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Rolling Stone - ***1/2 (Scans & transcript in first post)


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went to the store on my lunch break and looked through the new issue real quick not at all expecting to see the Mylo Xyloto review this week and yet there it was. it was actually pretty positive. they gave viva ***1/2 as well for what its worth. sorry, no scans or anything... didn't buy it.

After a lot of typing, here's the transcript.










Mylo Xyloto


*** ½


In the three years since Coldplay’s last album, the world’s problems have gotten a little more urgent. A cratering economy, riots from Tahrir to Tottenham, the prolonged ubiquity of the Kardashians – these are things that can’t be solved with a lullaby, even from the biggest band to emerge in the 21st century. Chris Martin knows this. But Coldplay’s fifth album–and most ambitious yet–suggests Martin cares too much not to at least try to help.


Coldplay recently entered their second decade together – the same point Springsteen made Born in the USA and U2 made Achtung Baby – So it comes as no surprise they’d want a zeitgeist-y, big-statement album of their own. On Mylo Xyloto, the choruses are bigger, the textures grander, the optimism more optimistic. It’s a bear-hug record for a bear-market world.


Aided again by Brian Eno, Coldplay are still dabbling in the kind of cool-weird artiness they truly went for on 2008’s Viva la Vida. But where that album sometimes seemed like a self-concious attempt to diversify their sound, with a world-music vibe and U2-style sound effects, this time Coldplay have integrated the “Enoxification” (as they call it) into their own down-the-middle core: Check out the cascading choral vocals that augment Martin’s soaring refrain on “Paradise.” Prominent elements prop up the sonic cathedrals: Jonny Buckland’s guitar, which is riffier and more muscular than ever, and Euro-house synths that wouldn’t be out of place at a nightclub in Ibiza.


Martin says Mylo Xyloto was inspired by 1970s New York graffiti and the Nazi-resistance movement known as the White Rose- it’s probably no coincidence both were about young people embracing art in times of turmoil. Here, Coldplay rage on their own in their own lovably goofy way. On the rave-thinged “Every Teardrop is a Waterfall,” Martin imagines a revolution powered by dancing kids. “Hurts like Heaven” might be the first Coldplay tune to which you can bust something resembling a move. The lyrics seem to be about fighting The Man – “Don’t’ let ‘em take control!” – but Martin sounds ebullient over a sproingy New Wave beat.


Explicit personal statements aren’t really Martin’s thing; he’s in the uplift business. Mylo Xyloto suggests he’s fully embraced his role as a not-terribly-cool guy who’s good at preaching perseverance, in a voice that’s warm and milky like afternoon tea. By the time he croons, “Don’t Let it Break Your Heart!” over “Where the Streets Have No Name”-style guitar sparkle near the album’s end, you can’t help but think he’s an inspiration peddler who believes what he’s belting.


Oddly enough, the best moments are the darker ones. “Princess of China” is a ballad about loss and regret, co-starring Rihanna. It’s a partnership that probably came together over champagne brunch at Jay-Z’s, but its-fuzz groove is offhandedly seductive. It’s followed up by “Up in Flames,” a minimalist slow jam. Martin sings nakedly about how break-ups with people can feel like the end of the world, or maybe it’s about the actual end of the world. Either way, as end-times lullabies go, it’s pretty sweet.


KEY TRACKS: “Hurts Like Heaven,” “Princess of China”



So I'm sorry the old scans looked bad. I was on my tiny tiny laptop. Now I'm on my big iMac so the screenshot won't be so tiny.


This is the last thing I'll upload, then I'll leave you alone :P. I just thought someone would want a higher quality version.








Review (2 pages)









Ad (spread):







Okay, now I'll leave you alone!



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I'll post a scan thing. Gimme a little


EDIT: Never mind.


I'm a subscriber and the issue .PDF is usually up by the time it's in stores, but evidently it's not. I'll have it up in the next day or so, unless someone else takes care of it.

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Looking forward to the scan.


I never pay much attention to the actual rating of the review, just the content of it.


Rolling Stone is not a difficult magazine to get a good review in. You just have to be the people they like. And they like a certain type of artist/band. As someone said, U2 can do no wrong in their eyes. They gave No Line on the Horizon 5 stars. FIVE STARS.


I used to be a massive U2 fan (time has faded my passion), but that album was horrific. It was commercially irrelevant and it wasn't even musically relevant. It existed in a no-man's land. And the fact that RS gave it 5 stars completely diminished them in my mind.


They give great reviews to the most popular artists who fulfill certain elements - Beyonce and Lady Gaga have been recipients of better reviews.


They just aren't relevant in the rating context. I love to see their feature articles, but I wouldn't take the rating as much.


At the end of the day, musical ratings are little more than a blindfolded person throwing a dart at a rating scale.

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Huh? I must be blind or haven't gotten the most recent issue. I just got the issue with Dark Side of the Moon on the cover and I don't see any review of MX. :\


No, it's the one after that. Technically, it's not supposed to be on newsstands yet.


Don't worry. As soon as it's on I'll give you a scan of it :D Should be pretty soon here.

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It's not the one with Pink Floyd on the cover, is it? Because I still haven't gotten that one mailed to my house, I don't think, but I can't find the review in the PDF online.


Anyway, yeah, like said earlier, I'm a subscriber so once it's online or it shows up at my house I can help out if no one gets on it first :D




And I got the the Pink Floyd one in the mail like two weeks ago :uhoh:


You should look for it.

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Rolling Stone tends to be most favorable to the bands that have been around for decades (they gave 5 stars to the latest U2 album which I thought was really mediocre) but they're hardly known for their reviews, especially since they're usually one paragraph max. Honestly, though, RS seems to have lost its relevance as a music source in general. The whole magazine is bitching about politics while there's little musical tidbits sprinkled here and there.


EDIT: Didn't read carefully enough, someone already mentioned the U2 thing.

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Yeah, you're right. The last "modern" act they gave 5 stars to was Kanye. And everyone gave him 5 stars. In fact, you have to like it so you can be cool.


And they give 5 stars to every new Bob Dylan album ever.


Except for some of his album's in the 90's, I'd say his albums were 5-star worthy.

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And I got the the Pink Floyd one in the mail like two weeks ago :uhoh:


You should look for it.


Crazy, I'm also a subscriber and just got the Pink Floyd issue in Tuesday's mail. WTF, it's not like I live in the boonies.

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Crazy, I'm also a subscriber and just got the Pink Floyd issue in Tuesday's mail. WTF, it's not like I live in the boonies.


I live in "COLUMBIA" Missouri, which isn't New York City.


Their distribution must be really fucked up :lol:

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