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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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I was having lunch at a restaurant with two friends. As the 3 of us are single, we were talking about meeting boys and what we're looking for etc etc. There was music, very low, in the background. My friend had just said that she only dates tall guys, because she's tall and likes to wear heels, and I was saying that I agreed with her, when suddenly I recognized the weird sound at the beginning of Charlie Brown, stopped and said: "OMG! It's Coldplay!:o :awesome: " My friend immediately added: "Oh, and Céline's boyfriend has to like Coldplay too :nod:"



:lol: Hahaha XD

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This morning I was in the bus and looking through the window where I was seated. At some point, there were some cars parked on the street. I noticed a car whose licence plate started with CK...and the car parked right in front of that one had a licence plate that started with CB!!!! :lol:

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From Beyoncé Launches Beyhive Blog: How Is It Like Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop?


Amongst Bey’s selections for her favorite music of the moment: The Pierces’ 2011 album, You & I, which was produced by Gary Berryman, who plays bass for Coldplay … which happens to the band Paltrow’s husband, Chris Martin, is in. Coincidence? We think not!


Gary Berryman? :facepalm:

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Okay. So I've been wanting to post all of these.


This one percussionist in our band class plays the xylophone. And every time she plays it, she starts playing the lead piano part for Clocks. I always turn around and the freshman next to me is like, "Oh my god Coldplay!" Me: "Yeah I love 'em don't hate!" :D


Another is when we were watching this documentary in Govt./Econ. class called Maxed Out. It'd about credit card debt. And in the video they use the song Trouble. My expression when I heard it was :awesome: but I kept it to myself. Which was really hard to do.


People give me shit about my colored shoe laces but I just shrug them off. ;)


Well I can't think of anything else at the moment other than seeing the number 42 and the letters M and X and Y everywhere but that's normal. :lol:

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