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Dawn Of The Dead - 8 / 10


This movie was surprisingly good! In the midst of garbage zombie movies (excusing 28 Day Later) like Resident Evil, who thought a remake of Dawn Of The Dead would be worth the $13.50 it costs to see it? Good remake.

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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Remake)



The movie fails to develop character, and have a proper ending. The movie was too short. Though I did like how in this one, there is no investigation into the faimly that has gone nuts, I hate it when they do that in horror movies, when there's a mystery to solve. Otherwise, it was one hell of a climax. The movie does gets ten out of ten on cinematography and production design, it suited the mood of the story perfectly. The visuals were awesome, giving a grainy ugly look to it. Leatherface was awesome! haha

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It's an interesting idea, having the two guys wake up in the same room, not knowing how the hell they got there, and they have to figure shit out. But as soon as we get into the whole back story behind the killer, it turns into just another detective movie in the same line as "Kiss The Girls" "High Crimes" "Along Came A Spider" and "Taking Lives". Sure, the movie has some plot twists but even those are cliche now.


The guy that wrote it stars in it. For a first attempt, this movie isn't that bad. The guy knows his stuff, this movie is acceptable because it's the guy's first attempt, I think he'll do good in the future.

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