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Coldplay Dreams

Guest LiquidSky

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  • 2 weeks later...



This doesn´t really have to do alot with coldplay, but.. it just weird..






Okay, well i had the weirdest dream last night.

It was Gwyneth´s and Chris wedding and for some random reason they decided to plan it to the grocery next to my house in Mexico called Calimax.

So theres this giant poster outside of Calimax of Gwyneth in a wedding dress, which i kick the floor when i first saw it :P


And it said Gwyneths wedding. So i thought;


Marrying Gwyn but still okay :thinking:


So i told my parents i wanted to go, so they let me, but in the meantime i was making a movie about this girl who re-lives her life, starring Lindsay Lohan..

So then at the Lot i fall asleep and forget about the wedding,

I wake up at rush to Calimax, asking everybody about the wedding, and my biology teacher told me that it wasn´t yesterday and not in this store.


It was in another city, so i walked all the way, making it just in time.. and appearently i was the only one there.

They where in a balcony, and the wedding was over, so they turned around and it wasn´t Chris and Gwyneth.

Just Gwyneth with another dude!


So then i was angry and Gwyn and beated the crap out of her.

She broke Chrissys heart!


In my dream.. :thinking:


Has nothing to do with coldplay, but it made me think about it all day.


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Last night my dream was this

i was in my school theater doing lights and tech stuff so i was walking around every where and had access to everything. My school was doing a benefit concert type of thing to help a charity i can't remember lol and they announced that coldplay would be here to play and i was like crapping my pants soi ran back stage (as i was allowed to do this) and just chris and jonny were they in their uniforms getting ready to preform so i sat down on the ledge behind the stage waiting for them to go on and when they did a few people cheered and this other girl in my class that really like coldplay was sitting beside me on this ledge thing and i called chris's name and reached out my hand and chris skipped over right before starting Viva la Vida and grabbed my hand and didn't let go for like 10 seconds then pulled me down on stage and handed me his guitar which i magically knew how to play and we played viva while he and i jumped around and had an amazing time. After we finished he signed the guitar and gave it to me then gave me a kiss on the check and i died inside and woke up. It was the best dream EVER!

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I already told Brooke about this like a week agho, but I forgot to post it here.


I had a dream where I was at the park and Jonny came up to me and handed me a saxaphone and said "Here, keep this. I don't need it anymore, I have Chris now."


It was a very good dream:wacky:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally had another Coldplay dream!! :dance:


I was at some huge theatre place for school band, and every room was like a big auditorium and there were events going on in each one. We had to go to different workshops, and I was at one where I don't even know what we were doing. But I heard that Chris was doing a workshop in another room, so I snuck away from the school group and found his room!! :sneaky: I was sooo excited and happened to have a copy of Parachutes in my purse which I got signed. Then my dream got weird and scary (won't go into details!) Then it flashed back to my house, where I grabbed all my CD booklets to get signed when I went back to find Chris!! But then I woke up :bigcry:

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I dreamed of Chris last night :D I dunno where I was, a warm place like Grecce or something. Anyway, I heard that Coldplay would perform on a hotel close to the hotel I lived on. Well, I didn't get any ticket! :S So, of some reason I took the subway and when I'm on the train, I see a man running outside. I'm thinking "Who is it? and that jacket looks familiar". He stops running so I go outside again and there he is - Chris Martin wearing his viva outfit. Suddenly he's looking at me and smiles. I'm freaking out but I keep thinking "Stay cool now, don't show him how nervous you are". So I say hi and asks for a picture, but the camera won't work so I ask for an autograph instead. Then he asks me if I want to see the concert, I say yes ofc and then he asks me to follow him to the hotel. THEN I WOKE UP! :(

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Wow, lovely thread.

I have had a Coldplay-dream were I dreamed that I was at a Coldplay show and the bandmembers said hi to me from the stage,

while I was standing in the front of the crowd. Then they ask me if I would like to come up to the stage and sit there :lol:

I say yes and have a hard time getting over the barriers and up to the stage :lol: Then I finally get up on stage and sit on the edge

of the stage, taking pictures and record videos of the crowd, myself with the band in the background and take pictures of the band :lol: :awesome:

Then I came to the real world.. :dozey:

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I had a weird dream not really about Coldplay but anyway related...I dreamt I was babysitting a cute little blond girl and we were playing in a poppy field :D: then her mum came to pick her up, and it turned out the girl was Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter. :rolleyes::shocked2:

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