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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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12 May 2014 / submitted by Raisa, United States of America

Q. Hi,

How long do you have to have been a subscriber before you can begin receiving exclusive Coldplay news, such as exclusive upcoming concerts? I know for some bands you need to have been a subscriber at least 1 year?


We don't have a minimum time; it's effective immediately - as long as the mailer isn't already on its way. Obviously if you have just missed one (there was one on Thursday 8th), you won't get sent anything from the past.

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12 May 2014 / submitted by Ben, New Zealand

Q. Hello Oracle!

This was posted on the Coldplay twitter a wee while ago. My question is who is that standing behind Jonny? his guitar tech? Also do you know what "awesome" song he is playing?

Many thanks


That is Dan Green. he's the band's sound engineer/co-producer and has been with them since their early days.

I don't know what the "awesome" song is but shall ask soon.

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12 May 2014 / submitted by Feike, Netherlands

Q. Have the guys ever thought about or being asked to participate at the Eurovision Songcontest for their country? This year and last year, my country has sent big names (Anouk last year and Waylon/Ilse de Lange this year) and both times we made it to the finals.


I'm tempted to answer this with, "over my dead body!" I am too much of a music snob to take this seriously. It's all fun to me but I hope they never participate.

I just checked as I recall answering questions about Eurovision before. It turns out that we didn't discuss it in 2012 or 2013 but I did answer one back in 2010 and again in 2011.

The known acts that usually represent the UK are pop acts or what I'd call veterans. Whether one likes to watch or not, I just simply can't see an act such as Coldplay ever competing. It's hard enough to get votes with all the political nonsense going on that I'm not sure the best song in the world would win if it was the UK entrant!

I managed to watch most of it this year and overall I thought the show was pretty good and I felt the standard much better. I actually thought yours was the best song, Feike. Well, not yours per se. The Netherlands entry was my personal favourite.

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12 May 2014 / submitted by Frida, Sweden

Q. Who decides the contestant for United Kingdom in Eurovision Song Contest? Have wondered ever since I can remember.


This year our Molly was selected internally by the BBC. That hasn't always been the case and in the past we have had an open vote for some.

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13 May 2014 / submitted by Valeria, Mexico

Q. Dear Oracle:


I heard today the full Ghost Stories album and it's amazing!!

I was wondering which was the "secret" song played in the concerts (the one that the band asked the crowd not to record or upload to YouTube) ?



It was two different songs but they weren't secret; it was to avoid bootleg versions turning up online.


The iTunes Festival premiered a few of the new album's tracks but any that weren't played there, were kept under wraps as much as possible. The first one to be performed with the request not to record was A Sky Full Of Stars and the second, that I mentioned in an answer last week, was True Love.

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13 May 2014 / submitted by Peter, United Kingdom

Q. You might be bombarded with this question for the next while. Did Chris really get a tatoo as said in Ink.


Chris does have tattoos - as we've discussed here before - but he hasn't got one that says "Together Through Life", no.

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13 May 2014 / submitted by John, United Kingdom

Q. I've just listened to the full album on iTunes. Sounds great, but why the lack of the use of drum kit? It's mostly electronic now?


I can only pick up on your keyword ("now"), John. The drumkit that Will plays on this album is mostly electronic - it fits don't you think? It seems the perfect match to me but that's not to say Will won't be thrashing his full kit again.

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13 May 2014 / submitted by Kristin , United States of America

Q. Dear Orcale,

Who sings the very last bit of O? And why is there a long pause inbetween?


Love Kristin


P.s. Love love love the new album!


The pause after O is leading into a sort of secret track and those vocals are actually Chris' daughter, Apple and her friend Mabel.

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14 May 2014 / submitted by Safy, Egypt

Q. Wise Oracle,


You replied on May 8th on a question about the band's earnings & how theyare split 40/20/20/20 as Chris mentioned in the Zane Lowe interview. I remember he said afterwards, that everything else is split 25/25/25/25. I am confused, what is split 25% & what is split 40/20/20/20?


In general terms when people talk about spilts, they're referring to songwriting. This means that the publishing spilts are 40/20/20/20. The 25/25/25/25 refers to all other earnings. For example revenue from merch sales, touring etc.

There are a heck of a lot of outgoings too of course.

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14 May 2014 / submitted by Nicholas, United States of America

Q. Hello Oracle,


Why isn't there a song named after the album Ghost Stories like the rest of the past albums by Coldplay?


Thank you


There is no law saying an album must contain a song bearing its name but... in this case my friend, there actually is a track called Ghost Story. You just haven't heard it yet ;-)

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14 May 2014 / submitted by Martin, United States of America

Q. Hello Oracle,

I just finished watching the Mylo Xyloto Live Movie and noticed in the credits that there was a 3d management crew for the film. My question is was the film suppose to be in 3d? If so, why was is not? That would have been really amazing to see the movie that way. Thanks Oracle


3D Management is the name of the band manager's management company; it isn't referring to Live 2012 being a 3 dimensional film.

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14 May 2014 / submitted by Safy, Egypt[/color]

Q. Wise Oracle,


You replied on May 8th on a question about the band's earnings & how theyare split 40/20/20/20 as Chris mentioned in the Zane Lowe interview. I remember he said afterwards, that everything else is split 25/25/25/25. I am confused, what is split 25% & what is split 40/20/20/20?


In general terms when people talk about spilts, they're referring to songwriting. This means that the publishing spilts are 40/20/20/20. The 25/25/25/25 refers to all other earnings. For example revenue from merch sales, touring etc.

There are a heck of a lot of outgoings too of course.


:wacky: My 1st question ever to be answered by The Oracle..I have been asking her questions sporadically since she started & she never answered! I even asked her a similar question after the Howard Stern interview!


Anyway it is such a nice feeling to see one's name (or nickname) written on Coldplay's official page ;)


& thanks Raphaele for the thread updates :)

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16 May 2014 / submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom



As you may know, we have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday we open questions of a personal nature to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.


ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 250 words, to [email protected] before midnight Thursday 22 May.


I'm so sad, very sad. What do you feel when somebody look down on you just because you never had boyfriend. Now you are 23 years old. They asked when will you get married, and I answered I don't know and they insist to get the answer. I have not thinking about marriage and more. I don't care but I feel so sad. Daisy, Indonesia.


Look forward to seeing your replies.


The Oracle.


Please email your replies to [email protected]

Including your twitter address may result in a follow back.

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16 May 2014 / submitted by Marina, United Kingdom


Recently I've been on the internet a lot and I saw a post about social anxiety and because I related a lot, I searched about it. I think I may have this disorder but I don't know how to tell my parents because I don't tend to tell them about my problems. I'm afraid they will think I'm exaggerating but if I don't tell them my problem will just get worse to the point that I will not longer be able to marry/socially interact and that is why I am looking for your help. What should I do? Thanks in advance.


Self-diagnosis isn't wise, Marina. It's ok to read about things and though you may recognize symptoms it doesn't mean you are suffering with that particular condition. I recommend you speak to a doctor. Once you know what you're dealing with, it may make the next step of talking with your parents easier.

I don't know how old you are so if you're an age where you can't see your doctor without a parent present, you will have to be strong & find a way to tell them of your concerns. It is a big step to ask for help but as you came to me, you've shown you can ask. Ask your parents - that's what they're there for.

There is no point suffering in silence. Write down your feelings / symptoms. Talk with your parents about how you are struggling with them. You can't know what they will say so don't be afraid of that unknown. They may be supportive. They may have questions. They may take you to the doctors. They may be reluctant. Whatever their reaction, you know if something doesn't feel right. Get to the root of the problem and seek the help you ask for.

Don't worry about social interaction or marriage - tackle the issues first and hopefully there will be a path for you that will help you overcome those issues.

Over to you.


Speaking up, taking a stand, that's a huge challenge sometimes. Maybe you can speak up to a more "neutral" person first. I'm sure there's a safe place somewhere around you, where you can share this part of you with a trustworthy listener. It might be easier to feel someone's concrete support to then talk to people more important and close to you.

Just keep in mind the very real fact that there is a solution for you. If you feel the need to share this, you will, one way or another. Ending up with no social life is only a nightmare hovering on your shoulder. It's not going to happen. Now that you're this far, you can only succeed.

Speaking up is speaking up, even if it's only to an Oracle just yet. A.R.


There was a 'phase' in my life before when I felt the same thing - like I don't want to surround myself with people. And back then, like you Marina, I never told anyone even my parents. Because I felt like it's weird and they'll never fully understand. Social anxiety is never easy to overcome - you feel like it's safer to be just by yourself. But the fact is, life is so much better when you surround yourself with people, believe me! One day, you'll find it in you to open up to people and make good friends like I did. I can't explain how I overcame that 'phase' but one thing is for sure, I did overcome it. So can you.

Whatever you're going through, it'll get better. Sounds cliche but true. Then in the future you'd be like, "Yeah, I've been through a lot but hey I'm stronger now."

Don't think too much (the more you psych yourself about it, the harder it would be).

And try to communicate with others (if you don't want to talk to your parents, talk to us).

And this is a personal advice, try to look for your own emotional outlet (example, look for a hobby; in my case, when I get lonely I try to sketch my favorite people & I listen to Coldplay.

Stay strong, Marina! People are here for you Sheena.


Before you say you have a disorder I think you should try a couple of things. My advice to you is to start focusing on you. Stop worrying about how you look on the outside. Remember that models on magazines are photo shopped and therefore we have no chance. I wish I could say I'm a super confident person, but I'm not. We all have our insecurities which are like our little secrets and if you work too hard to hide them you only attract more attention. Try joining a small club at school or at your local park you will find that we all deal with similar things. Try telling your mom. See we tend to under estimate our parents, but I have learned so much from them. Find a friend that's the outspoken one they tend to bring you out without you knowing. Be yourself. People like that, you'll be surprised.

P.S Don't worry about people judging you if one person doesn't like you there's like 7,999,999,999 that you can try but start with yourself. Yesenya.


As hard as it is, you should talk to your parents. They love you. In the event you don't feel they give you the proper support, call the Mental Health hotline for Mexico. The no. is 0180-0472-7835. Stay strong, it wont be like this forever.

Karla K. Vancouver, Canada.


Oh Marina how sad for you. Yet how common in this day and age when we all spend so much time with our heads down, nose in a screen. My 17 year old son is very similar to you, and the first thing I'd say to you is please tell your parents how you feel. I assure you they'll only want to help. My son finds it very difficult to interact with others in his peer group and spends too much time alone in his room, but we gently encourage him to come out and do 'things' with us and spend time with the few friends he does have.

As an adult who also feels insecure and shy even as a mother of 3 children, I know sometimes in life you must put on a brave face and put yourself into situations you don't feel comfortable with. In time, you will be glad you did. Is there anything you enjoy doing? Music, swimming? Anything that you can go and join in and try to be a part of. It will become easier and you will find like minded people. Just never give up.

The world isn't just full of 'out there' people who want to be in your face and shout from the rooftops. Being quiet and introvert doesn't make you any less of a person. Just a different type of person. And if the world was made up of people who were all the same - and loud - wouldn't it be a boring and noisy place?

To try to give yourself some emotional determination try watching a You Tube clip called Look Up which has had millions of hits over the past few weeks. I hope it will give you some incentive to not let life slip you by and go out there and be part of it.

Lucy, Cornwall, England.


It seems to me that you may have a case that is similar to the Medical Students' disease (and it's nothing to worry about). The Medical Students' disease says that you tend to believe you have the symptoms in which you are studying.

First, you should tell your parents about your problem in a normal manner. If they think you are exaggerating, then maybe you should go see a professional. There must be services around where you live to go and receive help. Some of these services may include: a clinical psychologist, a psychiatrist, or someone specializing in anxiety disorders.

The main thing to keep in mind is that when you go and see these professionals, it shouldn't affect you. Don't let it change who you are and make you think that you are weaker, or worry about what others might think. So many people use these services - it has become normal to go for a check up.

If you don't feel comfortable going to a specialist right away, talk to a friend or a cousin. They might be able to comfort/help you and point you in the right direction.

The main thing is to not do this on your own. You must seek help from others in any way, shape, or form whether it be a professional, a friend, or a cousin.

You'll be alright Marina!

Enjoy! Matthew.


The most important thing in about this situation is that if you feel this way, you need to tell your parents. If you treat it seriously, then they will too. Ask if they can help you to schedule an appointment to meet with a psychologist to get a diagnosis and then and only then seek treatment. As a psychology major and a personal anxiety sufferer myself, I can tell you that a lot of this is in your head and what's important is to keep cool right now and relax a bit. Everything will be all right!

Steven, USA.


I am sorry to hear that you are anxious in social situations, however, I am happy to hear that you are ready to talk to your parents about how you are feeling.

I am responding because I understand what it is like to become anxious in certain social situations, but while most people become anxious when speaking to strangers, I am most anxious when I am speaking to someone I already know.

I can tell you what has helped me the most and that is doing the very thing that I am anxious about. The more I talk to people, the better and more comfortable I feel, which makes me more confident.

I have read about people who practice role-playing as part of therapy in a controlled environment, if you are more comfortable with that. Either way, it takes a lot of practice, but it has helped me personally.

Social anxiety can be exacerbated by conditions such as communication problems like verbal processing and/or speech impediments. I also have the former and practicing speaking (which my job has forced me to do) has helped me the most.

Social anxiety can be triggered when you feel inferior to the person or people you are speaking to, which could be due to low self esteem. Practicing will help you build confidence.

As a parent, I am thrilled to hear that you willing to confide in them and ask for help.

Be well. Dawn.


I understand your position. A friend of mine had a similar situation, and I think I'll give you the same advice: visit a psychiatrist/psychologist. They did study about it.

If it is true, and you have it, that's ok. then you can tell your parents, because then it's not a thought, but a truth. If you don't have it: great. Then there's nothing to worry about.

Goodluck, Isabelle.


Just because you related to a subject, it doesn't mean you suffer any form of disorder from it. Your interest could be a form of empathy as you can see aspects of yourself in other people's stories. Rather than tell your parents that you have a disorder, talk to them about what you've read and how you've found yourself relating to it. Allowing them to take an interest in what you've been researching will make them aware of the thoughts you've been having, and will allow you to talk and discuss the issues your worried about with the people who love and created you.

The best way to overcome fears of social interaction is to head out and try new things. It sounds cliche but taking up a new sport or hobby will allow you to meet and interact with new people in new ways. Sitting on the internet and looking in to what you are worried about may only feed your anxieties. There are masses of welcoming people out there who will be patient in getting to know you and share great times with you. One of them may even become more than a friend one day.

As the boys would say: 'life is for living'.

Struan, London, United Kingdom.


I myself recently, in the past 5 years or so, have been dealing with anxiety. I know it's hard to first come out to those that you love and ask for help and support, but in the end you'll be glad you asked for help and know that you need it. Anxiety is treatable and the first step is to seek that help. Try taking up some meditation too.

Hope it goes well and thinking of you! Rosalie.


In my opinion you should tell to your parents, because sometimes we don't share our feelings but our parents have always the curiosity to know how we feel, I think that because of their experiences they can help because, you never know maybe in the past they used to have the same disorder but there was nobody to hear them. So don't be afraid, I sure you that they are disposed to give you a hand.

Maria, Guatemala.


I would say to talk to people that truly understands you first, someone that will give you a push towards the right direction. Talking to your parents, to your best friend, or to anyone that's close to you is actually a step towards breaking away from social anxiety! It helps you to interact and to talk out your problems to someone else.

Talk to a close buddy so that they would be by your side in support, so that if you were to talk to your parents, it would come out as a serious topic in which everyone would try to help you overcome this disorder. Start small, like a friend, then work up to family. I know how it feels like when family needs to be involved with our lives; they seem to not take our problems seriously and view us as children (but we are their children, so they try to care in an appearance-sense of thinking). But, if you work with a small group, people who supports you and encourages you, then you can overcome this obstacle.

I leave you with this: just because you cannot communicate with your parents doesn't mean that you can't share your problems to anyone. The world is here with open arms, and we're here to help you, and to encourage you to overcome this problem!




Thanks to all those who replied to this week's question. Remember, Team Oracle is open to anyone so if you fancy replying, click to read this week's, and send us your answer.

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19 May 2014 / submitted by Lea, Germany

Q. Dear Oracle,

did Coldplay ever played Proof live? I really like this song, it's not very popular, but very perfect. I can play it on guitar and piano now, it sounds fantastic!

Greetings from Munich! :)


Yes, Proof was played nut only a handful of times during March, 2003.

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19 May 2014 / submitted by Alex, Canada

Q. Dear Oracle,


What is this?

Of course it's not Coldplay, but what is it?


Thanks from Canada! Alex.


Someone has added "play" to "cold". The track is indeed Bleed but it's by a band called Cold.

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19 May 2014 / submitted by Helen, Australia

Q. Dear Oracle,

Is it true that the female vocals in Another's Arms are from Silver Chord by Jane Weaver?


I have known Jane for over 15 years and am jolly pleased to see people interested in her work after so long. Another's Arms does feature a small sample from Silver Chord but it's not Jane's voice as far as I can tell. I'm beginning to think that's a computer generated vocal.

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20 May 2014 / submitted by David, Netherlands

Q. Dear Oracle,

Have the band ever tried to switch roles? At a small gig or during a soundcheck or something... I think it'd be cool to see them switch roles for once.


Yes, they have done that a few times at soundchecks. I have photos of Will playing the Gibson Teardrop guitar and of Chris playing drums.

Live there has only really been Jonny and Guy playing instruments other than their own. Notably keys & more recently the reactable.

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20 May 2014 / submitted by Chelsea, United States of America

Q. Even though Coldplay didn't release, Your Love Means Everything, with their current label, will they ever play it live or re-release it? It's a beautiful song and needs to be heard more often! :) Much love! xoxo


They can't release a track that isn't theirs. It's actually called Your Love Means Everything part 2 from the album Your Love Means Everything by Faultline.

It's not Coldplay, just Chris as a featured vocalist. Chris also sings vocals on another track, Where's My Boy?


FYI: The album was originally released on the Blanco Y Negro label in 2002 and re-released by EMI/Capitol in 2004.

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21 May 2014 / submitted by Janie, United Kingdom

Q. Hi Oracle! I think it was on the BBCR1 interview with Zane Lowe, Chris described Ghost Stories as '42 minutes on an emotional treadmill'. I was just wondering whether there was a significance in making the album 42 minutes long? I know that Coldplay have a song called 42 from the VLV era so perhaps 42 is a significant number to the band? or perhaps it's just a coincidence? (it's my favourite number by the way!)


Thank you! :D


There is a significance. That number is important to the band and has appeared before as you said - the song 42 and Roadie #42.

Also if you look historically, AROBTTH and X&Y were the only two albums that strayed quite far away from 42 minutes in length:

Parachutes 41'44

Viva 45'39

Mylo 44'09

GS 42'37

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21 May 2014 / submitted by Gerson, Peru

Q. Dear Oracle:

I just have curiosity about this: Is it true that Coldplay have a song named Before I Lose, maybe written in 1998? Thanks for your answer!


I'd never heard of a song called Before I Lose but noticed it was apparently played at The Laurel Tree show in 1998 but as I didn't see it on the written setlist we had on our timeline, I'd say that's untrue. Unless it was a cover?

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21 May 2014 / submitted by Fred, United States of America

Q. Have the boys ever played the song Twisted Logic live? I saw they played A Whisper for the first time live last night and I was really hoping sometime in the future if be one of the lucky ones to hear Twisted Logic first played live (if it hasn't been). Thank you!


As far as I know, Twisted Logic hasn't been performed live. I know Phil tweeted that the band were rehearsing a song that had never been played live before and it turned out to be A Whisper that they went on to play on Monday night in L.A.

However, I have contrary information that it was played once before at Paramount Theatre in Seattle on September 4, 2002.

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21 May 2014 / submitted by Hasna, Morocco

Q. Excuse me dear Oracle, I have replayed it a multitude of times but I didn't understood why has Will lost 2 of his favourite trousers in the video of Making Of Ghost Stories.

(I'm so sorry dear Oracle, it's due to my very modest English understanding capacities.)

Thank you very much. Much love from Morocco.


Chris & Will were saying that the sofa / settee / couch in the flat where they rehearsed as students was so old that the springs were poking through. Will used to sit on that chair to play drums. Every time Will got up from the seat, his trousers caught on the broken springs and his trousers were ripped / torn. Hope you understand.

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22 May 2014 / submitted by Guadalupe, Argentina

Q. What happened to the draw to win the album autographed by the band?


As with all our Coldplay Messenger competitions, we only notify the winner. The closing date isn't until tomorrow though, so you're a bit early asking.

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