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I'm going to try a semi-gluten free diet, perhaps 3-4 days/wk for the whole family when her book comes out. The paps can print ignorant stuff to sell papers, a gluten free diet does wonders. Novak Djokovic has become almost unbeatable in tennis thanks to this diet, and my friend Mariana is in such a good shape because of it.

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By Joanna Crawley On March 15, 2013

Watch Out Gwyneth Paltrow! Iron Man 3 Will Feature A 'Love Triangle'


Robert Downey Jr's Tony Stark has another love


Iron Man 3 will feature a ''love triangle'' involving Robert Downey Jr's Tony Stark, Gwyneth Paltrow's Pepper Potts and one other very important part of the Iron Man franchise...


The third outing for Marvel's hero will see Downey Jr's character in love with his long suffering assistant, Paltrow's Pepper Potts. But according to Marvel boss Kevin Feige it won't be plain sailing for the fledgling couple as poor Pepper has to contend with Tony's first love- his Iron Man suits!


'The love triangle in this movie is really between Tony, Pepper and the suits. Tony, Pepper and his obsession with those suits, and the obsession with technology. And, it's sort of unique for a big superhero summer blockbuster franchise to have that kind of layers," Feige tells About.com.


Of course away from the lovey dovey stuff there's the usual blend of high octane action and a brand new baddie:


''Yes, there's a bad guy. Yes, the stakes are very, very high - the President of the United States is in danger. Air Force One is attacked. There are big stakes to this movie."




Trouble ahead: Robert Downey Jr and Gwyneth Paltrow's Iron Man 3 characters are involved in a love triangle (YouTube)


"But the real stakes are, is Tony going to be able to set aside the obsession to spend all day, every day in that workshop, tinkering with the suits in order to focus on, as he says in the trailer, the one thing that matters most: Pepper. And that actually is what the entire movie's about.''


Kevin also insisted Pepper will not be portrayed as a ''damsel in distress'' in the movie. He added: ''I will tell you this. In this movie we play with the convention of the damsel in distress. We are bored by the damsel in distress. But, sometimes we need our hero to be desperate enough in fighting for something other than just his own life. So, there is fun to be had with 'Is Pepper in danger or is Pepper the saviour?' over the course of this movie.''


Who's excited for Iron Man 3?





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David Walliams confronts celebrities he’s been ‘intimate’ with including an abtastic Gwyneth Paltrow and leather-clad Kate Moss in hilarious skit for Comic Relief


By Fay Strang


PUBLISHED: 19:16 EST, 15 March 2013 | UPDATED: 04:37 EST, 16 March 2013


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An incredible range of celebrities have appeared together in a skit alongside David Walliams in aid of Comic Relief.


In the short film, entitled David Walliams & 'Special Friends' star in David's Exes, the funny man is forced to pay a visit to anyone he’s been ‘intimate’ with in the last year under orders from TV's Doctor Christian Jessen - and it turns out to be rather an impressive roster.


But amid all of the famous faces it was Gwyneth Paltrow who opened her door in a crop top and Kate Moss dressed in a skin tight leather dress who stole the show.



Wow: Gwyneth Paltrow appears in the skit with David Walliams in a sports bra for Comic Relief


The skit begins with a view of David’s naked bottom, while he is being inspected by Doctor Christian Jessen from Embarrassing Bodies.


After his inspection the comedian, who is married to Lara Stone in real-life, is told he has to pay a visit to everyone he has slept with in the last year, suggesting that he has picked up a sexually transmitted disease of some kind.


So off David goes to begin knocking on doors, and it was none other than supermodel Kate Moss who opened the first one.





This was on BBC last night apparently

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'I feel a sisterhood emerging': Gwyneth Paltrow claims people finally like her after being wary when she won an Oscar aged 26





For most actresses it would be the crowning glory of their career.

But Gwyneth Paltrow has claimed winning an Oscar at 26 made other women wary because of her star power.

However it seems the tide is finally turning now she is 40, with the Iron Man star insisting people find her 'less threatening.'




She told Self magazine: 'I feel a sisterhood emerging around me. I’m less threatening now that I’m 40 and not 26-with-an-Oscar.

'They know I’ve been through a lot of pain and suffering – some public, some private – and I keep going.

'Or maybe it’s just that I was the first one who could afford therapy!'

Gwyneth delivered a famously over-the-top speech when she won Academy Award in 1998 for her role in Shakespeare in Love, which was something of a shock at the time as many critics believed Cate Blanchett's performance in Elizabeth was superior.


Full diary: Gwyneth's new found popularity means she is never short of social offers

And the effect of her reaching the top of the acting trade was she found it difficult to make friends.

However this has all changed, and she now boasts friendships with the likes of Cameron Diaz, Beyonce Knowles and Stella McCartney.

No doubt settling down with Coldplay singer Chris Martin has rendered the star, who once revealed the one thing she could not live without is DeGournay hand painted wallpaper, a little more grounded.

In fact her experience as a mother to daughter Apple, eight, and six-year-old son Moses, helped one of her most famous friendships.

Beyonce, who has a 14-month-old daughter Blue Ivy, previously revealed she is grateful to count the Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow actress as a pal because she understands the demands of managing a high profile career and motherhood.

She said: 'She is incredible. She's a great friend on every level.

'I think for us, protecting our daughters is so important and ... keeping things on our own terms, so I will still be protective and make sure [blue Ivy] has a childhood and a great time.'

While her popularity is currently at an all time high, on group she is not on best terms with at the moment is dieticians.

She has just released her cookbook It's All Good, which boast recipes free from coffee, alcohol, dairy, sugar, shellfish, wheat, meat, and soy.

She also revealed she avoids feeding pasta, bread or rice to her children because she believes it is bad for them.

Her decision was based on the fact that everyone in her house is apparently intolerant of gluten, dairy and chicken’s eggs.

London-based public health nutritionist Yvonne Wake said Miss Paltrow was being ‘foolish’ and that she could be doing her children harm.

She said: ‘I think it’s not a good idea, especially because her children are are thin - I’ve seen pictures of them.

‘Kids need carbohydrate because it gives them glycogen which keeps your brain going. Without it they won’t be able to think straight as their brain won’t be functioning and their thinking patterns will be slow.



‘It’s like when kids don’t have any breakfast - they will do less well at school and won’t be able to run around with the other children’.

Dr Carina Norris, a registered nutritionist, added: ‘Far too many people self-diagnose themselves with allergies, or cut out wheat to lose weight, or because they think it's bad for them.

‘Not only are they making their lives difficult, cutting out such an important food group shouldn't be done without the advice of a medical professional, as it could put them at risk of nutrient deficiencies.’

Critics have not been kind either, with Hailey Eber at the New York Post writing: 'The book reads like the manifesto to some sort of creepy healthy-girl sorority with members who use beet juice rather than permanent marker to circle the 'problem areas' on each other’s bodies.'

Esther Zuckerman at The Atlantic Wire said Paltrow's book takes 'laughable Hollywood neuroticism about eating to the next level.'




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Gwyneth Paltrow Reveals Tragic Miscarriage


Posted on Mar 16, 2013



Gwyneth Paltrow has spoken for the first time about a miscarriage she suffered.


In an emotional and candid interview with The Mail on Sunday’s You magazine, the actress says she hasn’t given up on the idea of having a third child.


“My children ask me to have a baby all the time,” she said. “And you never know, I could squeeze one more in. I am missing my third. I’m thinking about it.”


The Iron Man beauty, 40, has two children with her Coldplay frontman husband, Chris Martin.


“I had a really bad experience when I was pregnant with my third. It didn’t work out and I nearly died. So I am like, ‘Are we good here or should we go back and try again?’” she told You.


Paltrow, who didn’t reveal when the miscarriage occurred, went on to praise her rocker husband as a dad.


“To know that you had kids with such a good man is a real weight off you. We are committed co-parents, we make all the decisions together and lean on each other for support,” she said.


Paltrow caused a firestorm last week when she talked about the strict diet she feeds daughter Apple, eight, and son Moses, who turns seven next month.


As RadarOnline.com reported, she confessed that “sometimes when my family is not eating pasta, bread or processed grains like white rice, we’re left with that specific hunger that comes with avoiding carbs.”



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Remember back in 2008 when she was admitted to the hospital? The one I think Chris told the TMZ camera guy "to have some respect?" he grabbed the guys camera?? That was said she was "Fasting" or something like that, maybe that was when it was, Moses would have been 2:thinking:

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Remember back in 2008 when she was admitted to the hospital? The one I think Chris told the TMZ camera guy "to have some respect?" he grabbed the guys camera?? That was said she was "Fasting" or something like that, maybe that was when it was, Moses would have been 2:thinking:


That would explain why he acted like he did.

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I'm thinking it was the same time frame as well. Yes, the "have some respect" thing seems to fit.


Anyway, another article out has the same information, but added a couple of things:





The blonde actress also revealed seeing her pal Beyonce with her baby Blue Ivy made her “very broody.”


But she praises husband Chris Martin for being a good dad.


She added: "I chose the best father. Chris is so good to the children and to know that you had kids with such a good man is a real weight off you".

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That's very sad news. They seem to have come out of it very strong though.

Remember back in 2008 when she was admitted to the hospital? The one I think Chris told the TMZ camera guy "to have some respect?" he grabbed the guys camera?? That was said she was "Fasting" or something like that, maybe that was when it was, Moses would have been 2:thinking:
Immediately thought of that too.
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