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10-Jun-2009: AT& T Center, San Antonio, TX, USA

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ahem. *clears throat*


First of all, may i just start out by saying that i owe an enormous thanks to anyone and everyone (especially all my berrygirls and buddy miss Lizzy :wacky:) who sent Coldplay Karma my way.

It fucking works. GET READY....






Ok so i'll keep this to the main highlights because im tired and i dont feel like writing a full review. maybe later. though im guessing this still might be kinda long :laugh3:

I'll start with when we are already in the venue. we're in our seats which were in the center but more on jonny's side and the second row up from the ground level. my friend and i were directly next to the aisle on the left so that was good in my opinion. it was certainly on of the best spots i could be in, and you'll see why. so anyways, the howling bells (which were fantastic, even though we got there a little after 7, missing part of their set) were finished. the crews were setting up for SP. i was just sitting there, looking around. suddenly suddenly i see a familiar face. I started freaking out and telling my friends it's Hoppy it's Hoppy! it's one of the roadies! he walked up the aisle at the other end of my row. i was so mesmerized that i recognized him and i was actually seeing him, that i forgot to call out his name! i could have kicked myself for not calling out to him.


skip ahead, coldplay comes, i freak, yah...

and so since my friend and are are so close to the railing at the front of our section, we go and stand next to our other two friends who are one row in front of us, one section to the left, but seated directly next to the same aisle as us. anyways, so we're standing at the bottom of the aisle next to the railing. and, during some song (i cant remember which) i look and there on the floor level a few feet below us and about 10 feet to the right, i spy a man holding a very nice, large camera, pointing it at the 4 of us! so i start smiling at him and his camera, y'know, posing (but not in an extreme way) for the camera. suddenly some realization hit me. it clicks in my head and about 2 seconds before he lowers his camera from his face, i start thinking NO! it cant be!

but it was!!!! he lowered his camera and there is mr. phil harvey! he was taking pictures of us!!!!!!!! and with good reason! we all were standing up having a great time, and wearing our homemade coldplay t-shirts. so i start flipping out, and i wasnt going to make the same mistake as i made with Hoppy, so i immediately scream PHILLLLLLL!! he gives me that gorgeous smile and playfully put a finger to his lips making a "shhh" motion, while still smiling. he takes a few more pictures (my friends are wondering what the hell was going on :P) and i realize i'd be a fool not to document this. so i grab my camera and start recording. he didnt stay much longer, but i do have a short vid which clearly shows him pointing his camera at me, then he looks at the picture, smiles, and as he begins to turn to leave, he gives us one of those "ok" signs with his hand (what do you call it? :thinking:) with his pointer finger and thumb touching and his other fingers up, and i yell "phil i love you!" which you'll hear when i decide to upload the vid. :P

after a quick explanation to my friends of who he was and how big of a deal it was that he took our pictures, we freaked out a little :D. i already couldnt believe that i was lucky enough for that. but, the best is yet to come....


so at one point after SP had finished, we were just waiting around next to the railing in our little aisle spot, and a bunch of security guards come up with caution tape and start running it up the length of the aisle all the way back to the door where you enter the arena. we were thinking umm what? because we looked around and this was happening to no other aisles in the whole arena.

....skip way ahead....so while the band are playing Viva La Vida, a bunch of guards come over and tell us we have to go back and sit down in our seats, which were a only few feet away, but it was still annoying because we had been standing there at the bottom of the aisle the whole show without any of the passing guards telling us to move. so we went back to our seats and the guards (a lot of them) started doing all kinds of stuff to the rail where we were standing. there was a gate there, but it had been closed the whole time, and they opened the gate and started taking boxes up past us and up the stairs of the aisle. the also put little foot steps on the floor level so that the gate could be reached. they also started roping in all of those who were sitting right next to the aisle guards were standing there. so, we started to get really excited and thinking OMG are they going to go by here?! and of course, right after Lost, there go coldplay, running down the stairs of the main stage, down the aisle around the side of the floor level, and....

right up through the gate RIGHT FUCKING PAST US :dead: and

I LUNGE OUT AND I TOUCH GUY BERRYMAN'S BICEP! I GRABBED HIS FUCKING GORGEOUS MUSCLY BICEP!!! MOTHER OF GOD!!! and my friend who was sitting next to me touched chris martin, and my two other friends who were the row down and to the left, well one of them got a high five from both jonny and will, and the other touched jonny and guy. :dead: so at this point my friend and i are pretty much combusting. we're crying and freaking out and shit screaming I TOUCHED CHRIS MARTIN! I TOUCHED GUY BERRYMAN!

and up they go to about 10 rows directly behind us to the C stage. sooooo not only did i touch Guy Berryman, the were pretty close on the c stage as well! so the whole time of the c stage, im dying. then they're done with that, and they start coming back down the same way of course! and this time the security guard who was standing right between us and the boys wasnt going to be so lenient. my friend and i lunge out again, my friend this time touching Guy, while the guard decides to be a bastard and try to shove me back. WELL im having absolutely NONE of that! :smug:. while he's standing there trying to keep me in my place and yelling STAY BACK, i lunge out again with my arm and


and of course this whole time we're screaming there names at the top of our lungs :P

so it ends up that the friend who got a hive five from jonny and will ended up touching both chris and guy too when they were on the way back down. SHE TOUCHED ALL OF THEM! :dead:

i had wanted to try to grab chris and jonny as well, but i was so distracted on both passes that in the end i got just guy and will. but that's just fine with me baby :wideeyed:


i have a few good vids (the one of phil, one of the boys approaching, but obviously the view drops out as soon as im trying to grab Guy. :P, as well as the vids from c stage) but i'll post those and a few pics later.



so that's the best of the best. the rest of the show was of course incredible.

it's not a lie when people say that coldplay shows are the best nights of their lives. :)


i might post more tomorrow. umm i mean...later today :uhoh:


hehehehe Well Done Lauren :thumbsup:


Glad you had such a great show !! You lucky bugger :D

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ahem. *clears throat*


First of all, may i just start out by saying that i owe an enormous thanks to anyone and everyone (especially all my berrygirls and buddy miss Lizzy :wacky:) who sent Coldplay Karma my way.

It fucking works. GET READY....






Ok so i'll keep this to the main highlights because im tired and i dont feel like writing a full review. maybe later. though im guessing this still might be kinda long :laugh3:

I'll start with when we are already in the venue. we're in our seats which were in the center but more on jonny's side and the second row up from the ground level. my friend and i were directly next to the aisle on the left so that was good in my opinion. it was certainly on of the best spots i could be in, and you'll see why. so anyways, the howling bells (which were fantastic, even though we got there a little after 7, missing part of their set) were finished. the crews were setting up for SP. i was just sitting there, looking around. suddenly suddenly i see a familiar face. I started freaking out and telling my friends it's Hoppy it's Hoppy! it's one of the roadies! he walked up the aisle at the other end of my row. i was so mesmerized that i recognized him and i was actually seeing him, that i forgot to call out his name! i could have kicked myself for not calling out to him.


skip ahead, coldplay comes, i freak, yah...

and so since my friend and are are so close to the railing at the front of our section, we go and stand next to our other two friends who are one row in front of us, one section to the left, but seated directly next to the same aisle as us. anyways, so we're standing at the bottom of the aisle next to the railing. and, during some song (i cant remember which) i look and there on the floor level a few feet below us and about 10 feet to the right, i spy a man holding a very nice, large camera, pointing it at the 4 of us! so i start smiling at him and his camera, y'know, posing (but not in an extreme way) for the camera. suddenly some realization hit me. it clicks in my head and about 2 seconds before he lowers his camera from his face, i start thinking NO! it cant be!

but it was!!!! he lowered his camera and there is mr. phil harvey! he was taking pictures of us!!!!!!!! and with good reason! we all were standing up having a great time, and wearing our homemade coldplay t-shirts. so i start flipping out, and i wasnt going to make the same mistake as i made with Hoppy, so i immediately scream PHILLLLLLL!! he gives me that gorgeous smile and playfully put a finger to his lips making a "shhh" motion, while still smiling. he takes a few more pictures (my friends are wondering what the hell was going on :P) and i realize i'd be a fool not to document this. so i grab my camera and start recording. he didnt stay much longer, but i do have a short vid which clearly shows him pointing his camera at me, then he looks at the picture, smiles, and as he begins to turn to leave, he gives us one of those "ok" signs with his hand (what do you call it? :thinking:) with his pointer finger and thumb touching and his other fingers up, and i yell "phil i love you!" which you'll hear when i decide to upload the vid. :P

after a quick explanation to my friends of who he was and how big of a deal it was that he took our pictures, we freaked out a little :D. i already couldnt believe that i was lucky enough for that. but, the best is yet to come....


so at one point after SP had finished, we were just waiting around next to the railing in our little aisle spot, and a bunch of security guards come up with caution tape and start running it up the length of the aisle all the way back to the door where you enter the arena. we were thinking umm what? because we looked around and this was happening to no other aisles in the whole arena.

....skip way ahead....so while the band are playing Viva La Vida, a bunch of guards come over and tell us we have to go back and sit down in our seats, which were a only few feet away, but it was still annoying because we had been standing there at the bottom of the aisle the whole show without any of the passing guards telling us to move. so we went back to our seats and the guards (a lot of them) started doing all kinds of stuff to the rail where we were standing. there was a gate there, but it had been closed the whole time, and they opened the gate and started taking boxes up past us and up the stairs of the aisle. the also put little foot steps on the floor level so that the gate could be reached. they also started roping in all of those who were sitting right next to the aisle guards were standing there. so, we started to get really excited and thinking OMG are they going to go by here?! and of course, right after Lost, there go coldplay, running down the stairs of the main stage, down the aisle around the side of the floor level, and....

right up through the gate RIGHT FUCKING PAST US :dead: and

I LUNGE OUT AND I TOUCH GUY BERRYMAN'S BICEP! I GRABBED HIS FUCKING GORGEOUS MUSCLY BICEP!!! MOTHER OF GOD!!! and my friend who was sitting next to me touched chris martin, and my two other friends who were the row down and to the left, well one of them got a high five from both jonny and will, and the other touched jonny and guy. :dead: so at this point my friend and i are pretty much combusting. we're crying and freaking out and shit screaming I TOUCHED CHRIS MARTIN! I TOUCHED GUY BERRYMAN!

and up they go to about 10 rows directly behind us to the C stage. sooooo not only did i touch Guy Berryman, the were pretty close on the c stage as well! so the whole time of the c stage, im dying. then they're done with that, and they start coming back down the same way of course! and this time the security guard who was standing right between us and the boys wasnt going to be so lenient. my friend and i lunge out again, my friend this time touching Guy, while the guard decides to be a bastard and try to shove me back. WELL im having absolutely NONE of that! :smug:. while he's standing there trying to keep me in my place and yelling STAY BACK, i lunge out again with my arm and


and of course this whole time we're screaming there names at the top of our lungs :P

so it ends up that the friend who got a hive five from jonny and will ended up touching both chris and guy too when they were on the way back down. SHE TOUCHED ALL OF THEM! :dead:

i had wanted to try to grab chris and jonny as well, but i was so distracted on both passes that in the end i got just guy and will. but that's just fine with me baby :wideeyed:


i have a few good vids (the one of phil, one of the boys approaching, but obviously the view drops out as soon as im trying to grab Guy. :P, as well as the vids from c stage) but i'll post those and a few pics later.



so that's the best of the best. the rest of the show was of course incredible.

it's not a lie when people say that coldplay shows are the best nights of their lives. :)


i might post more tomorrow. umm i mean...later today :uhoh:

Oh Lauren I'm so so happy for you ! :cheesy:

While reading your review, I was "OMG OMG that's unbelievable" !

Glad to know that Coldplay karma worked for you, you touched Guy and Chris !!! :dead::dead:

You deserved it Lauren ! Can't wait for your vids and pics !:dance:


Great Concert! I was literally 3ft away from them. I was in the 2nd row to the b-stage and when all four of them came towards there I freaked. I took so many piccss of Chris upfront. I was so close I could see his beads of sweat ;).... Another cool thing happened, I dk if its Coldplay karma material but, I met a nice fellow by the name of Jonathan who said to be Chris' cousin. I believed him since he had a VIVA pass, not to mention his english accent. Anyways he was telling me and another guy how Chris is such a cool guy and that he loves to text. He also said that if he'd text Chris to dedicate a song to someone he'd do it. So he asked the guy what was his name and he said Neil. We were skeptical as he send the message...but sure enough, im not sure if it was Politik or DAAHF but chris said "This song is for Neil"... how cool is that. Also since I wasnt on the floor to get butterflies, Jonathan was kind enough to leap over, to the stage and get me some handfulls :D

Woow you met Chris cousin ! That's awesome :stunned:

Does he look like him ? And why didn't you ask him to text YOUR name ? :P


Just a Little review:

I thought the show was solid, Did anyone else think Chrissy sounds like his voice is taking a tiny bit of a beating....just a little more of a hard edged rasp than normal but still beautiful as always. Boys seemed comfortable and in the groove. I thought maybe the crowd came up a little short on the sing-a-longs (I could be wrong) , but they were ridiculously loud in between songs!


I grabbed Phil while he was roaming around the front taking pics and gave him my cowboy hat with Viva butterflies glued to it and asked him to see if he could get Will to wear it during the encore.

3 minutes later Chris picked it up from the floor behind Will, put in on his head for exactly 1 second, then on Will's head for 1 second , then off. If you blinked you missed it, but fun for me still.


Finally, I was directly on the Guy ramp but as some fellow CPers will not be surprised to hear, I forgot to bring my camera to S.A.:\ Massive bummer.

Awaiting some good pics from other Coldplayers so let's see'em folks!

That's awesome for the cowboy hat ! :dance: Now it must be sacred ! :stunned:

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I waded through the minute by minute updates last night and came up with the following:


Howling Bells 7:04 start

Snow Patrol 7:46

Coldplay 9:02


For those folks there last night......is this accurate?? I don't need it to the minute but I'm frantically trying to sort out the start times so that I don't miss anything on Monday night.



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Just a Little review:

I thought the show was solid, Did anyone else think Chrissy sounds like his voice is taking a tiny bit of a beating....just a little more of a hard edged rasp than normal but still beautiful as always. Boys seemed comfortable and in the groove. I thought maybe the crowd came up a little short on the sing-a-longs (I could be wrong) , but they were ridiculously loud in between songs!


I grabbed Phil while he was roaming around the front taking pics and gave him my cowboy hat with Viva butterflies glued to it and asked him to see if he could get Will to wear it during the encore.

3 minutes later Chris picked it up from the floor behind Will, put in on his head for exactly 1 second, then on Will's head for 1 second , then off. If you blinked you missed it, but fun for me still.


Finally, I was directly on the Guy ramp but as some fellow CPers will not be surprised to hear, I forgot to bring my camera to S.A.:\ Massive bummer.

Awaiting some good pics from other Coldplayers so let's see'em folks!






KELLY THATS ALL AMAZING! :dance: cant believe u talked to PhiL! :dead: Phil def. knows we are all onto him now :sneaky:


and i really hope SOMEONE was able to get that cowboy hat thing on video or something that sounds adorable and hilarious!:lol: Phil told them! thats awesoem they listened to u! :sneaky:

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That was us.






so we each got 2 LRLRL, 1 signed, 1 unsigned. :smug:


Also Angie and Lori congrats on this again :dance: this sign is very well made! and butterfly is perfect in the middle........so happy u guys got some recognition! :dance: :kiss:



Just so happy! seems as if Coldplay Karma came to all lastnight! :blush:

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Woow you met Chris cousin ! That's awesome :stunned:

Does he look like him ? And why didn't you ask him to text YOUR name ? :P






I wanted to so bad but he had already asked Neil :cry: Either way it was good to meet him. And no they don't look much alike, only in their accents. lol

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So we got to the venue, had a look around. Couldn't find where the band would be entering. We were at this gate but it was just for venue employees. Walked around back, almost had heat stroke in doing so, but only saw the red trucks. It was so damn hot we decided to just make our way up to the venue gates. They were playing a recording about no pro cameras, no banners :angry: this show may contain lasers and confetti. :lol: Finally doors opened at just past 6pm. On way tobathroom Lori laughed about women and men's signs having cowboy hats on.......looks like R#42 thought it was pretty funny too. Seats were on floor, center section, row 14....which turned out to be row 11 due to stage. :D On way to seats we walk right past Franksie. I stop and ask him if I can show him my banner. You see 6 years ago I went see Coldplay in Cleveland on the same date, June 10, and that night Chris faked coughing fit to get the band's PA Vicki to bring him something to drink. When she got out there, he told everyone it was her birthday and everyone sang happy birthday to her. Well since I knew it was her birthday, I decided to make a Happy Birthday Vicki banner. When I showe dit to Franksie he took our pic with it and said "this is going on the web site" :stunned: We went to our seats giddy thinking maybe we would be on the bad's site. After about 20 minutes or so he comes back out and walks up to me and says he showed the pic to Chris and Chris wanted us to have signed copies of LRLRL for making that for Vicki. :dance:

Angie, thats so awesome! Congrats to you and Lori, glad it was great!:dance:


So we are going to be seeing your guy's picture on the website soon!?


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I wanted to so bad but he had already asked Neil :cry: Either way it was good to meet him. And no they don't look much alike, only in their accents. lol

Aww that sucks ! You deserved it more than Neil :smug:

Okay :nice: how lucky he is to be Chris cousin :bomb:

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Ok, so now I have gotten some sleep, I'll post the rest of my pics that I didn't put in the first post. How do you do the little 'spoiler' thing so it doesn't take up the whole page?!


you do a spoiler like this, without the spaces:


[ spoiler]


stufffff.......in the middle......



[ /spoiler]




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So we got to the venue, had a look around. Couldn't find where the band would be entering. We were at this gate but it was just for venue employees. Walked around back, almost had heat stroke in doing so, but only saw the red trucks. It was so damn hot we decided to just make our way up to the venue gates. They were playing a recording about no pro cameras, no banners :angry: this show may contain lasers and confetti. :lol: Finally doors opened at just past 6pm. On way tobathroom Lori laughed about women and men's signs having cowboy hats on.......looks like R#42 thought it was pretty funny too. Seats were on floor, center section, row 14....which turned out to be row 11 due to stage. :D On way to seats we walk right past Franksie. I stop and ask him if I can show him my banner. You see 6 years ago I went see Coldplay in Cleveland on the same date, June 10, and that night Chris faked coughing fit to get the band's PA Vicki to bring him something to drink. When she got out there, he told everyone it was her birthday and everyone sang happy birthday to her. Well since I knew it was her birthday, I decided to make a Happy Birthday Vicki banner. When I showe dit to Franksie he took our pic with it and said "this is going on the web site" :stunned: We went to our seats giddy thinking maybe we would be on the bad's site. After about 20 minutes or so he comes back out and walks up to me and says he showed the pic to Chris and Chris wanted us to have signed copies of LRLRL for making that for Vicki. :dance:


very, very awesome :D and very cool idea making a banner for Vicki



Ok how do you embed Youtube vids, I just tried and it didn't work


just put the weblink in a post with no tags and the board should do it for you

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First batch of videos..


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VOWdoGSU58]YouTube - Coldplay AT&T Center San Antonio Life In Technicolor - Beginning of Violet Hill[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vjSP-VaXxw]YouTube - Coldplay AT&T Center San Antonio end of Violet Hill - Clocks[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfjOUwbITsE]YouTube - Coldplay AT&T Center San Antonio In My Place[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGugGOiXEk4]YouTube - Coldplay AT&T Center San Antonio Yellow part 1[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXE3RgvZO9Y]YouTube - Coldplay AT&T Center San Antonio Yellow part 2[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1M3jziBKxg]YouTube - Coldplay AT&T Center San Antonio Glass of Water part 1[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4DHoHuzpkA]YouTube - Coldplay AT&T Center San Antonio Glass of Water part 2[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpiYSZJs4pg]YouTube - Coldplay AT&T Center San Antonio 42[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfiTG0FoJJM]YouTube - Coldplay AT&T Center San Antonio Fix You[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu2ROQ7blyA]YouTube - Coldplay AT&T Center San Antonio God Put A Smile Upon Your Face - Talk 1[/ame]


enjoy.. 2nd batch later today maybe

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