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** 2010 Top 50 Coldplay Song List - (closed) **

Chris's Nuts

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It's another year gone and opinions may have changed. Here's the results of what was polled in mid 2008.


Graphical http://rateyourmusic.com/list/TheScientist/top_50_coldplay_songs_by_coldplay_fans

Forum Thread http://www.coldplaying.com/forum/showthread.php?t=49518&page=3


This was of course before the Prospekt's March EP and people have also had enough time to change their opinions on their prior songs, perhaps even drastically.


So here's the rules (same as before):


1. Collaborations are ok, as long as the entire band was in on it (aka no Homecoming, All things come to, etc...)

2. Covers are allowed

3. Different versions of songs do not count (No Lost? Lost+ or Don't Panic Blue room edition etc...) This does mean that you count Life in Technicolor (both version 1+2) as one song. I know that might bug some but that's so people don't split votes between the 2 versions and both place poorly. If you like one over the other rank THAT version accordingly in your list. So if you put version 1 or 2 I'm throwing out the # indicator....

4. Remixes do not count.

5. The songs must be ranked in order. No exceptions.

6. Unreleased songs (but performed live) are ok.

7. You can do a minimum of 25 songs and a maximum of 50 songs in your list. So 25-50 songs on lists are ok.

8. If you want to edit your list later that's fine. Just do not reply post your edits into a new post. Use your original post.


If you have a list in the old list thread that was ranked just re-post it in here (search with your username and a songtitle for quick results). If you had a loose list before that needs to be ranked please do so and put it in here. If you are starting from scratch feel free to use any of the above list links and then shuffle them around to make them your own.


I'll leave this open for weeks and hope to get at least the 40+ lists the original thread got. As you'll see in my sig I've helped arrange and do top lists for everyone from Radiohead, to the Beatles and Zep, to whole genres of music, so Coldplay deserve the official list treatment.


I'll likely stop the polling by the end of January so please get your lists together. If you did this back in 2008 then you might want to start with your old list from the original thread and make changes. http://www.coldplaying.com/forum/showthread.php?t=48995


Hope people take part and I'll pop in occasionally if people have questions. Again, the rules are the rules, and they worked well last time.






********This polling is now closed (as of Sat 1/30). Please see the last couple of posts if there's confusion about the end date********


Please see the results thread for when results are ready:






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Top Posters In This Topic


1. Swallowed In The Sea

2. Parachutes

3. What If

4. Life is for Living

5. Reign of Love

6. Things I Don't Understand

7. White Shadows

8. Til' Kingdom Come

9. Moses

10. Ladder to the Sun

11. A Rush of Blood to the Head

12. Politik

13. The Escapist

14. How You See The World

15. Twisted Logic

16. Green Eyes

17. Prospekt's March

18. High Speed

19. Daylight

20. Cemeteries of London

21. Crests of Waves

22. We Never Change

23. Spies

24. Square One

25. God Put a Smile Upon Your face

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1. Yellow

2. A message

3. Fix you

4. Warning sign

5. The scientist

6. Death and all his friends

7. In my place

8. God put a smile upon your face

9. Viva la Vida

10. The hardest part

11. Clocks

12. Violet hill

13. A spell a rebel yell

14. Green eyes

15. Life in technicolor

16. Amsterdam

17. Death will never conquer

18. Shiver

19. Politik

20. A rush of blood to the head

21. Strawberry swing

22. Life is for living

23. Til Kingdom Come

24. Brothers and sisters

25. Don't panic


Phew, that was tough :sweatdrop:

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1 ) Clocks

2 ) Lovers In Japan

3 ) Yellow

4 ) Don't Panic

5 ) Strawberry Swing

6 ) Amsterdam

7 ) Viva La Vida

8 ) Sparks

9 ) See You Soon

10 ) Shiver

11 ) Chinese Sleep Chant

12 ) Daylight

13 ) Fix You

14 ) Life In Technicolor

15 ) Speed Of Sound

16 ) Cemeteries Of London

17 ) Reign Of Love

18 ) No More Keeping My Feet On The Ground

19 ) Death And All His Friends

20 ) Glass of Water

21 ) One I Love

22 ) Lost

23 ) Violet Hill

24 ) Rainy Day

25 ) White Shadows

26 ) Politik

27 ) Warning Sign

28 ) A Message

30 ) High Speed

31 ) Trouble

32 ) I Ran Away

33 ) Moses

34 ) God Put A Smile Upon Your Face

35 ) The World Turned Upside Down

36 ) In My Place

37 ) Twisted Logic

38 ) Talk

39 ) The Scientist

40 ) Low

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1-The scientist





6-Death and all his friends


8-Green eyes

9-A message

10-Fix you

11-See you soon

12-Crest of waves

13-Prospekt march

14-Square one

15-Don't Panic

16-Till Kingdom Come

17-Violet Hill

18-Glass of water

19-Life in technicolor

20-Live is for living

21-God put a smile upon my face




25-Spped of sound




29-Rainy day

30-The hardest part


32-one i love

33- Such a perfect day

34- What's going on ?

35-The Nappies

36-Brothers and sisters


38-Ladder to the sun

39-I run away

40-Ode to deodorant

41-Now my feet won't touch the ground

42-The goldrush

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I remember that old list, but I was still a forum lurker back then. That and I don't think Prospekt's March was released yet.


1. Clocks

2. Politik

3. Trouble

4. A Rush of Blood to the Head

5. Lovers in Japan

6. White Shadows

7. The Scientist

8. Swallowed in the Sea

9. Strawberry Swing

10. Speed of Sound

11. Amsterdam

12. Viva la Vida

13. Fix You

14. Life in Technicolor

15. Talk

16. Violet Hill

17. In My Place

18. Yellow

19. Glass of Water

20. God Put a Smile Upon Your Face

21. Square One

22. Sparks

23. Everything's Not Lost

24. Prospekt's March

25. See You Soon

26. Cemeteries of London

27. Shiver

28. Green Eyes

29. The Hardest Part

30. High Speed

31. Til Kingdom Come

32. Crests of Waves

33. Death and All His Friends

34. Lost!

35. Things I Don't Understand

36. Gravity

37. Don't Panic

38. Rainy Day

39. I Ran Away

40. Postcards from Far Away

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1. Life in Technicolor ii

2. The Scientist

3. Swallowed in the Sea

4. Cemeteries of London

5. Yellow

6. Lovers in Japan

7. Viva la Vida

8. Shiver

9. Violet Hill

10. Green Eyes

11. Fix You

12. Life is for Living

13. A Message

14. Prospekt's March / Poppyfields

15. See You Soon

16. I Bloom Blaum

17. Sleeping Sun

18. Sparks

19. Gravity

20. I Ran Away

21. White Shadows

22. Ladder to the Sun

23. Politik

24. Strawberry Swing

25. Til Kingdom Come

26. Talk

27. The Hardest Part

28. Glass of Water

29. Don't Panic

30. Warning Sign

31. Yes

32. 42

33. Spies

34. The World Turned Upside Down

35. Clocks

36. God Put A Smile Upon Your Face

37. Crests of Waves

38. The Goldrush

39. Death Will Never Conquer

40. Amsterdam

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the magic number :P ...




1. A Message

2. Shiver

3. Strawberry Swing

4. No More Keeping My Feet on the Ground

5. In My Place

6. Rainy Day

7. Glass of Water

8. Cemeteries of London

9. Speed of Sound

10. Sleeping Sun

11. I Ran Away

12. Gravity

13. Yes

14. Square One

15. White Shadows

16. Prospekt's March/Poppyfields

17. Daylight

18. Violet Hill

19. God Put a Smile Upon Your Face

20. Trouble

21. Now My Feet Wont Touch the Ground

22. Yellow

23. Ladder to the Sun

24. Viva la Vida

25. Death and All His Friends

26. Such a Rush

27. I Bloom Blaum

28. A Spell A Rebel Yell

29. The Goldrush

30. Everything's Not Lost

31. 42

32. The World Turned Upside Down

33. Green Eyes

34. Spies

35. Til Kingdom Come

36. Postcards from Far Away

37. Reign of Love

38. Chinese Sleep Chant

39. Warning Sign

40. Politik

41. Crests of Waves

42. We Never Change



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1. God Put A Smile Upon Your Face

2. Glass Of Water

3. Shiver

4. The Goldrush

5. Yes

6. Viva la Vida

7. Don't Panic

8. Strawberry Swing

9. Violet Hill

10. Sleeping Sun

11. Yellow

12. Life In Technicolor

13. Rainy Day

14. Green Eyes

15. Lovers In Japan

16. Talk

17. Fix You

18. The World Turned Upside Down

19. In My Place

20. The Hardest Part

21. Postcards From Far Away

22. See You Soon

23. Crest of Waves

24. Clocks

25. A Rush of Blood to the Head

26. Careful Where You Stand

27. Politik

28. The Scientist

29. Death and All His Friends

30. Warning Sign

31. 1.36

32. One I Love

33. I Bloom Blaum

34. Amsterdam

35. Daylight

36. Swallowed In The Sea

37. Low

38. Brothers and Sisters

39. Bigger Stronger

40. Parachutes

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1. Death and All His Friends

2. God Put a Smile upon Your Face

3. Don’t Panic

4. Shiver

5. Sleeping Sun

6. Politik

7. See You Soon

8. Trouble

9. Everything’s Not Lost

10. The Goldrush

11. Lost!

12. Green Eyes

13. Violet Hill

14. Swallowed in the Sea

15. Amsterdam

16. Now My Feet Won’t Touch the Ground

17. Rainy Day

18. Cemeteries of London

19. The Scientist

20. Prospekt’s March

21. Clocks

22. Chinese Sleep Chant

23. Yes

24. A Rush of Blood to the Head

25. Brothers & Sisters



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1. Lovers In Japan

2. Life In Technicolor

3. In My Place

4. The Goldrush

5. Yes

6. We Never Change

7. Yellow

8. Bigger Stronger

9. Green Eyes

10. Shiver

11. High Speed

12. Politik

13. Easy To Please

14. Murder

15. Brothers and Sisters

16. Gravity

17. A Spell A Rebel Yell

18. Amsterdam

19. Daylight

20. 42

21. White Shadows

22. Speed of Sound

23. Rainy Day

24. Politik

25. Sparks

26. Square One

27. Talk

28. Glass of Water

29. A Message

30. A Rush of Blood To the Head

31. Death and All His Friends

32. Til Kingdom Come

33. Don't Panic

34. Trouble

35. Swallowed in the Sea

36. Violet Hill

37. Warning Sign

38. God Put a Smile Upon Your Face

39. Where Is My Boy

40. Proof

41. Spies

42. The Scientist

43. Now My Feet Won't Touch the Ground

44. Low

45. Chinese Sleep Chant

46. The Escapist

47. Death Will Never Conquer

48. Twisted Logic

49. Everything's Not Lost

50. Sleeping Sun

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1. Amsterdam

2. Politik

3. A Rush Of Blood To The Head

4. See You Soon

5. Clocks

6. Strawberry Swing

7. Death And All His Friends

8. God Put A Smile Upon Your Face

9. How You See The World

10. Lovers In Japan

11. Glass Of Water

12. The Scientist

13. 42

14. Shiver

15. Cemeteries Of London

16. Violet Hill

17. Death Will Never Conquer

18. Lost

19. Speed Of Sound

20. Trouble

21. Yellow

22. Low

23. Postcards From Far Away

24. Such A Rush

25. Warning Sign

26. Daylight

27. Sleeping sun

28. Gravity

29. Now My Feet Won’t Touch The Ground

30. Til Kingdom Come

31. Yes

32. Life In Technicolor

33. The Escapist

34. Everything’s Not Lost

35. No More Keeping My Feet On The Ground

36. Don’t Panic

37. Prospekt’s March

38. Rainy Day

39. One I Love

40. Spies

41. Moses

42. A Whisper

43. Square One

44. Talk

45. Bigger Stronger

46. Solid Ground

47. High Speed

48. Idiot

49. Sparks

50. The Hardest Part

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1-Fix You

2-The hardest part

3-In my place


5-Viv La vida



8-Life in Technicolor II

9-The Scientist

10-speed of sound

11-Til KingdomCome

12-Strawberry Swing

13-Lover in japan

14-Death And All His Friends


16-Swallowed In The Sea

17-what if

18-violet hill

19-A Message

20-Warning Sign

21-Everythings Not Lost

22-cemeteries-of London

23-Prospekt's March

24-Dont Panic




28-Square One

29-White Shadows


31-Ladder To The Sun


33-X & Y


35-Life is for Living

36-Rainy Day

37-How you see the world



40-chinese sleep chant

41-Things I Dont Understand

42-easy to please


44-Crests of Waves

45-We Never Change

46-Now My Feet Won't Touch The Ground

47-The Escapist

49-brothers sisters

50-Careful Where You Stand


I love All coldplay songs:)

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1. The Scientist

2. Shiver

3. Lovers in Japan (Osaka Sun Mix)

5. Fix You

6. Viva La Vida

7. Politik

8. Rainy Day

9. Prospekt's March

10. Talk

11. Parachutes

12. X&Y

13. Life in Technicolor II

14. Warning Sign

15. 42

16. Don't Panic

17. Chinese Sleep Chant

18. Spies

19. Death and All His Friends

20. Til Kingdom Come

21. See You Soon

22. Strawberry Swing

23. God Put A Smile Upon Your Face

24. Amsterdam

25. Violet Hill

26. Yes

27. Bigger Stronger

28. Yellow

29. Glass of Water

30. Speed of Sound


+ I'm Your Baby's Daddy - The Nappies. Is it counted?

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1) Politik

2) Fix You

3) Lovers In Japan

4) Gravity

5) Clocks

6) Life In Tecnicolor II

7) Glass Of Water

8) The Scientist

9) Viva La Vida

10 Square One

11) Prospekt’s March

12) Yellow

13) Trouble

14) Everything’s Not Lost

15) In My Place

16) Swallowed In The Sea

17) The Hardest Part

18) Violet Hill

19) A Rush Of Blood To The Head

20) Ladder To The Sun

21) Warning Sign

22) The World Turned Upside Down

23) Death And All His Friends

24) 42

25) Speed Of Sound

26) Talk

27) Yes

28) Things I Don’t Understand

29) Shiver

30) Spies

31) Lost?

32) Postcards From Far Away

33) Pour Me

34) One I Love

35) A Message

36) Amsterdam

37) Crests Of Waves

38) Proof

39) What If

40) Now My Feet Won’t Touch The Ground

41) Sparks

42) The Escapist

43) Chinese Sleep Anthem

44) X&Y

45) Cemeteries Of London

46) Green Eyes

47) See You Soon

48) Strawberry Swing

49) Brothers And Sisters

50) Life Is For Living

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There aren't even 50 songs on the 4 studio albums :D


1. Amsterdam

2. See You Soon

3. The Goldrush

4. Politik

5. Don't Panic

6. Prospekt's March / Poppyfields

7. Life In Technicolor

8. A Rush Of Blood To The Head

9. Violet Hill

10. Til Kingdom Come

11. Sparks

12. Death Will Never Conquer

13. Chinese Sleep Chant

14. 1.36

15. Parachutes

16. We Never Change

17. Brothers & Sisters

18. Death And All His Friends

19. Everything's Not Lost

20. Warning Sign

21. High Speed

22. Green Eyes

23. Perfect Day

24. Life Is For Living

25. The Dutch song about donkeys XD

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That was extraordinary hard:


1. Politik

2. High Speed

3. Clocks

4. Cemeteries of London

5. A rush of blood to the head

6. Amsterdam

7. Death and all his friends

8. Trouble

9. A whisper

10. Life in technicolor

11. Violet hill

12. Speed of sound

13. 42

14. Warning sign

15. Spies

16. Don't panic

17. The scientist

18. Parachutes

19. Postcards from far away

20. Shiver

21. Talk

22. Gravity

23. Crests of waves

24. Fix you

25. Sparks

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