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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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Well I'm not sure whether there's a dream related thread in this section but i'm sure writing it here will do.


I'm not gonna go into detail, but basically, last night I had a dream about listening to LP4. Not the whole thing i dont think, but certainly enough to keep my mind racing. Apparently it was Lost! and another track I was listening to. As for what the first track sounded like, lets just say that prospekt's comment about 'thrash metal' had obviously gotten into my subconcious, because that song was loud and fast. I remember it sounding like something from the Mars Volta's new album, except with chris' voice in the mix. I remember thinking 'OK, i really hope this grows on me'.

All I remember from the song Lost! is this solo bass part that had a really cool riff. Other than that, I can't remember a thing. I would like to point out that at the time I really believed I was listening to the new album. When I woke up I was still replaying the tunes I had just heard in my head. It's a bit weird considering I had really just created the songs in my head, because they just sounded so real.


Anyway this is a bit of a strange post so you can ignore it if you want, I just wanted to get that dream out of my system.

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^i've had somewhat similar dreams, actually, but because creating music is completely beyond me, i have no reccolection of what it sounded like upon waking. but in one of my dreams, the album was called "advent" and had a very minimalist, black and white color.


in other news, my roommate's alarm yesterday morning just so happened to be "square one." not exactly fascinating, but it made me smile.

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i browsed mtv's teletext yesterday and they had the news that the new album was almost done.


funny enough that they still called it "Prospekt", but the most hilarious thing was that they said it was out on march 19th.

yeah ... right.

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yeah, maybe.

maybe it's a huge surprise... ?!

perhaps you're right about that mystery... hahaha.

they're actually gonna release it next week. keep it secret.

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I've had dreams about Coldplay playing live at my school and I even had a dream about eating dinner with Chris and Jonny!! Actually last night I had a dream about going to a concert but I can olny remember three people being on stage, which sucks cus I was hoping that I dreamt about Coldplay.


This morning, just as we nearly were at school, Clocks came on the radio and the fuckin (excuse my language but she really annoyed me) radio girl kept talking way up til about 3 seconds before Chris started singing and I nearly wanted to scream "SHUT THE HELL UP! I WANT TO LISTEN TO THE SONG!!!"

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This morning, just as we nearly were at school, Clocks came on the radio and the fuckin (excuse my language but she really annoyed me) radio girl kept talking way up til about 3 seconds before Chris started singing and I nearly wanted to scream "SHUT THE HELL UP! I WANT TO LISTEN TO THE SONG!!!"


reminds me why i HATE listening to radio....:veryangry:

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yeah... i agree with ya rachael...


three weeks ago when i was too sleepy on my bed then i listen to the radio


"Yeah.. next is coldplay with speed of sound and remember, enter this quiz and get free voucher of fried chicken and be the 30th caller and call me after this sound of beep and you will get this amazing prize and blah blah... blah blah... blah...."


and he stops crapping after the line "Where to where do i go, if you never try then you'll never know"

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Radio people are stupid and they all have really annoying voices!!! ARGH!!


This isn't really Coldplay related but today me and my friends went indoor skating and you could ask for a certain song. She asked for Cus I can by PINK and they guy had to cut the song halfway becuase the sound quality was dead. She went up to him and full on told him off and demanded a refund (even though the song was free) and I couldn't help but think I probably would have done the same if it was a Coldplay song!

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Uh-huh, today was a Daylight day, because it was just all happiness with only one hitch...Bebe cried after being pushed over at the skating rink :cry:. Some girl just rammed into her and she toppled right over. We were sitting down afterwards and while she was telling me about it she started crying :bigcry: I didn't know what to do :bigcry:

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AROBTTH can fix anything for me. i was kind of down on myself last night because i have so much work to do and would really like to just go home. i dont get like this very often, but when i do i immediately plug in AROBTTH and it honestly makes me feel twenty times better. with the first few notes of politik i was feeling better (and that's my least favorite song on the album!), and by the end of warning sign i was asleep.


god i love coldplay.

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We love you Coldplay because without you' date=' we'd all be destroyed wrecks!![/quote']


sometimes i feel a bit ridiculous that i actually think that a piece of music turned me into another person, but it is true.

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sometimes i feel a bit ridiculous that i actually think that a piece of music turned me into another person, but it is true.


As scary as it is, music has shaped who I am now and what scares me most is that when I started listening to music, I came out of that little shell I'd been living in.


From the first song I heard (square one) to this day where I know the album will be done sooo soon (which is pretty much exactly two years), I have been happier and more erm...under control than I was the for the 13 years prior.

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