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18-Jul-08: San Jose - Tickets, Preview, Meetups, Review/Photos [ORIGINAL DATE 7/24]

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Unlessss....you KNOW the guys have left the venue, stick around AT LEAST 1-2 hours afterwards!


Sounds crazy, I know, but sometimes they stick around, even shower/change there.

And they dont actually always leave together....when we met them, Guy had split immediately after leaving the stage,.....then Will and Jonny left in the same vehicle, then along came Chris, and the tour manager together.


Good luck to all who stick around and give it a shot!

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OMG so excited for you all. im in NY and its probably starting soon. have a great time:rolleyes: Shivanair, you made my day, all the way across the country. have a blast and please dance and sing for me Heheheheheeh, put your freak on NY style

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writing this from the car on my home from the concert will write a review later


1 life in technicolor

2 violet hill

3 clocks

4 in my place

5 viva la vida

6 42

7 yes

8 the scientist


9 chinese sleep chant

10 god put a smile upon your face


11 square one

12 speed of sound

13 strawberry swing

14 yellow- full band

15 politik

16 lost


17 the hardest part - acoustic

18 death will never conquer


19 fix you

20 lovers in japan


21 death and all his friends

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I touched them.... I touched them all:

Gave Jonny a high-five, Chris a chest smack, Guy a shoulder pat, and Will a back-tap.. I don't know if I should ever wash my left hand.. ever again.. I got Chris's sweat all over it.


Awesome..... *in shock*



The first opener was good/great, second was ok, and headliner = awesome. Har har, I wish I had the financial stability to drop everything and just follow them around the country.


That was an amazing show.

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