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Lovers in Japan-question for all..


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Okay, this has probably been asked before, so sorry I'm coming off as redundant. I don't really post here much, but I love to read everyones opinion of the band. Lovers in Japan is probably my favorite song off the new cd, and IMO one of their best songs ever. My question is what version does everybody else like better? Studio or acoustic? Personally, I enjoy the acoustic version more, but a lot of my friends (who really aren't big Coldplay fans) enjoy the studio version much more. Also on a side note, anybody here going to the show in Atlanta, GA?

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the live version is the best :nice: I fell in love with that song seeing Coldplay performing it live ! it's magical ! :nice:


So did I - especially with all those "butterflies" flying around. It's made for the live experience, and will become one of the most popular live Coldplay songs of all time.

It blew me away!!:cool:

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exactly ! I thought the butterflies were a bit cheesy at first but I completely changed my mind now ! They're amazing and yeah blew me away as well ! :flutterby:


Jeah, the butterflies are awesome! I Ā“ve got a whole bag full of them now :cool:

But to be honest... I didĀ“t really listen to the song when the butterflies came down, they were stealing my attention...

Oh, and I like both, the acoustic and the normal version of the song, but I wouldĀ“t say itĀ“s one of their best songs :)

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Jeah, the butterflies are awesome! I Ā“ve got a whole bag full of them now :cool:

But to be honest... I didĀ“t really listen to the song when the butterflies came down, they were stealing my attention...

Oh, and I like both, the acoustic and the normal version of the song, but I wouldĀ“t say itĀ“s one of their best songs :)


I wish I could have a bag full of those butterflies!!!


All the versions of this song are great. When I hear it, I like to pretend I'm Chris playing the keyboards. And it always makes me wonder about how beautiful can Osaka sun be :rolleyes:

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Jesus, the studio version by far! The acoustic is decent - nice... - but it's the sonic landscape and the ridiculously good beat in the studio version that almost carries the middle section of the album, for me.


It genuinely was the first time I actually jumped out of my seat at a preview of the new album material when a clip of it performed live on whatever American show it was.


Probably one of the best things they've ever done.

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Jesus, the studio version by far! The acoustic is decent - nice... - but it's the sonic landscape and the ridiculously good beat in the studio version that almost carries the middle section of the album, for me.


It genuinely was the first time I actually jumped out of my seat at a preview of the new album material when a clip of it performed live on whatever American show it was.


Probably one of the best things they've ever done.



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the live version is the best :nice: I fell in love with that song seeing Coldplay performing it live ! it's magical ! :nice:




I totally agree with that. This moment was the MOMENT of the show! Now when I listen this song I always remember the concert. :)

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  • 1 year later...

i like them all equally. Lovers is my favorite song, so it's hard to pick. But if I want a calm, happy song, i like the Acoustic. it helps me fall to sleep (much like Strawberry Swing). The studio versions are also just as amazing, but they're louder songs i can play/listen to over background sounds. The studio versions are also cooler, well to me anyways.

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  • 9 months later...

This has been my favorite song for a year. Although, now it sounds a little too noisy, with too many instruments. That's why Parachutes sounded best because it brought out the best of the few instruments that Coldplay used. But this makes for a great wake up song.

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the acoustic version definitely! my number one listened to song has nearly 3000 plays. After a week of the acoustic version on the ipod it's now miles ahead of it and the previous number one took almost 3 years to get the amount of plays it has. love the song live though, the butterflies falling all around me is a memory that will never leave me :)

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