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:)Hey, you came very close, and on a surprise visit to boot - you actually almost made contact!! I think you did pretty well, considering it's without reservations & all that..

WOOHOO!!! Yay!!;););)

(ACTUALLY, THEY CAME HERE ONCE, AND HID IN aunt violet's basement - had they announced ahead, I think we could have been a bit more receptive as well.. It's kinda tough to get things done when people pop in all the time though.. maybe they need a "visitor's day" or something??)

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Especially as I wouldn't have the guts to ring the doorbell at all, no matter how far I was from :laugh3:


Well done!! :)


At least, nobody set the dogs on you, so that is a success in some way ... ;)


Surely it is disappointing, especially if you had some hopes in seeing someone, but I guess it would be hard at this time of the year anyway, esp. with all the concerts going on in the UK.


The 'visitor rate' at the bakery is probably a bit higher now ... ;)

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Yer..well. I was so unsure whether to do it or not. But I literally psyched myself up by singing Speed of Sound and Fix You lyrics "If you never try than you'll never know". Then I thought, "I've come all the way from freakin Australia. What are the chances I'll get another chance like this in the near future. And I'll always regret it if I don't just take the plunge. *presses doorbell*...holy crap. holy crap. holy crap. holy crap. holy crap."


You can only imagine how much I was shatting myself when I got a freakin answer..

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Yer..well. I was so unsure whether to do it or not. But I literally psyched myself up by singing Speed of Sound and Fix You lyrics "If you never try than you'll never know". Then I thought, "I've come all the way from freakin Australia. What are the chances I'll get another chance like this in the near future. And I'll always regret it if I don't just take the plunge. *presses doorbell*...holy crap. holy crap. holy crap. holy crap. holy crap."


You can only imagine how much I was shatting myself when I got a freakin answer..




I can!! ;)

And I can completely understand your disappointment when your only chance seemed to vanish :(


It's not that Coldplay constantly tour Australia or spend time for promo there.

So it's probably easier for people in Europe, who could at least travel to London without paying so much expenses like you did. That surely gives Europeans no guarantee that they will meet the guys more easily but if they don't, it wouldn't hurt so much moneywise ...


Okay, I am just writing rubbish here but you probably get what I mean :)


So you've just been to the UK for some concerts and for seeing them?

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No, I missed out on concerts here :( They were all sold out before I even bought my plane tickets!

But I'm seeing them in Melbourne later in March.

Yer, well..I'm not gonna give up, I'll see if it's possible for me to get there again. But I'm not sure. If I were Coldplay, I'd get a bit sick and tired of people after day after day. So if they were ringing your doorbell, you'd go a bit mad. So maybe I won't...hmm..

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Me, Lori, Mel and Angie will be visiting in September. Can't wait :dance:


:lol: everybody who's going to Wembley and who's never been to the Bakery before will want to visit it ! there's gonna be a massive line in front of the bistro !

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:lol: everybody who's going to Wembley and who's never been to the Bakery before will want to visit it ! there's gonna be a massive line in front of the bistro !




The boys will be there, recording stuff and will look out of the window and will see 70 Coldplaying peeps and freak out! :lol:

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we'll be having the Coldplaying queue party while waiting to get inside Wembley :D




The boys will be there, recording stuff and will look out of the window and will see 70 Coldplaying peeps and freak out! :lol:


I'll be on the bench across the street watching you guys get kicked out :P


Camille (Khalplay) and me on Dec 13th.


we went back on dec 15th and saw the delivery of the mysterious package :stunned:

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:lol: everybody who's going to Wembley and who's never been to the Bakery before will want to visit it ! there's gonna be a massive line in front of the bistro !




You should better give the bistro a notice one or two days before so that they won't run out of food and drinks :laugh3:


They will probably make the sales of the year ;)

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and the list gets bigger...












Sarah and Felix















same person :lol:




Me, Lori, Mel and Angie will be visiting in September. Can't wait :dance:



Weeeeeeeeeeee! Can I be the tour guide??? :blush:



Awww that's a great pic!


Lori mentioned the bench across the road :D


Hehe :dance:


I just couldn't stay away, so these are from Saturday 10-11-08, maybe around 10 or 11 pm:




The bistro was actually open and there were many people coming and going. There was a car parked in the driveway, but I couldn't see any lights on in the Bakery. This is the view from the stalking bench:




Here is my friend and I sitting on the stalker bench in the dark:





I had tons of fun! Thank you JD for your help and the others who made this possible! :D:lol::dance:













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