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My open facebook status to Coldplay ** thread evolved into Lounge material **


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Chris Martin.. and co, are complete and utter sell outs..... why ??? what happend to a group of half decent musicians...very talented........ at the highest order...

your legacy could have been up there with the very best, now by many you will be just be rememberd as a bunch of middle age almost phoedilhile type boy band.... your orginal fans are even struggling now to say thanks....



I have been here for a very long time.... my love for coldplay knew n bounds...

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Chris Martin.. and co, are complete and utter sell outs..... why ??? what happend to a group of half decent musicians...very talented........ at the highest order...

your legacy could have been up there with the very best, now by many you will be just be rememberd as a bunch of middle age almost phoedilhile type boy band.... your orginal fans are even struggling now to say thanks....



I have been here for a very long time.... my love for coldplay knew n bounds...



Thom Yorke, is that you???

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Chris Martin.. and co, are complete and utter sell outs..... why ??? what happend to a group of half decent musicians...very talented........ at the highest order...

your legacy could have been up there with the very best, now by many you will be just be rememberd as a bunch of middle age almost phoedilhile type boy band.... your orginal fans are even struggling now to say thanks....



I have been here for a very long time.... my love for coldplay knew n bounds...



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Chris Martin.. and co, are complete and utter sell outs..... why ??? what happend to a group of half decent musicians...very talented........ at the highest order...

your legacy could have been up there with the very best, now by many you will be just be rememberd as a bunch of middle age almost phoedilhile type boy band.... your orginal fans are even struggling now to say thanks....



I have been here for a very long time.... my love for coldplay knew n bounds...













Boy Bands:



























You're awesome, and I love you. Keep up the good work.

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Baw8cc[/url] , you do not need to be calling people retarded.


I think it's more unethical to police my posts with political correctness implications than to call someone retarded.



Do I hate mentally-handicapped people? No. I'm actually quite close to my Down's-syndrome-stricken, wheelchair-bound cousin. Thank you so much.


Does my post imply that I hate people with mental disabilities? No.


Will my post force others to hate people with mental disabilities? No.



What's the problem? Political correctness like this simply brings attention to the fact that minorities are different. It reinforces stereotypes and makes people uncomfortable if someone different is there, thereby policing our actions, free thought, and free speech. An open discourse is necessary for people to accept our colorful society.


Thank you, Orwellian Thought Police.


/end rant

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I think it's more unethical to police my posts with political correctness implications than to call someone retarded.



Do I hate mentally-handicapped people? No. I'm actually quite close to my Down's-syndrome-stricken, wheelchair-bound cousin. Thank you so much.


Does my post imply that I hate people with mental disabilities? No.


Will my post force others to hate people with mental disabilities? No.



What's the problem? Political correctness like this simply brings attention to the fact that minorities are different. It reinforces stereotypes and makes people uncomfortable if someone different is there, thereby policing our actions, free thought, and free speech. An open discourse is necessary for people to accept our colorful society.


Thank you, Orwellian Thought Police.


/end rant


wait until the Michael Jackson fans wake up...

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Guest LiquidSky
I think it's more unethical to police my posts with political correctness implications than to call someone retarded.



Do I hate mentally-handicapped people? No. I'm actually quite close to my Down's-syndrome-stricken, wheelchair-bound cousin. Thank you so much.


Does my post imply that I hate people with mental disabilities? No.


Will my post force others to hate people with mental disabilities? No.



What's the problem? Political correctness like this simply brings attention to the fact that minorities are different. It reinforces stereotypes and makes people uncomfortable if someone different is there, thereby policing our actions, free thought, and free speech. An open discourse is necessary for people to accept our colorful society.


Thank you, Orwellian Thought Police.


/end rant


Well guess what? I am here to "police" posts and by you being on the forum, you agreed to these terms. You are being rude and insulting another member by calling someone retarded and it is also against the forum guidelines. I'm not here to ask you to stop telling people names.. I'm here to remind you that it's best if you stop.


"Political correctness" Maybe you should re-read the forum guidelines and decide whether or not you'd like to agree and follow them or not. It's really not my decision. It's yours on whether you want to follow them or not.

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I think it's more unethical to police my posts with political correctness implications than to call someone retarded.



Do I hate mentally-handicapped people? No. I'm actually quite close to my Down's-syndrome-stricken, wheelchair-bound cousin. Thank you so much.


Does my post imply that I hate people with mental disabilities? No.


Will my post force others to hate people with mental disabilities? No.



What's the problem? Political correctness like this simply brings attention to the fact that minorities are different. It reinforces stereotypes and makes people uncomfortable if someone different is there, thereby policing our actions, free thought, and free speech. An open discourse is necessary for people to accept our colorful society.


Thank you, Orwellian Thought Police.


/end rant

if you've done that to celebrate the International Day of People with Disability (which is today), well done, for reminding one of their fights for real integration, to be treated and seen as any other person, with no taboos.

Anyways i think one can discuss with another coldplayer not crossing the insult line.


To OP well, you know well i don't like where coldplay seem to be going with their last work, but dislikers of that period, we better save energy talking against, and instead move on to do more productive things.

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Well guess what? I am here to "police" posts and by you being on the forum, you agreed to this terms. You are being rude and insulting another member by calling someone retarded and it is also against the forum guidelines. I'm not here to ask you to stop telling people names.. I'm here to remind you that it's best if you stop.


"Political correctness" Maybe you should re-read the forum guidelines and decide whether or not you'd like to agree and follow them or not. It's really not my decision. It's yours on whether you want to follow them or not.



I understand the need for forum guidelines, and thank you for highlighting them to me. I'll try to keep my posts less colorful.


While I agree that it's important to follow these guidelines, it is difficult to determine the omnipresent "line" that I need to cross to be considered "inappropriate." So I'm going to educate myself. Please bear with me.


I broke the following rules:

2-i) Freedom-of-speech rights do not extend to privately owned websites, such as this one. Membership and posting on the Coldplaying messageboard is a privilege, not a right.


6-b) Material that may be considered inappropriate include but are not limited to those involving intellectual property right infringement (or allegations thereof), pornography, obscene or defamatory material, or material of excessive length. The Administrators and Global Moderators may, but shall have no obligation to, remove materials that we determine in its sole discretion are unlawful, fraudulent, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate, or infringe or violate any party's intellectual property or other proprietary rights.


I am sorry if I had offended anyone. Now I know where the line is, and while I disagree with you, I respect you.

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International Day of People with Disability[/url] (which is today), well done, for reminding one of their fights for real integration, to be treated and seen as any other person, with no taboos.

Anyways i think one can discuss with another coldplayer not crossing the insult line.


I think that it's important to discuss this kind of thing as an open, free discourse versus it being a taboo or social moré. Yes, I agree that it's important that we highlight the importance of diversity, but I think we are doing it wrong. Instead of shunning me and implying that I'm an inept, social redneck (which I probably am) it's better to be inclusive of everyone instead of being defamatory towards me, or anyone for that matter.


The problem is that there is a very fine line between being "politically correct" and being offensive. I've always been fairly conservative on this manner in that I believe that political correctness simply makes people afraid to integrate and forms sociological niches, which isn't the goal of a world that is supposedly free of color. It promotes the opposite, which is undesirable. Utopia is impossible.


Even the idea to have a day to celebrate disabilities, to me, is offensive. It's not right. Think about it: Let's say there was a "obesity diversity day" that highlighted obesity, and tried to integrate obese people into society. Let's also pretend that you are obese. Would you like this day, or would you dread it, because it reinforces the idea that you are fat? To me, that's inappropriate and sort of cruel.


Therefore, the very notion that this is offensive, is offensive. There is no escaping it, which renders the barrier obsolete.


This theory of the insult-line is good, but the problem with it is that it's not definitive. While we're not robotic, though, it's difficult to determine what is offensive or not. Especially when considering the needs of 65,000+ Coldplayers. This very sentence is probably offensive to one of them.


I won't lie: I'm not made of steel. I've been offended on here before, and I hold my head up.


Anyway, again, I'm sorry if I crossed the invisible (but necessary) barrier for anyone on here, and in the future, I will police myself before I am policed. :nice:


In any case, I have censored my post so that it's less offensive and more awesome.

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Chris Martin.. and co, are complete and utter sell outs..... why ??? what happend to a group of half decent musicians...very talented........ at the highest order...

your legacy could have been up there with the very best, now by many you will be just be rememberd as a bunch of middle age almost phoedilhile type boy band.... your orginal fans are even struggling now to say thanks....



I have been here for a very long time.... my love for coldplay knew n bounds...

bart If you're not more a fan of Coldplay you can express here http://www.coldplaying.com/forum/showthread.php?t=90878


For my part I am fan of Coldplay since 2000 I have all the albums and DVDs of Coldplay and they make good music for the fans and the people, and is one of greatest band of the world said by the fans and the medias. They never sold much the albums if is not true :)

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