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Hey all, I figured my fellow Coldplayers can help me better understand this. :)


So I just finished watching Man Utd vs Arsenal. They came to a draw and Man Utd is celebrating (I assume because 1.) they won the premier title and 2.) they would've went through to the final, regardless of a win or a draw with the number of points they have). So where do they go from here? I read in an article that they're now clear of Liverpool in points with one game left but the schedule says they face Hull next Sunday. Who are they facing next?


Sorry if it seems like a dumb question but I just want to understand how the remainder of the league works. :)



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Man Utd have won the league. They have 87 points. Even if Liverpool win their next 2, we'll still only have 86 points, so we can't win the league. Bloody Man Utd. We handed it to them, drawing 7 games at home aint good enough. Meh. Next season hopefully!

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And West Brom fail to pull of the great escape and fall into the trapdoor.


Hopefully Man Utd will put out a weaken team against Hull next weekend to rest their key players for the champs league final, so Hull can do a West Ham and win against Man Utd on the last day of the season sending Newcastle down!

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And West Brom fail to pull of the great escape and fall into the trapdoor.


Hopefully Man Utd will put out a weaken team against Hull next weekend to rest their key players for the champs league final, so Hull can do a West Ham and win against Man Utd on the last day of the season sending Newcastle down!

He could field a team of stewards and Hull would still loose. :dozey:
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Even I find this funny.. I nearly choked on my coffee this morning reading a certain newspaper from Madrid...


They claim City have offerd 285 million euros for Messi.... !!!

Look dont these people know some city fans have to live in Barcelona and wish to stay alive and keep their dignity. Please stop picking randon players along with Random figures and putting the name of city in with them, we all agree its all free publicity.....but when you got locals... taking the piss... its not nice. !!



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Arsenal striker Andrey Arshavin demands huge pay rise ... because taxman takes half his £80k a week


By Christopher Leake

Last updated at 11:59 PM on 23rd May 2009



A millionaire Premier League football star has demanded a huge pay rise – because he is shocked by Britain’s high tax rates.

Andrey Arshavin, who earns £80,000 a week, is renegotiating his Arsenal contract after being ‘unpleasantly surprised’ at his income tax bills, which in his native Russia were only 13 per cent.


The move by the Arsenal striker is expected to lead to a wave of similar pay claims by other top players.


GetAsset?cookie=051126B4000005DC&type=o&assetAccess=AssetAccess_PMS&transformation=rgb;crop:104,0,1771,2026;normalise:width=468,height=385;return:type=JPEG,quality=90Sitting pretty: Andrey Arshavin at an event in Moscow this year



They are understood to be preparing to renegotiate their contracts in order to absorb the controversial new 50p tax rate for 750,000 top earners on more than £150,000 per annum, which is being introduced next April.


Last night, Mike Warburton, one of Britain’s leading tax experts, said the Premier League revolt was a ‘big issue’ which could result in top players going overseas to enjoy lower tax rates.


Arshavin, 27, scored four goals in a top performance in the league match at Liverpool last month which ended in a 4-4 draw. He discovered his take-home pay was lower than in Russia, even though his gross salary at Arsenal is far higher than at his previous club, Zenit St Petersburg.

article-1186962-0510A3D7000005DC-625_233x385.jpg Pay claim: Andrey Arshavin in St Petersburg, Russia


He said: ‘I have a problem with my contract. Certain nuances emerged linked to taxation and some other things. As a result, I’m getting less money than I expected. It’s not critical but I still need to put it right. My agent is now taking care of it. My advice to other Russian players who may move to England in the summer is to take contract matters more seriously.


‘It’s important to understand clearly and in detail what money you are going to get and what taxes to pay, so that there are no unpleasant surprises of the kind I am facing now. Nothing should be done in a rush.’


Manchester United striker Cristiano Ronaldo – who earns a reputed £125,000-a-week – would face an increase of about £670,000 a year in his tax bill under the new rate of 50p in the pound. Others who would be affected include Chelsea stars Frank Lampard, who earns £140,000 a week, his team-mate John Terry (£135,000), Liverpool’s Steven Gerrard (£120,000) and Manchester United’s Wayne Rooney (£115,000).


In Europe, although players are paid less than in the Premier League, their take-home pay is in some cases higher because of lower income tax rates. In Spain the top tax rate is only 25 per cent, in France it is 40 per cent, in Italy 43 per cent and in Germany it is 45 per cent.


Mr Warburton, senior tax partner at accountants Grant Thornton, said last night: ‘I have a number of business clients who are thinking of moving to Switzerland because of the tax rates moving up.


But this is even more applicable to footballers because they have an international mobility. They can ply their trade in countries around the world.



article-1186962-051048F9000005DC-277_468x286.jpg Tax increases: Chelsea star Frank Lampard would be affected by the new 50p tax rate. Lampard is pictured here with Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich.


‘The new 50p rate is a big issue which is in danger of forcing many top players overseas.’ Premier League clubs anticipate players demanding salaries net of the tax rises.



Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger warned last month that the Premier League would lose its domination of the transfer market because of the new 50 per cent tax rate.

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