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06-Sep-2008: Palau St Jordi, Barcelona - Tickets, Preview, Meetups, Review/Photos


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Translation of the vegetarians thing (btw they were not there yesterday, they're talking about the preivious concert in Barcelona in June, as that in the picture is Espacio Movistar not Palau Sant Jordi...and I didn't even seen them :uhoh:)


Barcelona ,

This Saturday, September 6, the band led by Chris Martin is coming back to Barcelona, this time at Palau Sant Jordi. On Sunday they will land in Madrid, where they will present their last album Viva la Vida for the first time. Libera! took part in the band's previous concert in the city, giving information about the ethical reasons why thousands of people have decided to become vegetarian, as Chris Martin, an artist involved in many good causes and who is vegan for coeherence.


How I love not knowing a language and be able to translate it because is so similar to mine :D



Edit: not to self "try checking the previous page to see if someone already did the job"...god I'm so slow these days :disappointed:

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A gorgeous Strawberry Swing (dedicated to their PA Vicky :nice:)





there's some guy there with a big ass camera.. tv broadcast or dvd???:thinking:


thank you :nice: Lucky Vicki !


she does their laundry... she deserves a concert dedicated to her! but still it was nice:nice:


lots of dedications going on btw... I should work on one for me :lol:

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What I was always wondering. Is Chris Martin a vegetarian or a vegan?

Then I read he's a vegetarian but eats fish. I'm always reading different stuff.

Does somebody know?


And yes, good the animals rights activists used the chance!

(I just came home from a festival bothering people with asking what sort of eggs they used, free-range eggs or from the cage, hahaha :P )

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Hey guys!! The pictures of the Animal Rights Protesters were NOT taken yesterday.


I'm from Barcelona and that white bulding in the back of the photograph is the Espacio Movistar, so I guess the pictures were taken the 17th june (the free gig). Yesterday, the venue was in Palau Sant Jordi, a very different place of the city (Espacio Movistar: 1.500 people. Palau Sant Jordi: 18.000). I don't know if there were any protesters there, I didn't see them. I hope that this helps and excuse me for my bad english.

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Coldplay watch Cole play


A TEAM of Englishmen put in a cracking performance in Barcelona on Saturday – and left with the screams of a delighted crowd ringing in their ears.


But they weren’t playing on a football pitch.




It was CHRIS MARTIN’s COLDPLAY — not FABIO CAPELLO’s England — who hit top form in Spain.


This was despite Coldplay postponing their show for an hour so they could watch JOE COLE and Co play.


The band were at the city’s Palau Sant Jordi arena right next door to the Olympic Stadium where England started their World Cup qualifying campaign.


But holding up their show to watch England’s drab match didn’t dampen their spirits. While England stuttered to a win against minnows Andorra, the rockers’ victorious outing was far more convincing.


A source revealed: “The band were chuffed when they realised they were playing next to the England match and had to get tickets. They even postponed their show by an hour so they could watch the game.


“But when they did get on stage, their performance kicked England’s into touch.”


Many fans deserted the World Cup qualifying match after a goal-less first half to catch their rock idols’ gig. But they were unaware they did not need to rush, as the band were also taking in the football.


And when the show finally did start, Coldplay received a louder reception than any of the football stars.


Fans must have been saving their voices because rock anthem Viva La Vida sparked a far louder singalong than the national anthem nearby.


And Chris told the Spanish crowd: “Thanks for putting up with all the England fans today.”


The band’s world tour — which hits the UK in December — is really flying now and Saturday’s gig was simply superb.


With their all-conquering Viva La Vida album breaking records around the globe, they have been hailed the world’s biggest band.



But backstage in Barcelona, Chris said he was only keeping the crown warm for BONO.


He joked: “It’s only because U2 delayed putting their album out.”


And he put their incredible success down to a change in music fans’ taste — and said people are choosing substance over style again.


Chris added: “It doesn’t matter now whether music is cool or not. People will buy it if they like it.”


Coldplay entertained the crowd with flair and passion, so at least some English fans left Barcelona having watched their heroes at the top of their game.


But if you watched the less inspiring performance from the football stars next door then don’t worry, it could be worse.

You could have lost to Macedonia.




They didn't postpone the gig by an hour, did they? :thinking:

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