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This bitch cray


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Okay so I have a story about something that happened to me this week.


First, some background: For some reason I've had a history attracting weird insane people. I don't really understand why. This particular time, there is this girl who is in my book club that I'm in charge of. Anyway, once about two years ago I started talking to her because she was really shy and I thought I would be nice.


After that, we became friends sort of. More like acquaintances, really. When I would see her around campus, I would nod or wave or something, and I saw her once every other week at the book club meetings, though most of that time was spent just chatting about the literature and eating refreshments.


She became interested in me, which is okay (I am quite awesome so I get it) but I was just simply not interested. I was focused on school and didn't have the time, and I wasn't really attracted to her. Not that she's bad looking or anything. I just wasn't really interested in fostering that part of my life at that moment. Big deal.


So after I told her that I'm flattered, but I just don't think it would work, she retreated for a couple of months. Then, after that, she started hitting on me a little more than she used to. Being flirty, brushing up against me, you know. Stuff like that. I told her again that I wasn't interested: "It's not you, it's me."


But she is resilient and didn't stop trying! Gotta admire her persistence, I guess. But it would get weirder. She'd text me quite a lot each night, and I wouldn't answer her just as passive reinforcement. I still didn't really have a problem with her, it just got annoying.


I told her one day, again, that while I'm flattered I just can't do the relationship thing. "Okay" she'd say, but she wouldn't stop. Then I started saying more things to try to get her off my back. "I'm in a relationship" "I don't date sorry" "I'm gay" etc but it just WOULD NOT WORK. This spanned about a year.


In the fall is when it started to get even odder. She would text me (each time from a different number, somehow) saying that I am "looking good today" and that she "can't wait to go out with me again" (I've never been out with her). I just ignored it. Once she even told me that she liked my cologne, which is REALLY fucking weird, seeing that I hadn't seen her that day. Once, she even was hanging around my apartment complex waiting for me to check the mail. Insane.


I saw in November that someone window-chalked my rear window last semester in the middle of the night with "Brenty <3" which was weird. I suspect it was her, because I asked almost everyone who knows where I live and they weren't aware. Plus she calls me Brenty sometimes in texts.


Anyway, so this week was the straw that broke the camel's back. I went out to dinner with a platonic female friend, and during the dinner I got a text, in all caps,






I was like uhhhhhh and I ignored it. I got home after the dinner and a short walk, which was pleasant. Not a minute after I walked in through my apartment door, she was pounding on it and crying about our love and blah blah blah. I NEVER SHOWED HER WHERE I LIVE. I couldn't really hear her, and she was trying to get in. I decided if it continues I would call the police and have her taken away, but after a little while she tired herself out and went somewhere.


The next afternoon (I think this was Wednesday) I went into lab, and I checked my work mailbox. It usually contains flyers from various scientific suppliers and papers to review and stuff. So I was confused when I saw a hand-delivered envelope with cursive scrawled upon the middle of it. THERE IS NO WAY SHE SHOULD KNOW WHERE THE MAILBOXES ARE. I went upstairs, slid the envelope open and inside was a sexually explicit note, precariously folded and stuffed inside, and a freaking topless picture of this girl in front of a bathroom mirror


I was like :|


So I went to the police station and filled out a thing about it, surrendered the weird ass note and they told me they'd take care of it. Today, they asked if I had gotten any weird phone calls or whatever and I said "No, thanks for the checkup". So, luckily, she seems to have stopped for now.


I don't really know what the point of posting this here was. I just wanted to tell the story. I am really creeped out and I hope she goes away forever.


Damn. I hope I don't get raped.


I should get some mace or something.


Sorry this was so long.


I wish I knew normal people :disappointed:

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I wouldn't rule it out. She's probably considering it.


Well, luckily, the female reproductive system hasn't evolved to the point where they can rape men effectively.


And, judging by the picture she sent, I will not be able to get "it" up. Which is required. Plus I'd be scared shitless, which is also a turnoff.


I support the mace idea. Seriously tho, weird shit.


Yeah you're probably right. Where do I even get that stuff? Amazon? :thinking:


Send her to an insane asylum :nod:


I don't think I'm authorized to do that in my state.


Damn..she is REALLY CRAY.




I thought "Brenty" was my thing :(


Nah, a lot of people call me that. Wait. Did YOU do this to my car????1?1?1?!


Yeah i was going to say Brenty as well but it would most likely irritate you.


I wouldn't really care, I don't think. But I prefer Brent for the record. Brenty is de-masculinizing.

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Daammnnnn, craziest thing I've heard all day. It's never a good moment when you feel like you're in some crazy stalker horror movie. I guess this is one of the great faults of karma, this really shouldn't happen to someone who was just trying to be nice. Anyway, I hope everything works out for the best.. Mace is never a bad idea too if it's that bad. I wish you well mate.

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Um... well, just be careful! Probably the best thing would be for her to find someone else, maybe you could locate a suitable date for her? Plus, I would recommend window coverings, which might thwart any temptations to stalk you further. Go underground if possible, build a safe room in the house, with escape passages, just in-case. :laugh3:

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I suggest checking your cupboards for hidden cameras


Not that I want to scare the shit out of you or anything


Oh my god what if she's bugged me or something


Daammnnnn, craziest thing I've heard all day. It's never a good moment when you feel like you're in some crazy stalker horror movie. I guess this is one of the great faults of karma, this really shouldn't happen to someone who was just trying to be nice. Anyway, I hope everything works out for the best..


Maybe it's reverse karma, and something awesome will happen for me. I did buy a lottery ticket with some friends :wacky:.


Mace is never a bad idea too if it's that bad. I wish you well mate.

I agree with everyone who's suggested Mace :nod:

Damn, bitch is cuhrrrazy. Brent, get yourself a rape whistle.

Ohh my gadd! thats one crazyy bitchh!! Get some mase


Okay people I'll get some mace

Um... well, just be careful! Probably the best thing would be for her to find someone else, maybe you could locate a suitable date for her? Plus, I would recommend window coverings, which might thwart any temptations to stalk you further. Go underground if possible, build a safe room in the house, with escape passages, just in-case. :laugh3:




Use reverse psychology. Dress up as a carrot, and ask her if she wants to nibble on you!:laugh3:


:uhoh: Not the time for jokes :angry:


I feel violated


What if she's in my attic or something

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this one is pretty




I think all mace is for girls though. They're all like pink and polka dot and stuff (searched on Amazon)


I feel like my manhood has been compromised :big cry:




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