and to lye... :confused:


lie is when you are in a horizon position on a surface... as the verse says... lie down on the grass...


lye is when you don't tell the thruth...



i hope i'm not mistaken them again.. i hate when i mistaken it.

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lighted night


look up to the sky

look how the stars shine

look the siluetes that it draws

look the moon that is full


there's no noise around us

everything is so silent tonight

and the sky is our only watcher


look the comets that cross the sky

how long are their flames

how bright is its light


make a wish you wishpered to me

i felt your hand holding mine

i could picture your smile


i wish this night never ends

i wish we share it forever

i wish the night be ours


look up to the sky

there's no noise around us

look the comets that cross the sky

make a wish you wishpered to me


i closed my eyes and take a breath

and when i open them, slowly

you were not there, i was alone

just the moon looked at me, from above


people call those comets the tears

and as they walk on the night sky

tears come down from my eyes

looking up to the sky


as the night, were a mirror

that reflect your eyes

as just a minute ago

your eyes reflected the lights


just the moon was the witness

of the sweet moment that we lived

when i feel your hand touching mine

i felt that you wiped my tears


but i looked around me

and you were not there anymore

look at the starts, how the shine

i always see than when i close my eyes


(Ariadna Squire Damique


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yes i noticied that.... i was thinking to write it, because tonight is las lagrimas de san lorenzo... that is that at 3am some comets cross the sky each year and people make a wish when them pass.. i thought about that like 3 days ago. :)


i think i'll post the second one... althought i'm not sure if its so good.. a bit sad...

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radar heart


here i am lying down on the ground

i've been used and now i'm broken

i've been tired of waiting for it

and i went to a mad day


a day where everything paralized

time stopped around me

i only saw worried sad faces

all them crying for me


what happened, i don't remember

my body is tired, i can't move

don't know what happened

i don't hear my heart beating


i managed to listen to the people

they say that it went too fast

that i went totally mad

for someone that don't deserves me


i only was a radar heart

i just looked for a bit of love

and someone played with my feelings

and when he got tired he left me down


i shared so nice moments

just thinking of him made me smile

but now since he's gone

i'm here lying on the ground


i just looked for a bit of love

i just wanted to find my soulmate

and i was wrong, and i went crazy

he was so good but really a lazy dude


he lied me so many times

he pretend a life he will never live

he just played with my heart


my heart used to beat faster

but now it hardly moves

i can't feel my breathing

cause my soul has gone


it left me, as he did

lying down, as you see

i can't move, i can't feel

'cause he broke my heart


(Ariadna Squire Damique


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yes i noticied that.... i was thinking to write it, because tonight is las lagrimas de san lorenzo... that is that at 3am some comets cross the sky each year and people make a wish when them pass.. i thought about that like 3 days ago. :)


i think i'll post the second one... althought i'm not sure if its so good.. a bit sad...


true!we call it "notte di San Lorenzo"..I saw a comet yesterday night!I can´t believe it!the first time in my life:cheesy::P

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lol my dad took me to the countryside when i was like 3, to see that event... lol i end up falling asleep on the grass haha... i remember that that day i dreamt that was snowing outside my grandma's house.


i saw some comets in my life... once i even saw 3 ovnis crossing the sky of my neigbourhood... :o that scared me :uhoh:

that was in two different days...


btw radar heart, is pretty inspired on the bitter end by placebo :nice:

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don't look back


why is your face so sad today?

why you feel there's nothing good?

why your eyes are tired of crying?

why you find hard to go on today?


you spent your night on the dark

looking back at your past

you hug the old pics that you took

and realised that they are not here anymore


there's nothing you could do my friend

there's no way to change it today

you have to go on without it

there's nothing we can do


there's no time machine

you doubt now if you took

the good way, you think you were wrong

there's no use to think that


you did your best my friend

don't think of that any longer

it will brake your heart

there's no reason to be sad


you see how many chances

has gone away in front of you

you ought to be a good dude

and never had a rebel soul


seem that rebels are happier

seem that all are better than you now

but that's not true

they feel fine 'cause you


don't you realize that they are happy for you?

didn't you introduce that couple?

didn't you adviced that friend?

what's the reason to be sad then?


feel proud of yourself

that don't deserve a tear

you make the life worthy

'cause you made it to happen


there's no need to cry

there's no need to be sad

cheer you up and smile

they are happy 'cause of you


you made that life had sense

you made that days worth living

you made it to happen

and there's the harder work


but why it don't works for you?

why you cried all that night?

why your sight is so deeply sad this morning?

how that can't cheer you up today?


what are you looking for?

why you keep seeking it alone?

how can i help you now, friend?

how can i thank you all what you've done?


(Ariadna Squire Damique


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care me


when you feel deeply sad

what do to my dear?

when you feel everthing needs a change

and you were afraid to choose the right way


calm down my dear

i'll be there for you

i will always be with you

every time you need me


i hear a whisper, so sweetly

that told me that, on the wind

take life less seriously

although i found everything ironical


get ready for the magical night

relax looking at the sky

look the moon, how it dance

on your eyes, so full


feel your beating, calmy

feel your breath, slowly

close your eyes, and think of nothing

feel the wind on your skin


feel it, how it cares your skin, as it used to

how it change your mood, happiness is coming

how it make you feel better, as yo needed to

its like a hug, the one you need


open your eyes again

see the world around you

look at it with different eyes

it seems that your lips smile again


that was what you needed

but you were afraid to ask for it

you were afraid to show it

and now you was brave


nothing had changed arount you

but you feel different now

relax, confident, happy

'cause your problem has gone


don't stress yourself with that matter

don't try to weight the world

over your head, on your back

throw them away, and smile


you were not called for that

you can't change it yourself

just care for be happy each day

may it change it all that way


(Ariadna Squire Damique



It ends a bit more possitive.... although i thought to another so different yesterday...

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Oh, very nice :nice:


I love it. :)

thanks mike :)

does the last one is more possitive than the previous one then?

btw that one remember me the old one called, if the wind isn't here. (i look all the ones i've posted here some days ago... more than 40 wow, and i took a year off it last year).


i thought to wrote one called beehive yesterday..

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thanks mike :)

does the last one is more possitive than the previous one then?


i thought to wrote one called beehive yesterday..



It sounds more positive.


It is actually.

You ask less questions, as if you've found a solution between the two poems.

This is a good sign:)

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