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New Coldplay eh?


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Must have leaked while I was sleeping, now I'm at work. Will have to wait half a day before I listen to it. (Although I'm not expecting to be blown away or anything at this point.)


I remember in one of the R42 blogs there was a picture with setlists for 3 different "albums". Setlist A = Brilliant LP5 option 1, Setlist B = Brilliant LP5 option 2, and Setlist C = MX. :disappointed:




Hey Mike, this one's for you because I know you'll absolutely love it.







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And now for the part where I post ACTUAL Youtube comments and we mock them:


everyones hating on this song because Rihanna is black! you people should be ashamed of yourselves! racism in 2011!! when Radiohead did a duet with PJ Harvey everyone was cheering and raving about it because she was white! but now that Chris Martin 1ups Radiohead with a superior song and a superior female singer everyone calls it crap just because she's black!


Chris made a brilliant decision to ask Rihanna, remember YOU guys are nothing more than the fans, Chris knows exactly what he's doing. the song is beautiful.


Coldplay is ten thousand times better than rihanna and probably the most important and biggest band of the last decade


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Ohhh, YouTube. How you amuse me so.


I will say I'm a bit disappointed for something else completely. They didn't continue the trend...


wa wa wa waterfall

para para para paradise



I don't think asking for a lyric like "princess of ch ch ch china" too much to ask, do you?


Nah, instead there's just a bunch of "lalalalalalalala" and "oohoohoohoohooh", which are just lazy filler lyrics that occupy most modern Coldplay songs.




they should have given it to rihanna as she is the best thing about the song


YES. As much as I'm not a fan of hers, the song fits her so much better, and her part was the only part I really liked about it. That bothers me, as this is supposed to be a Coldplay song on a Coldplay album, not a Rihanna song on a CD that just happens to have Coldplay on the rest of it. This had me sincerely worried about what the rest of MX will sound like.

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I'll listen between classes an hour or so from now. I once cared enough to wait, but after hearing the steaming pile that is princess of china, the band has everything to prove to me. Already familiar with five/six of the songs, it's not a matter of impressing me so much as helping me to come to terms with what they've become.

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Must have leaked while I was sleeping, now I'm at work. Will have to wait half a day before I listen to it. (Although I'm not expecting to be blown away or anything at this point.)


I remember in one of the R42 blogs there was a picture with setlists for 3 different "albums". Setlist A = Brilliant LP5 option 1, Setlist B = Brilliant LP5 option 2, and Setlist C = MX. :disappointed:




Hey Mike, this one's for you because I know you'll absolutely love it.







what are those setlists you're talking about.



also... does he not realize how stupid he looks?

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So yeah, I'm going to download this thing right now and I'm going to post my thoughts here in bullet-point format as I listen to the album in full, including the tracks I've already heard and hate, just to give that bullshit "works in the flow of the album" thing a fair shake. Figured I'd be safer posting it here than in the MX forum. Stay tuned.

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Well, that sucked. I'm amazed to find Princess of China, Up In Flames, and Don't Let It Break Your Heart to be far worse than teardrop (imho). What the hell were they thinking? Up In Flames especially is just insult to injury insofar as it feels like they weren't even trying.


were there any songs you actually liked?



I didn't really mind Up in Flames, or the last few songs on the album. I didn't really fully like them, but i could somewhat tolerate them.



also is it just me or does it seem that chris's voice keeps getting higher and higher from album to album? :|

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- Starting the download. Wasn't even remotely difficult to find a leak (if you can't find it, you aren't trying).

- MX opener...whatever...doesn't last long enough to make any positive or negative impression like Life in Technicolor.

- So...I was right about Hurts Like Heaven studio autotune? FUCK. Oh well, at least I can now shove it in the face of every single user who told me "STFU moron, Coldplay is too talented to use autotune!"

- Everyone who compares this to "Keep the Car Running" is dumb. KTCR is infinitely better.

- Paradise comes this early in the album? At least I can get it out of the way...

- Oh fuck, I forgot how much I hated this song.

- "We're just a pair o', pair o', pair o' guys...me and Jonny Buckland...oh wait, you can't hear anything by Jonny in this song because the synths are so overbearing!"

- Good to know Coldplay writes club anthems now. Yet another reason never to go to clubs (I'm serious, I HATE clubs).

- Studio Charlie Brown! I liked the live versions I heard but it wasn't the second coming of Clocks like everyone insists.

- I might legitimately like Charlie Brown if it weren't for that dumb "All the boys, all the girls" sequence. Oh well, least painful song so far. It's pure pop but done in a more positive manner.

- Us Against the World...first one I have positive expectations for...let's see...

- Chris's deep voice is a mixed bag, but I will say it works better here than on "Yes" on VLV (one of my least favorite Coldplay songs ever)

- Oh good, they kept Will's part on studio. I'm liking this one so far.

- Okay, UATW is the first good track on the album. I'm not a fan of a few of the vocal moments, but they're minor complaints compared to my other complaints on the album.

- MMIX...okay? Huh?


- I turn the music up, I put my records on, I punch some babies listening to this horrid song

- I don't know about you, but I'd rather be a full stop than a comma. I don't know what that means but it sounds way cooler.

- Major Minus FUCK THIS SONG. This is not a good song, people. Stop convincing yourselves it is.

- Without the vocal distortion, this one would be bearable but not great. With it, it's just another "experiment" gone awry. (and it's not much of an "experiement" either)

- The "ooh, ooh" moments are officially Chris's most irritating vocals of all time.

- UFO. First track I know nothing about yet.

- Feels like an early B-side, which is actually a welcome thing by this point. Short and sweet.

- It segues into Princess of China? Frick.

- Bold statement time - PoC is the second worst song Coldplay has ever done (ETIAW being the first worst).

- As I said last night, I'd hate this less if it were on a Rihanna album and were labeled "Rihanna (feat. Chris Martin)".

- And as also said last night, Rihanna isn't even the #1 reason this song is horrible. She might not even be in the Top 5 reasons this song is horrible.

- I have a shred of hope for Up in Flames. Please don't disappoint me.

- Weird echo effect on Chris's voice, but it's not as bad of an effect as on HLH or MM.

- That was...okay. Just because it's stripped down doesn't automatically make it good, so I think UATW achieved this a bit better. Not awful, though.

- Not much to say about these intermission pieces like AHT.

- 2 seconds into "Don't Let It Break Your Heart Because We Couldn't Possibly Come Up With a Worse Track Name Than This" and I can tell this is going to be divisive.

- Certainly less of an atrocity than Paradise or ETIAW but isn't anywhere near as convincing of a catchy pop song as Charlie Brown.

- Ending things with Up With the Birds

- Not a bad closer. Not too bombastic. It may not be Amsterdam, but Coldplay is now 5-for-5 with album closers. Shame I'm so down about the rest of the album.


I'll let this one settle in, along with a final score and more solid thoughts about songs in the latter half. But I'm comfortable saying this is my least favorite effort yet. Gonna go re-listen to the new My Brightest Diamond album now.

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