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Nostalgia? Remembering Mylo Xyloto from the beginning.


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Warning: This is a huge post :lol:

I really wanted to give you guys the tweets with their exact date with day, month and everything but twitter didn't help me =/




From the moment I've seen this man, I knew something huge was about to come.


It's 9 months since Mylo Xyloto was released, but it's story is older, and I am one of the fortunate people that followed it since the rumors of a new Coldplay album started to become strong.

Today, when I stop and remember all the things Mylo Xyloto era has given to us, I feel very nostalgic, but the most special thing was to receive all the news and solve the puzzles with you, Coldplayng guys.


So, I decided to make a timeline, from the first rumors to today.

Let's have fun


"coldplay He's back! Roadie #42 updates us on the recording sessions for Coldplay's new album... http://bit.ly/42blog122 A

About 1 years ago"



"coldplay New Roadie #42 blog, in which he discusses the importance of studio tea and shows Chris and Guy playing xylophone http://bit.ly/r42b124 A

About 1 years ago"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwTS2RKPHN8]Chris and Guy xylophone duet (Roadie #42 - Blog #124)- YouTube[/ame]



"coldplay Christmas Lights. The countdown has begun... http://www.coldplay.com

About 1 years ago"



"coldplay Watch the making of the Christmas Lights video (featuring a sneak preview of the song...) http://www.coldplay.com

About 1 years ago"



"coldplay Christmas Lights is out now! Watch the video, download the song http://cldp.ly/xmaslightsout #christmaslights

About 1 years ago"


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1rYmzQ8C9Q&feature=player_embedded]Coldplay - Christmas Lights - YouTube[/ame]



"coldplay Roadie #42 is back with a blog full of news, pictures and a video of Chris and Jonny rehearsing an old favourite... http://cldp.ly/r42b125

About 1 years ago"


From Roadie: "Ever the multi-taskers, the band decide to head back to the studio - there's an album to finish, after all."




"coldplay Studiofeed #1 http://www.coldplay.com/

About 1 years ago "


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zTqklX4p40]STUDIOFEED #1 - YouTube[/ame]


It's funny because it's called Studiofeed #1, but it's the only studiofeed that ever existed LOL



"coldplay Roadie #42 is back with another update from the studio - http://cldp.ly/r42b129

About 1 years ago"



From here, things start to be more interesting. The era concept starts to flow.



"coldplay At our first photoshoot for a long time, pH http://twitpic.com/51n5nx

About 1 years ago "






"coldplay I turn the music up / I got my records on / I shut the world outside until the lights come on

About 1 years ago"














About 1 years ago"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_uSoTlHboc]AATKTDATKANUMMFAL - YouTube[/ame]





About 1 years ago"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=km0etEomzr8]ITTMUIOARTTAHIIS - YouTube[/ame]





About 1 years ago"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brgUD5c50oo]ITTMUIGMROFUTRSARSDWTSAGDIRBACTAFS - YouTube[/ame]





About 1 years ago"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU5fk8i30Lg]Trapezes - YouTube[/ame]




"And finally...

About 1 years ago"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSWPg9DGCHw]And finally... - YouTube[/ame]




And then, the big announcement!


"Enough teasing... we have a new song called Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall. Hear it on Friday. See artwork/lyrics now http://cldp.ly/etisaw

About 1 years ago"










"coldplay Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall is about to make its radio debut - listen right now at http://cldp.ly/r1livenow #ETIAW

About 1 years ago"




This was one of the best moments ever. I remember it was a really cold day here in Brazil (yes, it's possible). It was 4AM. I still have the record of the first airplay. It's 30 minutes of a bit of Coldplay's story and some live songs, then ETIAW.


Loved it from the first moment.


But the best was still to come.




Rock Im Park was their first festival after ETIAW and I don't remember exactly if we were expecting new songs aside ETIAW, but they came.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJCJe8hRFrM&feature=player_embedded]Princess of China - Coldplay live at Rock im Park in Nuremberg 2011 - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KWe-kNpz14&feature=player_embedded]Us Against The World - Coldplay live at Rock im Park in Nuremberg 2011 - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kSmOxnBXxg&feature=player_embedded]Coldplay - Hurts Like Heaven (New Song) @ Rock im Park 2011 - YouTube[/ame]


Hurts Like Heaven, Charlie Brown, Princess Of China, Us Against the World and Major Minus. It was more than we could ever expect. Yes guys, it was the first time some of our little faves came into light.

Unfortunately Rock Im Park was not broadcasted, so everything we had was videos from people in the show. Until next day...


Rock Am Ring


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_fEWsM4mNc]Coldplay - "Mylo Xyloto + Hurts Like Heaven" ( Mylo Xyloto ) HQ Live @ Rock am Ring festival:Germany - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkgjO7n-YZg]Coldplay - Major Minus Live Rock am Ring - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmuVxphsj20]Us against the world - Coldplay - Rock am Ring 2011 - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXq_D9c7fAs]Coldplay - Charlie Brown (Live) - Rock Am Ring 2011 - YouTube[/ame]




"Thanks for all the kind words on ETIAW..I wish we could release all the new songs tomorrow, but chris just wrote a new one ! pH

About 1 years ago"



First Don't Let it Break Your Heart mention and rumors:


"Watching Jonny Buckland playing a new bit on DLIBYH. He is in a new zone of wonderfulness. CM

About 1 years ago"




"As R#42 explains in his new blog, Coldplay are using their days off between festivals to work on new songs... http://cldp.ly/R42b134 A

About 1 years ago"




"Trying to organise a track listing for the album. Chris keeps complicating it by writing brilliant new songs. W"

About 1 years ago




"Shooting an epic video for every teardrop PH http://t.co/yaMdxum

About 1 years ago"






"Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall and Major Minus to be released on 7"", CD and digital bundle on 27 June - info/pre-order http://t.co/N7QNBjZ A

About 1 years ago"




"coldplay 2 new songs - Major Minus and Moving To Mars - out on iTunes on Sunday. Part of ETIAW EP. PH

About 1 years ago"




Here it is - the premiere of the brand new video for Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall http://t.co/bb50BZV

About 1 years ago


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyMhvkC3A84]Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall - YouTube[/ame]




"Only a few more weeks left before we have to finish the album. Exciting. Guy

About 1 years ago "




Meanwhile (I don't remember exactly where this enter among all this above), Spark, our Coldplaying friend, came along with the theory that the new album (until now called with love "LP5") was going to be called Mylo Xyloto.


To remember our paranoid theories about what was Mylo Xyloto and the inspiration for this (which was a bit wrong, a bit right, in the end), go to this thread:






"Coldplay's new album, Mylo Xyloto, is out on Oct 24. Check out the artwork - and more info - at http://t.co/BEDfjEB

11 months ago"






"Weird sense of relief announcing Mylo Xyloto and release date..Paradise, Up in flames, Princess of China - let's get em out there! PH

11 months ago"




I guess it was around this point we had the news that a woman was going to feat. Princess of China. Not far after this we discovered it was Rihanna.


"Roadie #42 has been in the studio with the band as they rehearse some new songs. Read all about it at http://t.co/KlgvpGO A

10 months ago"




Coldplay's new single, #Paradise, gets its first play on Radio 1 at 7.50am UK time on Mon Sept 12. Listen then at http://t.co/z9OzrvK A

10 months ago




Tracklist came










New confetti on festivals





Mylo Xyloto release date and Pop-Up Edition announced


"The CD, vinyl, digital & special pop-up versions of Mylo Xyloto are all now available to pre-order - check 'em out at http://t.co/y5q1Fw9 A

10 months ago "






"paradise video shoot PH http://t.co/QG60Kxh

10 months ago"






"Lots of interesting Mylo Xyloto info in this piece on Music Week's website (inc a track-by-track rundown from Chris) http://t.co/mjhFDXqN A

10 months ago"




"Karoo Desert, South Africa. On the set of the Paradise video (which is coming this week...) PH

9 months ago"






"Here it is, folks - the brand new video for Paradise.... http://t.co/3GUKvcl8 A

9 months ago"


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G4isv_Fylg]Coldplay - Paradise - YouTube[/ame]






"Coldplay's new album, Mylo Xyloto, is out today in the UK! Get it from iTunes http://t.co/q12rOCgf A

9 months ago "





Xylobands first appearance was around here, on Unstaged show.







Charlie Brown Single Announced.


"If you enjoyed Coldplay's new single, Charlie Brown, on X Factor tonight, check out the live video - http://t.co/LMy9hiwb A

7 months ago"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aq-7UBc3BPk]Coldplay - Charlie Brown (Live) - YouTube[/ame]



Charlie Brown Video Announced


"Roadie #42 has just blogged about yesterday's Charlie Brown video shoot... http://t.co/dd50KSWd A

7 months ago"






"Here it is! The brand new video for #CharlieBrown http://t.co/TgWgKyfn A

5 months ago"


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTFBJgnNgU4e]Coldplay - Charlie Brown - YouTube[/ame]



Chris and Rihanna perform Princess of China on Grammy


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hI4O-nPhcgw]Coldplay ft. Rihanna | Princess Of China | Grammy´s Awards 2012 | Subtitulado HD - YouTube[/ame]



Use of inflatables on shows








"#coldplayfilm coming later this year. our first concert film since 2003. but where to film it? PH

3 months ago"




Coldplay will release a 7-inch single of Up With The Birds / U.F.O. for Saturday's @RecordStoreDay - info http://t.co/n621J3lu A

3 months ago





Princess Of China video anounced


"Coming soon... #PrincessofChina

2 months ago"




Jonny let slip Coldplay have plans for a new album


@coldplay #coldplaylive Do you have plans the next album?

About 1 months


Jonny says: ""Yes, we know roughly when we want to start making the next record"" #coldplaylive

About 1 months ago




Phil gives us the first sign of the Comics


"7 million xylobrytes - the name of the little critters in the Mylo Xyloto story .. which you'll be seeing much more of soon...PH

About 1 months ago"




Princess of China video out

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Uw6ZkbsAH8]Coldplay - Princess Of China ft. Rihanna - YouTube[/ame]




Mylo Xyloto comics announced


"Mylo Xyloto comic - the story behind the album is revealed! http://t.co/DNQ8tMFG #mxcomic

10 days ago"





Mylo Xyloto panel at ComicCon 2012


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Loqq1aZwNo&feature=g-u-u]Comic Con 2012: Mylo Xyloto Part 1/5 Panel Discussion (Coldplay) - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQ9_ka9fTwI&feature=g-u-u]Comic Con 2012: Mylo Xyloto Part 2/5 Panel Discussion (Coldplay) - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUaEcVFg4Rs&feature=g-u-u]Comic Con 2012: Mylo Xyloto Part 3/5 Panel Discussion (Coldplay) - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m8eiD8Bvc4&feature=g-u-u]Comic Con 2012: Mylo Xyloto Part 4/5 Panel Discussion (Coldplay) - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ft3kpoVwGc&feature=g-u-u]Comic Con 2012: Mylo Xyloto Part 5/5 Panel Discussion (Coldplay) - YouTube[/ame]




Hurts Like Heaven video unofficial announcement






Hurts Like Heaven single unofficial announcement











Well guys, this is all for now. For the future we still have the Coldplayfilm to be released and if new things come, I will update it here


Thank you if you read everything (hope you all have patience LOL), it gave me a little job to do, but it's nice to remember all this.


Oh, and of course, thanks for the responsibles for giving us all of this:



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Classic stuff, I remember it like it was yesterday. I actually still listen to the Rock am Ring recordings today and flashback to last year when all this was going on. Good times, thanks for posting all this in one thread, very useful and very helpful :D.

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That's awesome, thank you! :D


And btw, I remember that the photoshoot happened on the 23rd May 2011, ETIAW hints started on the 24th May and ended on the 30th May (one hint every day, except those three gifs on the 25th May) with the single announcement on the 31st May.

I know this because I did a review of the month of May:http://www.coldplaying.com/forum/showthread.php?t=91296

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This is great! Thank you. :)


I remember the ETIAW running man more than anything. I was on a trip with my senior class, and we were leaving to some mall. I checked Facebook and voila -- new Coldplay. That was fun. I loved getting to see new videos/GIFs each day until graduation.

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I remember the first listen of ETIAW live on radio the most - it was the most amazing feeling ever hearing it, words can't describe how I felt. I remember they played it twice in a row, I then listened to it on repeat probably about 30 times in one day haha. Still one of my favourite songs from this era :)

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Great work! I remember listening to the original recording of POC and trying so hard to figure out everything about it. In retrospect, it's so sloppy - too much synth/little guitar, Chris's singing is not great and he mucks the lyrics in a couple places; although the drums + bass was interesting. Still sounds good but it's so interesting to go from then to now.

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Thanks so much for taking the time to post this! I remember the teasing you tube videos for ETIAW like it was yesterday, it was so exciting! Then staying up all night to hear it on the radio the night before my college graduation, and then knowing the words to the new songs already when I saw them at Lollapalooza and ACL last year. Thanks again

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Great work! I remember listening to the original recording of POC and trying so hard to figure out everything about it. In retrospect, it's so sloppy - too much synth/little guitar, Chris's singing is not great and he mucks the lyrics in a couple places; although the drums + bass was interesting. Still sounds good but it's so interesting to go from then to now.


I find it hilarious how that was everyone's favorite new song -- and now it's easily our least favorite, as a whole. :lol:

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I don't remember when/where this was from, but I remember R42 saying something about UIF, cool live guitar work by Jonny on Paradise (which really is nice, the extra slides), and the "violently life affirming" nature of DLIBYH. I think this was after the ACL taping/festival. That was also a fun time.


I find it hilarious how that was everyone's favorite new song -- and now it's easily our least favorite, as a whole. :lol:


:lol: Too true mate...although in my opinion the current live version, disregarding the silliness of Rihanna being a video, sounds the very best.


The Chris dance during the middle of the song is pretty epic in the Rock Im Park version. :D

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Wow!!!! This is SO cool!!! I love the beginning cause I wasn't here for that!!! Thank you sooo much!!! Someone should do this for Viva La Vida(I would forever love anyone who did that)!!!!! :lol: :D


Totally support this! lol


What a great post! I remember seeing all the teasers in Coldplay's page, but I was not in the forum yet, so seeing all of them here brought all the excitement back! It was great!

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Thanks for the breakdown of events! it's almost a year since the release of mylo and still surprises never stop coming. We still have to wait for the live film and the comics itself (and maybe an EP which is unlikely to come out any moment soon).

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I remember the first listen of ETIAW live on radio the most - it was the most amazing feeling ever hearing it, words can't describe how I felt. I remember they played it twice in a row, I then listened to it on repeat probably about 30 times in one day haha. Still one of my favourite songs from this era :)



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