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The 13th Mixtape Exchange - It's Review time.

Black Rose

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It has become a Coldplaying tradition that every 4 months or so the World of Music holds a mixtape exchange. Over previous exchanges it has been run by many people.


The general idea that you get together a heap of songs that people may not of heard, you enjoy, that sound well together or that were just pulled out of a hat (though I don't really advise the last option); it's really up to interpretation. Basically, if you love to listen to new music and discovering new artists and genres, this is for you.


Here are the rules that mostly have been copied from the efforts of RedGirl, because they just work :P



1. Sign up saying you want to participate - leave your name on the thread

2. When the deadline for signing up is over, you'll get a PM from me giving you the name of another participant in the Exchange. You will be making a mix for this person, whoever they may be

3. You mustn't reveal who you are making the mix for, on pain of being tickled by a thousand feathers

4. Make your mix-tape (average length is around 50-70 minutes) and delete the info for each song.

5. Upload the mix-tape to something like rapidshare and send me the link and a tracklisting. I will then send it to person assigned to you, keeping your identity a secret of course!

6. When you receive a mix-tape, listen to it, write a review and post it in this thread.

7. The person who made the mix-tape will then post the track-list and the link so everybody can download it. Simple as that.


Here are the deadlines:


Sign Up closes -23:59 GMT+1, Sunday 14th October


Mixtape submission -23:59 GMT, Saturday 27th October


Tapes will be sent out around the evening of the 28th Oct for your lovely ears to listen to.


So any questions?




Twisted Mind


The Final Track




Italian Plastic

Cheese Nip 2










Alien Radio







technicolor_birds1935 (Ariel)

Black Rose


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I'm in again! :D

So any questions?
Yup! I've got a question about rule 3: 3. You mustn't reveal who you are making the mix for, on pain of being tickled by a thousand feathers

I understood from the previous ones that it's okay to have on the mixtape the name of the one it is meant for or just a reference. It's just that I should not reveal that I made the tape, right? So this is about not saying who I make the tape for in public, non? Not about what I do with the tape I send to you, right?


Will there be a guidelinish deadline for reviews too? (seeing that it sometimes takes people several months to post one or never at all, maybe a deadline will made them hurry up a bit more?)

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Crests, you are doing this, you can't retract, IT'S AGAINST THE RULES (mine, not the mixtape exchange's).


I'm in again! :DYup! I've got a question about rule 3: 3. You mustn't reveal who you are making the mix for, on pain of being tickled by a thousand feathers

I understood from the previous ones that it's okay to have on the mixtape the name of the one it is meant for or just a reference. It's just that I should not reveal that I made the tape, right? So this is about not saying who I make the tape for in public, non? Not about what I do with the tape I send to you, right?


Will there be a guidelinish deadline for reviews too? (seeing that it sometimes takes people several months to post one or never at all, maybe a deadline will made them hurry up a bit more?)


While I agree that maybe a deadline for reviews would be good too, I don't think it'd do much for those who are late to the party, because after all, it's the last step of the exchange, there is nothing to get your review ready for afterwards.

Unless we are super severe and refuse to let them enter the next exchange if they don't review their mixtape by the deadline, but we ain't in the army :/ + usually the ones who don't write a review don't come back in the next exchanges

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I would apply, but I'm so scared to review something other people have put so much effort to assemble and make it presentable. I've read some great reviews by users who are obviously very knowledgeable about music, who can describe nicely various elements of the songs, like the the chords, the progression, tonality and what not, and who I think expect nothing less for their mixtape. No, I don't feel ready to participate yet. Gah. That's so frustrating.

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I'm in again! :DYup! I've got a question about rule 3: 3. You mustn't reveal who you are making the mix for, on pain of being tickled by a thousand feathers

I understood from the previous ones that it's okay to have on the mixtape the name of the one it is meant for or just a reference. It's just that I should not reveal that I made the tape, right? So this is about not saying who I make the tape for in public, non? Not about what I do with the tape I send to you, right?


Yes, Wyrd, that's right. You can put their name on it. Just don't tell them that it's you who made it, and don't go around telling other people on the forum who your partner is. :nice:



While I agree that maybe a deadline for reviews would be good too, I don't think it'd do much for those who are late to the party, because after all, it's the last step of the exchange, there is nothing to get your review ready for afterwards.

Unless we are super severe and refuse to let them enter the next exchange if they don't review their mixtape by the deadline, but we ain't in the army :/ + usually the ones who don't write a review don't come back in the next exchanges


This, basically.

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I would apply, but I'm so scared to review something other people have put so much effort to assemble and made it presentable. I've read some great reviews by users who are obviously very knowledgeable about music, who can describe nicely various elements of the songs, like the the chords, the progression, tonality and what not, and who I think expect nothing less for their mixtape. No, I don't feel ready to participate yet. Gah. That's so frustrating.


Oh don't let that stop you from participating, there are only a few people who go that deep in their review. You can just say 'ooo I like this song, it's pop-ish, the guitar really makes me vibe~ and the lyrics are great!'. It's no big deal, people just want to know if you like a song or not, and why :)

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Ah sorry, I wasn't clear then. I meant deadline not as in a harsh deadline, but more like a guideline. So we'd have a date to keep in mind if that would help people. Like do it before that date so that people won't keep postponing it. Because there are always tapes that don't get reviewing, there will be kind of second round, because another person gets appointed to do the review. ..... oh I think I am still not clear :( I dunno, sorry, I need some sleep.


Crests, if you get me, you can take the Mew song OUT. I already know those :P Unless you want a ten for you mixtape ;)

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I would apply, but I'm so scared to review something other people have put so much effort to assemble and make it presentable. I've read some great reviews by users who are obviously very knowledgeable about music, who can describe nicely various elements of the songs, like the the chords, the progression, tonality and what not, and who I think expect nothing less for their mixtape. No, I don't feel ready to participate yet. Gah. That's so frustrating.


I was afraid of applying for the first time on the last one, but It's nice to just get to know new music, besides that, you don't have to be a music expert to say what you like and don't like about song :smiley:

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