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13 February 2011 Last updated at 15:59 GMT




The Irish pop star Bono has been criticised for apparently endorsing a song which includes the lyric: "Shoot the Boer".


The U2 frontman said the song, which was sung during the fight against apartheid, had its place, like music supporting the Irish Republican Army.


His comments came at the start of U2's tour of South Africa.


But callers to local radio stations said the song was designed to stir up racial hatred.


"That's hate speech. They don't know our history at all," said one caller to a South African radio talk show.


The song has been at the centre of a political storm in South Africa, with the controversial leader of South Africa's youth league, Julius Malema, locked in a legal battle with a white lobby group over whether it should be banned as hate speech.


Sometimes used as a derogatory term for white people, Boer is an Afrikaans word for farmer.


'Folk music'


In an interview with the South African Sunday Times, Bono said: "When I was a kid and I'd sing songs I remember my uncles singing... rebel songs about the early days of the Irish Republican Army."


He went on to sing a song whose lyrics spoke of carrying guns and readying them for action.


"We sang this and it's fair to say it's folk music," he told the newspaper.


But he said such songs should not be sung in the wrong context.


"Would you want to sing that in a certain community? It's pretty dumb," he said.


"It's about where and when you sing those songs. There's a rule for that kind of music."


Callers to local radio stations described the song as an example of hate speech.


South Africa's highest court is currently considering whether the song violates the rights of Afrikaners.


Since apartheid was banned in 1994, more than 3,000 white farmers have been murdered.


A committee of inquiry in 2003 found that only 2% of farm attacks had a political or racial motive, although critics said this figure was far too low.


It was into this political minefield that Bono has wandered, says BBC Africa analyst Martin Plaut, apparently unaware of the depth of feeling his remarks would stir up.


BBC News website readers from around the world have been sharing their thoughts on Bono's remarks:


I think Bono is right when he says about when and why and what context the song was written. It is very ignorant to say that it was made intentionally with hate in mind considering the history and background of U2. It is mentioned above that Bono and U2 do not know about South Africa history but I don't think the people that complain know where U2 come from either. David E, Salt Lake City, Utah, US


Bono instead of talking rubbish check your facts - I ashamed of you as an Irishman. I, along with thousands of true fans who started a call to bring you to Durban, will never support you or any of your music again. A bad move on your part. Avril Kotze, Durban, South Africa


This is the same as endorsing any other derogatory racist name that has been used in the past. Is this what U2 support, just because it is historical? What other racist names do they endorse and support? Is this a publicity stunt? If so, it is in its lowest form. Colin Money, Basingstoke, UK


We've heard quite enough from pretentious pop stars and this dangerous indiscretion illustrates how pathetically clueless these people are. Jack Gunter, La Manga, Spain


If his endorsement of this song leads to one more farmer's death, it would have undone all the good he has done over the years. Bono, you should come and live in the real South Africa, and not in your ivory towers and learn what life is like for ordinary South Africans, before you make comments like that. Shame on you Bono. Steve Newby, Cape Town, South Africa


It's fair to say Bono has stepped into a mess here and would have been better served by hiring some PR people who should have told him what to steer clear of during their tour in South Africa. Although Bono likes to think of himself as liberal-minded and politically conscious, he will make no friends and quite a few enemies trying to court favour with certain sections of the community. South African politics and society are still pretty polarised and it's fair to say in-depth reporting on issues does not often make its way to Europe. Simon O, Napier, South Africa


He is known for his self-righteous help to Africa which has often done more harm than good. He is talking about something of which he knows nothing at all, which is not at all unusual for him. It is amazing how drugs, sex and rock and roll make you a guru worth listening to. Jan du Plessis, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


This is a sheer idiocy on the part of a man who should know better. His attitude in the context of the difficulties faced by the Irish displays a sorry intellect. Ian King, Pretoria, South Africa


Really fed up with those singers who think of themselves as politicians. First, it's a depravation of music, second they don't know a thing about the situations they sing about. Chris, Paris, France


Having grown up on a cattle ranch in South Africa, I am aware of the atrocious behaviour of many Boer farmers towards their black farm workers. With that said, for Bono to include a song such as Shoot The Boer during his tour in Africa, it can only inflame the tenuous attitude between white and black citizens, that prevails to this day. Bono and U2 have helped ameliorate situations all over the world but this is a poor decision on his behalf. Michael Lamb, Warwick, US

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While that's where the Gaga talk began and ended, the super-producer was more forthcoming with details about working with rock icons U2 on their next album. "I'm working with U2 and Bono and them. I'm a guitar player. I'm a musician," he explained. "A lot of people think RedOne is a synth guy, but I'm a guitar player, I'm a singer and all of that."


RedOne said that while the band's next album will sound distinctly U2, he revealed that he and the guys are also putting a new-millennium spin on the age-old formula. "I love producing. I love doing different styles, and with U2, it was like going back to when I was in a band, a rock band. The process is very special," he said. "It's a very unique process. It's futuristic, but it's still U2. U2 is U2."


Interview producer redone had a few days ago. He talked about new gagas single and working with U2


DEAD at people believing or thinking u2 might go back to Joshua days. They are working with jennifer Lopez , lady gagas producer LOL :lol:


I guess Bono wants this to be big :lol:

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Guest howyousawtheworld

Yep - The Edge announced it in a video at the NME Awards tonight.




U2 + Coldplay playing on consecutive nights at the worlds biggest music festival! Never thought I'd see the day! Gutted I'm not going to be there. Once in a lifetime opportunity.

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Guest howyousawtheworld

I stuck on the remastered Unforgettable Fire again recently. What an absolutely beautiful creation and U2s most important album I feel which spurned The Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby. The Joshua Tree is like the clean cut, incredibly successful daughter of The Unforgettable Fire. Achtung Baby meanwhile is the bastard lovechild of The Unforgettable Fire!

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Achtung Baby meanwhile is the bastard lovechild of The Unforgettable Fire!


could you explain that? i would've thought Achtung baby would be the rebel in the family. the child you want to go to law school or med school but they end up becoming a graffiti artist instead.

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Guest howyousawtheworld
could you explain that? i would've thought Achtung baby would be the rebel in the family. the child you want to go to law school or med school but they end up becoming a graffiti artist instead.


Ohh it's definitely a rebel too!

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Any Coldplay fans that are U2 fans?


Excuse me Coldplay fans, but I'm trying to find all U2 fans that are hiding in here and I know there are some.


Basically, U2.com sucks and I'm trying to make sure all voices are heard. If you are one of many U2 fans that used to be a U2.com member or barely a member and left because the place is just awful, and you can't stand giving them another $40-$50 per year, now is the time to let your voices be heard!






The above petition has hit the media and U2.com is listening!!!



Thanks Coldplayers for letting me jump in!


As you were!



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Guest howyousawtheworld

Massive fan of U2 but just don't bother with U2.com membership. It is a rip off. They used to offer great stuff but now it's meh.

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Massive fan of U2 but just don't bother with U2.com membership. It is a rip off. They used to offer great stuff but now it's meh.


It's people like you that need to sign it too!




And I need to go find this U2 thread...



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I'm trying to find all U2 fans that are hiding in here and I know there are some.


Basically, U2.com sucks and I'm trying to make sure all voices are heard. If you are one of many U2 fans that used to be a U2.com member or barely a member and left because the place is just awful, and you can't stand giving them another $40-$50 per year, now is the time to let your voices be heard!






The above petition has hit the media and U2.com is listening!!!





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