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Sherlock Holmes 7/10


The first half was quite good - Downey Jr and Jude Law are wonderful, London and its atmosphere are really beautiful... But in the second half the story is too complicated - we're lost in details -, it has a few clichés, and Guy Ritchie makes some mistakes. But it still is a good entertaining movie, with really much more quality than something like Avatar.


I love you Phillip Morris 9/10


Really funny, and many surprises. I'm not a big Jim Carey fan, but he's really great here, and Ewan McGregor is, as usual, absolutely perfect.

A few clichés though.

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Inglorious Bastards 5/10

I really don't see what all the fuss is about. :shrug:

Sure it was funny in some parts, but it just seemed to drag on forever.

It was okay at best. :thinking:


Burn After Reading 2/10

This was a real let down.

The only movie worse than this was the new version of Friday the 13th.


A complete waste of time.


Candy 10/10

Best movie I've ever seen :dance:

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I wanted to see that when it came but never just did..


aslo there's pic of Jarvis Cocker wearing a yellow Osborne bull shirt just like that one haha


Aw, you should still check it out when ever you can! It's really good!


yeah yeah, I think i've seen that picture :wacko:

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One of my favourite movies :o Why didn't you like it ?


It bored me a little bit. It was okay, until Brad Pitt got shot and then I just thought, "Shit. He was the only funny one." :confused: The rest of the movie was just :facepalm: for me. But then again it's not really my kind of movie so you may like it while I don't. :thinking:




The Wolfman 8/10 Good movie, totally worth the ticket money. :cool:

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