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You know you're addicted to Coldplay when...


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-when you seriously consider planning your ENTIRE summer around coldplay's tour dates (too bad i couldn't do this :bigcry:)


I expect that the year I graduate high school Coldplay will have launched another tour, and me and my friends plan on traveling across the US for a lot of the US tour dates.


You know you're obsessed with Coldplay when you've thrown pillows at your family members when they call Chris Martin a spaz(and they don't say it like it's a compliment the way I do)

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when you get directions from your hotel your staying in (massachusettes)

to the venue where coldplay is going to be







me and my mom completely flipped out!

and shes like omg nooo way!

ONLY FOR COLDPLAY- she said :rolleyes:


its ridiculous! ill try to scan it on my computer! but everytime i try to take a picture of it it gets blurry :cry:

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When all i've been listening to for the past year has been Coldplay and i'm not sick of them the slightest bit.


And when i walk into work and Clocks is playing on the radio and everyone yells, "Makayla! Coldplay is on!"

So i go running to turn up the volume.

and everybody smiles.


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When all i've been listening to for the past year has been Coldplay and i'm not sick of them the slightest bit.


And when i walk into work and Clocks is playing on the radio and everyone yells, "Makayla! Coldplay is on!"

So i go running to turn up the volume.

and everybody smiles.



omg i know exactly what you mean!!! :rolleyes:

my friends text me too! :laugh3:


and i know i just started liking coldplay last year so ive been on like a coldplay binge :x

but its all good.

people tell me they would think i would get sick of them,

but not at all, and im glad people here (&you :P) understand that haha! :D

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When Yellow is your favourite colour solely because of the song.


When you can listen to The Scientist a million times on loop mode and after a while you don't even know it's there, it's just like breathing.



i agree with the second part completely.

but not even just the Scientist! sometimes i'll just have my iTunes on random (listening to only Coldplay, of course :P) and i'll suddenly realise it's at the end of a song, but i won't remember listening to it at all.

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When you can listen to The Scientist a million times on loop mode and after a while you don't even know it's there, it's just like breathing.

that happens to me all the time!!!

omg i know exactly what you mean!!! :rolleyes:

my friends text me too! :laugh3:


and i know i just started liking coldplay last year so ive been on like a coldplay binge :x

but its all good.

people tell me they would think i would get sick of them,

but not at all, and im glad people here (&you :P) understand that haha! :D

i know!! my friends are always like "you're gonna get sick of them"

idiots. :dozey:

i agree with the second part completely.

but not even just the Scientist! sometimes i'll just have my iTunes on random (listening to only Coldplay, of course :P) and i'll suddenly realise it's at the end of a song, but i won't remember listening to it at all.




when someone you've met once in your life before asks you about your coldplay concert because of your facebook statues :D


when your best friend gets a guitar pic from a coldplay soundcheck at APW while you're on vacation and she gives it to you because she knows that's how much you love coldplay/chris!!!!!!!!!!


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after my concert my mom was down on the ground picking up piles of butterflies and stuffing them into bags :wacky:

people found me amusing i guess. :wacky:



WOOOOOOO PARTY!!!! :dance:



that would be the sickest thing ever :wacko:

too bad we all live all over :cry:

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