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You know you're addicted to Coldplay when...


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When you are wishing ever econd of your vacation in Disney World to come home just so you can see a picture of Coldplay and hear their beautiful voices. When you cry every night in the hotel room knowing that you're missing so much, and when you get back you'll feel like a bad fan for not catching everything, which is how i feel now. :( My dad ran out the battery on my ipod so i couldn't even listen to the music and i had no internet anywhere. Although once Clocks came on in the lobby and I started scream- singing in the silent room, my parents yelled at me. But it was the first time i had heard any Coldplay song in about a week. I made them stay in the l;obby until it was over, we missed the opening of the park. hahahaha

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When you are wishing ever econd of your vacation in Disney World to come home just so you can see a picture of Coldplay and hear their beautiful voices. When you cry every night in the hotel room knowing that you're missing so much, and when you get back you'll feel like a bad fan for not catching everything, which is how i feel now. :( My dad ran out the battery on my ipod so i couldn't even listen to the music and i had no internet anywhere. Although once Clocks came on in the lobby and I started scream- singing in the silent room, my parents yelled at me. But it was the first time i had heard any Coldplay song in about a week. I made them stay in the l;obby until it was over, we missed the opening of the park. hahahaha


I love you emily. I tried to call you a few times to serenade you with coldplay songs but every single time your phone was off, dead or you just didn't pick up. :/


I tried to give you some of the love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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When you see the iPod nanos commercials in music stores and always look on the purple one and notice the X&Y album cover on it, and then tell your friend, even though you've said it a million times!


Oh, and when you're a pro at airbanding their songs!

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You know you're addicted to Coldplay when you miss a showing of a movie, and instead of seeing another movie, you head home to listen to the Irvine recording show you attended a month ago and post on the Coldplaying forum. :D All on a Saturday night too...


This makes me miss them soo much! The withdraws.... :( :bigcry:

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So just about every single one of my Tweets and Facebook statuses are about Coldplay.... I think my friends are annoyed. ;) But it's all I can talk about!



Yeah I know what you mean.... none of freinds like them but I loved them since I was 8, so it's not like I'm in a phase or anything.

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So just about every single one of my Tweets and Facebook statuses are about Coldplay.... I think my friends are annoyed. ;) But it's all I can talk about!


Same here, quite a few of my tweets r Coldplay related, thankfully, quite a few Coldplay lovers follow me so it only bothers the other fools that don't know what the wonder of Coldplay is. :laugh4: :D

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