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Us Against The World = Car Kids?


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October 3, 2011 - submitted by Rik, United States of America


Q. I've been wondering this for a long while now as I'm sure many others have, it was on Chris' shirt, the home page background. What does Car Kids mean? Is it a lyric or a song on the new album? Thanks Oracle!!



The Oracle replies:


Yeah, as far as I know it was a song pencilled in for inclusion on Mylo Xyloto but didn't make it on to the final tracklisting. We may hear it one day, who knows?

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LOL this car kid business is out of hand! I was reading "The Rolling Stone" today with Steve Jobs on the cover and the third page had Coldplay on it and the word Car Kids and CK was on the page on every member [like it wasnt directly on their shirt, but it was written over their picture. I wonder what it is. I feel like its going to be a surprise coming soon

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LOL this car kid business is out of hand! I was reading "The Rolling Stone" today with Steve Jobs on the cover and the third page had Coldplay on it and the word Car Kids and CK was on the page on every member [like it wasnt directly on their shirt, but it was written over their picture. I wonder what it is. I feel like its going to be a surprise coming soon



Maybe the name of the new tour?:o

New world tour announced soon?

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Well the Oracle says it's related to Car Kids. I'm sorry ; this is not only a song. I'm tired of hearing about CK too, but it's not only a song ... It's on their shirts, on the album, it's everywhere. It really could be the name for the new tour.

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