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Doctor Who ???......


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I like things with the ideas of fate etc so I quite enjoyed it.... it sort of took me back to that episode with Rose's father and when Christopher Eccleston was the Doc... and he got hit by the car? if anyone remembers.... it's all a bit back to the future isn't it! :)

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I like things with the ideas of fate etc so I quite enjoyed it.... it sort of took me back to that episode with Rose's father and when Christopher Eccleston was the Doc... and he got hit by the car? if anyone remembers.... it's all a bit back to the future isn't it! :)

yeah it reminded me of that aswell .


anyone knwo if david tennant is doing another series?

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An absolutely astonishing episode, loved every single second of it.


Donna was magnificent. I was possibly her biggest critic in TRB, and I hated her sketch show, but this series she's been a revelation from episode 2. I will miss her sooooo lol.


The weakest link (so to speak!) for me was Rose. Billie's said that she found it hard to get back into character, and that was pretty obvious to me, wasn't the Rose of old at all, not even close. And the way she was talking, had she just had major dental surgery? :\


yeah it reminded me of that aswell .


anyone knwo if david tennant is doing another series?


It's not confirmed, but I'd say it looks slightly more probable that he's staying for the time being than leaving :)


I must say I'm a bit concerned about the next two episodes. The following are all probably playing a part (and many of them for a final time):





Jack and the whole Torchwood team (including the dead ones!)

Sarah Jane and her whole team


The Trickster (SJA baddie)

PLUS the Big Bad of not only this series, but the whole of the four series so far (quite possibly)!!


Oh and there's also some character called the Doctor or something to fit in somewhere. Looks quite crowded to me! :shocked2:

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Yet another stupid episode.:veryangry:

I skipped over most of it.

The scriptwriters should be sacked.

Once again, it wasn't the idea itself, but the way it was used.

"Rose" was the only one acting seriously in the episode. Catherine Tate was once again acting like a pathetic airhead.

Something needs to be done about this before it becomes a case of Dr. Who Cares??:(

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I dont agree with you Mark.. it will be quoted in this thread I could not stand KT at the start, but yesterday she gave a superb performance, it was Billie Piper who may have struggled a little.


I will be now sad when KT goes... I hope she does not get Killed off.

Ever since the Orb she has got better and better.


I thought the re capping and butterfly effect with her turning right instead of left was amazig..

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It was kind of the point of the whole episode really, her being like that. She was a bit of a loud, self absorbed brat stuck in a dead end life until she met the Doctor, and she really needed someone in her life to tell her that there was more out there and more to her as well. He didn't just change her world, being with the Doctor transformed who she was as a person for the better. Great performance on CT's part says I- she managed to carry the whole episode on her own. What's she doing comedy for again? :\ She's better at drama.


It makes sense for Rose to be a bit different. (Though I agree it did seem like there was a bit of an actor's wobble in there. She couldn't quite get her old accent right either.) Who knows what dark paths she's walked in her other world. People her age change a lot in a couple of years (speaking from personal experience); even more so fighting aliens for Torchwood. She'd probably have to get a lot harder without the Doctor around to look after her.


It was all very Donnie Darko really, with Donna existing in a little bubble parallel universe that collapsed when she went back to die. And Sliding Doors. But what I really couldn't stop thinking of was "Whatever happened to Sarah Jane" - one of my all-time favorite episodes from the whole 'Who' universe. It's neat how they linked it back to that at the end- that the beetle was another one of 'the Trickster's' tools just like the puzzle box.


Although the box looked way cooler- the beetle still made my skin crawl (uggghhheeyy... yuck), but it did just look like cheap plastic.


Good chilling little reminder thrown in that no matter how stable we think our society is, we're only one or two big events away from... who knows what. Auschwitz, God forbid.


I want the Doctor to take me off to some crazy colourful interplanetary market like that. :bigcry:


We've really got the whole gang next week, even Luke! :stunned:




bad wolf bad wolf bad wolf bad wolf bad wolf bad wolf bad wolf bad wolf.... :sneaky:

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It was kind of the point of the whole episode really, her being like that. She was a bit of a loud, self absorbed brat stuck in a dead end life until she met the Doctor, and she really needed someone in her life to tell her that there was more out there and more to her as well. He didn't just change her world, being with the Doctor transformed who she was as a person for the better. Great performance on CT's part says I- she managed to carry the whole episode on her own. What's she doing comedy for again? :\ She's better at drama.

You summed her up well. I thought that she was very, very good in last night's episode.

Her whinging is because she is playing the character of Donna!

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^But she (and her entire family) are portrayed as "caricatures" which spoils the illusion for me.

At least Rose, Martha, and their respective families came across as believable characters, which was far better. Even the Doctor himself now seems to be turning into a parody of himself.

Since CT appeared, Dr. Who has degenerated (instead of regenerated) into slapstick.

All we need now is for them to send in the clowns!!:angry:

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A certain returning enemy apparently spoke on the new trailer at the end of Eastenders today!


And there should be either a repeat or an extended one at 6:58 on BBC2 tonight :)




'As part of the build-up to next week's epic Doctor Who adventure, The Stolen Earth, two new trailers premiere today.


We didn't want to get you out of bed too early on Sunday to see the first one on TV, so follow the link below to watch it online.


If all goes to plan, a longer trailer is due to premiere on BBC Two tonight at 6.58pm. It will be available on the site, linked from this news story, shortly after.'



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Since CT appeared, Doctor Who has turned from Doctor Who to the Catherine Tate show


I am in total agreement with you. Next she'll start wheeling out all her catchphrases like "Am I bovvered" and "How very dare you"...................... :dozey:

Dr. Who has never been this stoopid.:(

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